The Official "Bitch About pxmcc" Thread

And yet, here you are monitoring and commenting when you wrote you wouldn't. Any wonder why folks think what they do about you and your lack of credibility? Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
Winner winner chicken dinner!!
TryWeakly's Avatar
I prefer chicken n waffles ...
  • pxmcc
  • 04-14-2020, 10:07 PM
phantom work with try and bb1961. the 3 of you should be able to produce a legit 500 word minimum troll post..

ya'll r getting some momentum. now lets see your magnum opus.

i recommend google docs. ya'll got this, i'm sure of it..
I won't be posting in it or monitoring it, so speak your peace. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Yeah, when...
  • pxmcc
  • 04-14-2020, 11:19 PM
Yeah, when... Originally Posted by bb1961
when you step up your troll game sir. you let me down. i know u can do better..

try is actually a pretty good troll. i'm expecting big things from the 3 of ya. back2 is a good mean troll but he's currently on "vacation" in Eccie's "Big House," but there is a way around that. ask Russ. if ur nice to him maybe..

Wakeup is a pretty good troll too. he might be able to help you in the "brainstorming" stage or some final edits..

lemme see, who am i forgetting. anyone know anybody else who can help bb1961 step up his troll game. we need like a troll dream team. heck, this is eccie; this shouldn't be that hard. wheres a good troll when you need one dammit..
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
TBoneSteak, when I get my $1200 Pelosi bucks, I'm sending the money you're way to pay you for the space I occupy in your head.

#ObamaDerangedSyndrome Originally Posted by USAsoldier

You forgot one.

Originally Posted by pxmcc
I won't be posting in it or monitoring it, so speak your peace.
boardman's Avatar
px, You're doing it wrong.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-15-2020, 07:24 AM
px, You're doing it wrong. Originally Posted by boardman
what would you suggest sir? i can't let bb1961 slide with this half-ass trolling. my thought is, if you're gonna troll, you gotta troll like a boss..

he needs some help. nothing personal sir, but as a favor, can you give him some pointers? you're not a troll, but if you wanted to be, i'd suspect that your troll game would be a1 +++ (like gfe+++ in reviews and whatnot/whathaveyou.) all trolls are created equal, but some trolls are more equal than others. so far, bb1961 is less equal than other trolls. he's way less equal, for example, than Wakeup the infamous and notorious cat herder, who presides over the food-fight forum..

wait, is that the forum WU bought so he can be considered a mod? i never fancied him to have such a bankroll. oh wait, he gets his cut of Valerie's accounts receivables. what was i thinking..

btw, why tf did crypt close the trump thread? oh wait, it was because bb1961 is such a little bitch. what was i thinking. my bad..

carry on. or wait, is it carrion. eccie is dead and decaying. full stop.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
PX you a good dude...keep regulating these guys. You're on point.
boardman's Avatar
USAsoldier's Avatar
You forgot one.

#stolenvalor Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Aww dang, you need some Pelosi rent money too Dear_Joan?? I got you boo! $600 Pelosi bucks coming you're way, and the other $600 for my other boo TBoneSteaks. We all gotta eat, boo's!

  • pxmcc
  • 04-15-2020, 11:14 PM
Aww dang, you need some Pelosi rent money too Dear_Joan?? I got you boo! $600 Pelosi bucks coming you're way, and the other $600 for my other boo TBoneSteaks. We all gotta eat, boo's!

#ModTies Originally Posted by USAsoldier
i was going to legit see if USA and i could treat tbone2 and Dear_John to some steaks, then i remembered that all the steakhouses are closed. maybe once this clusterfuck blows over. heads up i'm just an ordinary joe, nothing special. and i'm pretty sure USA has some good war stories. i have one from from my little bro when he was flying in his bird the Captain of the USS Ronald Reagan to his boat; things got a little "exciting."
  • pxmcc
  • 04-16-2020, 03:54 AM
but bb1961-btw does that mean you've been barebacking random hoes since 1961-since Boardman doesn't seem inclined to help you learn how to troll like a boss, i guess it falls to me to try to give you some helpful pointers..

first, you gotta lose the annoying little brother sthtick. no troll boss even does that.

second, you gotta do your homework, which means you gotta research. ya sorry it sucks i know. but in this case you have an absolute gold mine. you just gotta dig out the good stuff. ok i'm even going to help you out. for example,

wtf is a bully alert..

what kind of clown gives a fuck you shove to a "scary" pimp while a 2nd pimp looks on, all the while holding an awkward hobby bag. surely no one could possibly be that dumb..

what kind of moron tests bear spray from a moving bicycle firing into a brisk headwind? surely there isn't anyone that stupid, right..

what kind of retard fucks a skinny fat ho while her beached whale roommate is doing god knows what in the next bed over and literally laughs at her pimp when he makes his "unexpected and grand" entrance and tells him (the pimp) that he's fucking up the hobbyist's chi, while the skinny fat ho explains to the pimp what a hobbyist is, while the hobbyist is literally laughing so hard his stomach hurts..

surely no one is dumb enough to bet 600 bucks on a single roll of dice just because the shooter looks like he's been shooting dice from when he was still wearing Pampers..

and surely no white retard would seek out the worst hood in h-town walking at 2am in khaki shorts, a clean white t-shirt and comfy sneaks, for stress relief, no less. like wtf..

and no normal cyclist when confronted with a pack of pitbulls would identify the alpha male and aim to run him over unless he runs, and quickly, thereby killing him and scaring the beezesus out of the rest of the pack. (note to cyclists: google maps bike routes will for sure take you through a ward that will be filled with packs of hungry uncollared pits, sometimes several wards.) surely there's no one that dumb..

so step 1: research with patience. (i'll be following up with more tips and helpful hints. imma show you how to troll like a boss..)

are you with me so far sir..
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I won't be posting in it or monitoring it, so speak your peace. Originally Posted by pxmcc