Question about phone numbers..

Guest022210's Avatar
Oh, and Father Lookin, I'm a lost cause, a lost cause indeed :P Im on my way now to Sin City and then straight on to San Francisco where I'm sure I'll do all kinds of evil.

I'm out folks, going on vacation, be back next week. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Go in peace my child.You will find penitence aplenty in Lost Wages
At the end of the day... it's just a phone number!
sparkey027's Avatar
thanks for all the interesting responses. it was more of a curiosity question than a ' im scared to call' question. i know full well that i occasionally dial ' wrong ' numbers and such. unless someone is face to face the disconnect is as simple as a push of a button..
Lily it may seem to be far fetched to you but factual and honest . Im not in the habit of saying what a guy wants to hear just because it makes me look good or its what they want to hear. I never said that the le has the time to monitor every girl and hobbyist but as we all know they do busts they have been known to bust hobbyist and use his information to bust a provider thats the risk you take in this business. The idea is make sure that you want to have as little papertrail as possible so they have less to go on... To protect youself and your clients privacy as much as possible

NOw I agree you cant let paranoia get to you and you should have always fun but its always best to be safe and take as few risks as possible. So thank you very much as wrong as you guys think I am I will continue to forward, forward my calls as well as the other saftey measure I take to protect my regulars and newbies privacy and information... Because in the end it is all about protecting everyones privacy at all costs while still having some really great fun

Also you are right its a misdeamnor for the first three times just in case check Arkansas code because after the third , or is it the fourth time it becomes a felony.(I forget which) If you are caught with "something" they can make it a felony the first time... but that is different topic all together

Bottom line be safe , take precautions...Have fun in the hobby but do it safely...

That all sounds pretty far fetched. But I guess better safe than sorry. Guys, unless u want be used as a pawn by the police to get to us, do not call any of us. Give up all hope of getting laid and make sure you burn the computer you're using at the moment as soon as u finish reading this, as I'm sure the police are monitoring u right now and can use your membership here as evidence against u in the case the FBI is building on all of us. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
basically this is directed to the providers..but anyone can feel free to chime in here..
most of the requests state ' no blocked or private calls' , etc. and i totally can understand this, and the reasons behind it.
but my question is: what do you do with the numbers after the conversation is concluded? are they immediately deleted, etc? and this is prob a beside-the-point point if phone records are pulled, but i was wondering. wouldnt be too cool to have a phone seized with a ready made list of contacts.. Originally Posted by sparkey027
No blocked/no anon?
Because I want to know who's calling. It's that simple.

No text? It's a form of written evidence and also because people tend to not think & text rather than think & text.

Maybe I'm a rarity? (though I don't believe so) Damn right I delete all call logs on my play phone. At least daily. Always every time I charge the battery. I don't keep info on my phones or on my laptop.
I recognize who's calling by their number. You block it, I'm not answering and I don't have voicemail on my playphone so ..we aint talkin much less anything else.
As for LE & busts and using your technology against you, that's a whole different discussion.
In the end it always goes back to the Risk to Reward Ratio. You - and only you - have to decide what amount of risk you are willing to take to get your reward. There is no risk free in this hobby. If you want No Risk, the train thing is a good idea. When I started, someone told me "A little paranoia is a good thing to have in this business." And it is.
I agree Babee