Best hobby hotels/motels

luv2luv's Avatar
Can’t remember where it was, but it was a classy, high dollar hotel with a security system so tight I had to come to the lobby to get the provider I had called. Got off the elevator and there she was: 6 inch stilettos, skin tight mini shorts, see thru top with no bra, tons of jewelry, thick makeup, outrageous hair … the perfect street walker. Literally everyone in the lobby went quiet and watched me walk her to the elevator. Not my best moment.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I have seen some crazy outfits in hotels and I just say to myself ( worker bee) do you need to dress like a hooker off the streets (NO)
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Can’t remember where it was, but it was a classy, high dollar hotel with a security system so tight I had to come to the lobby to get the provider I had called. Got off the elevator and there she was: 6 inch stilettos, skin tight mini shorts, see thru top with no bra, tons of jewelry, thick makeup, outrageous hair … the perfect street walker. Literally everyone in the lobby went quiet and watched me walk her to the elevator. Not my best moment. Originally Posted by luv2luv
Your interpretation of the "quiet lobby" was that there was a sense of disgust and distain. If I had been in that lobby, my silence would have been from a jealous admiration that there's a guy who's about to enjoy an hour of carnal release. How fun is that?!
mtabsw's Avatar
Avoid places that require a guest card to work the elevators

That said, I saw Pistol Marks when she had an incall at Le Meridian and had to come get me and bring me up to her room - shortest, tightest dress in the world. If anyone was watching, they sure as hell weren't looking at me.
ihump@amps's Avatar
First, I always stop prior to and grab a couple bottles of waters. So when I'm seen carrying the bag, it looks like I just went to the store. I always test a side door if they have one. If someone inside sees me I they'll let you in. I just say thank you and that I left it in the room with my girlfriend.
Most importantly is I will ask for a layout of the lobby. That way when I walk in I know exactly where I'm going and don't look lost.

When I leave my clothes are a mess, hair is in knots, beard is drenched and Im grinning ear to ear.
ihump@amps's Avatar
Accidentally double posted