badhusband's Avatar
Did he request you eat corn or anything else specific before the date?
I guess he might take the phrase literally "I'd eat the corn out of HER s#*t"!!
Solemate62's Avatar
Did he request you eat corn or anything else specific before the date?
I guess he might take the phrase literally "I'd eat the corn out of HER s#*t"!! Originally Posted by badhusband
Thanks. I may never be able to eat corn again after reading this!
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Is having sex with a ***cannot discuss this. Against the guidelines even as an example. EW*** normal.... fuck no, just because people do fucked up shit doesn't make it normal or right, some people like killing people, is it ok if it turns them on, of course not, some people like fucking *** see above***, I'm surprise someone hadn't posted a thread on doing that, everything is not sexual some things are just perverted, sick and those people needs to be removed from the gene pool.
There are some weirdos who are into this. I like normal stuff like bbfs and creampie. I have posted about my bowel issues and having to defecate in parking lots and stuff like that. But it's because of bad food or whatever. I don't get some weird thrill from it.
Hi Simply T. I sell scat clips. Trust me the request you got is pretty normal. You should check out the scat site to see how people enjoy scat.

There are some people in this biz who can get judgmental but if it is between 2 consenting adults and you get paid, to hell with the negative opinions.

I don't want anyone taking a shit on me but I will happily take one on them if they like.
I just want to know at what point in their life they said..

" man i want some one to shit on me"
tracer's Avatar
Is having sex with a *** normal.... fuck no, just because people do fucked up shit doesn't make it normal or right, some people like killing people, is it ok if it turns them on, of course not, some people like fucking ***, I'm surprise someone hadn't posted a thread on doing that, everything is not sexual some things are just perverted, sick and those people needs to be removed from the gene pool. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Well said and exactly on point.

Saying there are hundreds of people into this doesn't make it normal or right. It simply speaks to how corrupted and bankrupt our culture has become.
Although I am not into this particular activity--I do think comparing this to Pedophilia and Bestiality is a needlessly inflammatory escalation. There is a GIANT distinction between Brown Showers and the two you mentioned..That distinction is the ability for ADULTS to CONSENT....AND the purpose is not to cause permanent damage. (Which is why snuff, castration and Vore fantasies are also off limits in my world). I guarantee you there is not a SP on the entire planet that will EVER force you to participate or watch this activity in any form...unless you ask...Please leave the judging to the vanilla people that don;t approve of anyone doing other than Mish. And I would argue that Slavery, Scarlet A's and Pillories for adulterers, Women not allowed to enter the workforce or vote, Gays required to remain in the closet or be arrested for being a sodomite, Pregnant unmarried teens required to live in the convents, and Interracial marriage being verboten or the Black gets lynched are all FAR WORSE indicators of corruption and bankruptcy in our culture...But we called that "The good ole days"...Give me the freedom to do whatever I want in my bedroom ANY day!!
tracer's Avatar
Although I am not into this particular activity--I do think comparing this to Pedophilia and Bestiality is a needlessly inflammatory escalation. There is a GIANT distinction between Brown Showers and the two you mentioned..That distinction is the ability for ADULTS to CONSENT....AND the purpose is not to cause permanent damage. (Which is why snuff, castration and Vore fantasies are also off limits in my world). I guarantee you there is not a SP on the entire planet that will EVER force you to participate or watch this activity in any form...unless you ask...Please leave the judging to the vanilla people that don;t approve of anyone doing other than Mish. And I would argue that Slavery, Scarlet A's and Pillories for adulterers, Women not allowed to enter the workforce or vote, Gays required to remain in the closet or be arrested for being a sodomite, Pregnant unmarried teens required to live in the convents, and Interracial marriage being verboten or the Black gets lynched are all FAR WORSE indicators of corruption and bankruptcy in our culture...But we called that "The good ole days"...Give me the freedom to do whatever I want in my bedroom ANY day!! Originally Posted by CactusIago
People not capable of comprehending orders of magnitude in things will continue to confound me. I am so tempted to engage you on this silliness, but will likely only have patience for one run at it. Here goes....

Let's say that all the examples you list, we grant as bad. Let's say we completely agree that they are remnants of darker times for freedom, not the good old days. Does that mean there should be no tolerance for personal discretion in morality? Should that mean that the only good judgment of others is yours which condemns judgment? That doesn't strike you as ironic? I haven't seen anyone suggesting that the referenced activities should be illegal; only that some find it repulsive and disturbing. Isn't it rather simple minded reasoning to not understand that your condemnation of them for exercising moral judgment is in itself a moral judgment? I will stand and fight when others want to restrict your behavior, but we revisit dark times for freedom when we 'progress' so far
in our free thinking that we discourage thinking that is different than our own.
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
I get asked every now & then. I'm happy to give, but receiving is a definite no. I don't judge consenting activities btwn adults. If they like it, I love it
  • Blaze
  • 09-05-2014, 04:36 PM
Although I am not into this particular activity--I do think comparing this to Pedophilia and Bestiality is a needlessly inflammatory escalation. There is a GIANT distinction between Brown Showers and the two you mentioned..That distinction is the ability for ADULTS to CONSENT....AND the purpose is not to cause permanent damage. (Which is why snuff, castration and Vore fantasies are also off limits in my world). I guarantee you there is not a SP on the entire planet that will EVER force you to participate or watch this activity in any form...unless you ask...Please leave the judging to the vanilla people that don;t approve of anyone doing other than Mish. And I would argue that Slavery, Scarlet A's and Pillories for adulterers, Women not allowed to enter the workforce or vote, Gays required to remain in the closet or be arrested for being a sodomite, Pregnant unmarried teens required to live in the convents, and Interracial marriage being verboten or the Black gets lynched are all FAR WORSE indicators of corruption and bankruptcy in our culture...But we called that "The good ole days"...Give me the freedom to do whatever I want in my bedroom ANY day!! Originally Posted by CactusIago
I agree wholeheartedly! I've given a Golden shower on several occasions and would give a brown shower if requested. I would like to add a stipulation though, would not on the face. That is beyond my personal realm of comfort.

I am of the belief that when a responsible consenting adult plays out their fantasies with another consenting adult, it is healthy. If it borders or crosses a line in which they could become ill, hurt, or even death,,, they knew the risks prior and would hopefully be prepared to seek medical intervention.

Those acts in which someone is not consenting, is a crime and wrong.
universalenergy's Avatar
Was that Bonn11? You are what you eat or drink.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm asked for it several times a year. Not frequently but more frequently than one might expect.

For now, I decline although that wasn't always the case. Last year, I tried it. And I couldn't. I have performance issues, I guess.

So now, I just decline. But also, it's entirely possible for me to change my mind.

To each their own.

I don't think that it's right to judge. If it's not for you, then don't do it. Comparing the whole scat thing to what some consider sexual crimes against others is just wrong.

I remember when I first read the Marquis de Sade and being shocked by all of the scat that was written about in several of his shorter stories. And longer ones. It's been around forever.

Interesting answers. Thanks for the topic!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I agree wholeheartedly! I've given a Golden shower on several occasions and would give a brown shower if requested. I would like to add a stipulation though, would not on the face. That is beyond my personal realm of comfort.

I am of the belief that when a responsible consenting adult plays out their fantasies with another consenting adult, it is healthy. If it borders or crosses a line in which they could become ill, hurt, or even death,,, they knew the risks prior and would hopefully be prepared to seek medical intervention.

Those acts in which someone is not consenting, is a crime and wrong. Originally Posted by Blaze
Very well put, Blaze. And welcome to Another Realm! It's nice to see you posting here.

ok so have a quick question. .. how often do you get asked to give or receive brown showers ?? I'm into fetish but this was a bit much for me .. ...this guy had me shit in his mouth and make him eat it all down to last drop .?...... at first I declined cuz I thought he was bullshitting but he wasn't bullshitting at all I just want to know your input on this and is it normal ?? cuz it felt wierd even though I wasn't receiving it?

Originally Posted by Simply T
That's not a fetish. That's a sickness. There's probably medication for this type of anomaly, and don't anybody better give me that "To each his own" bullshit". Cause I don't want to hear it. This forum maybe about sex and sexual practices but I don't think sexual deviants is part of it. If you felt strange participating well then there is hope for ya.
