The slow, painful death of Russian collusion

Well qualified to be AG, wouldn’t you think?

He’s there for one purpose.

Get one of your pals to explain it to you. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So what purpose would that be? Whitaker isn't going to be there in a few days, Barr will be. He embarrassed the know nothing Dems too. Try to keep up.
Hotrod511's Avatar
People have been charged and convicted of lying to the FBI.

Why would someone need to lie to anyone if there was absolutely nothing at all to be found?

If Mueller does conclude that there is nothing more, then so be it.

However, I'll wipe my ass with the paper that reports their is nothing to report because a republican held senate said so.

If it were a paper reporting Democrats saying that about Clinton or Obama, the only use I'd have for it would be for ass wiping too. Originally Posted by grean
well at least you are fair and balanced