Where's the Outrage?

BiggestBest's Avatar
... My personal belief is that we should divert some unspent stimulas money or make a cut in the pork somewhere ... Originally Posted by dirty dog
OK as long as it's not MY pork.

Aye ... there's the rub ... LOL
undrtkr's Avatar
The unemployed are getting hosed but not because the extension didn't get passed. It is because the current administration and congress are sitting on their laurels and lining their pockets. That's the real story. This administration has had a year and a half and yet all they do is whine and complain about the "mess" they inherited. You've had a year and a half! Stop whining and complaining and fix it! This administration and congress is pathetic. I'm really hoping all this chatter and anger among Americans is not just talk and shows in 2012. Something has to be done. It's getting downright ridiculous.
Bartman1963's Avatar

Perhaps Congress should filibuster. That would be constructive!

I have an idea. How about people actually try something new? Like working together?
dirty dog's Avatar
The is to much polarization for that to happen Bart.
nsafun05's Avatar
The best way to solve our country's problems is to lock the doors to congress after everyone goes home at night and not let any of the SOB's back in. IMHO, they can't f*ck anything up if they can't get in.
Longermonger's Avatar
This administration has had a year and a half and yet all they do is whine and complain about the "mess" they inherited. You've had a year and a half! Originally Posted by undrtkr
Correction: messES, plural.
Now, those messes were created over a long period of time. And we all know it takes longer to clean up a mess than to make one.

Mess #1: Afghanistan. Invasion and occupation started during Republican Administration. Left for Obama to clean up.
Mess #2: Iraq. Invasion and occupation started during Republican Administration. Left for Obama to clean up.
Mess #3: Economy. Economic collapse started during Republican Administration. Left for Obama to clean up. (Thank Obama that we only have 10% unemployment instead of 20-25%.)
Mess #4: BP oil spill. Spill happened during Obama Administration, but lax regulatory environment was a legacy from Republican Administration. (I think they were chanting "Drill, Baby drill!" back then.)
Mess #5: Healthcare. Republican Administration let it slide for 8 years. Obama gets shit for trying to fix it.
Mess #6: Mexicans. Previous Administration (Repubicans) didn't do anything for 8 years. Then they act like Mexicans just started crossing the border when Obama took office. Laughable!
Mess #7: Bin Laden. The previous Republican Administration didn't kill or capture him. They bungled the job for years. So far Obama has failed to do any better for 1.5 years...but you never hear any outrage from Republicans. They've either forgotten about him or pray...PRAY that Obama doesn't get him. They'd never be able to live that down. Ever.
Mess #8: North Korea. Blah, blah, blah. Same shit as above. Another nice bag of poop left by the Republicans.
Mess #9: Global Climate Change. Republicans just denied that it even existed, or denied that it was human caused, or denied that it was possible to do anything about it, or denied that it was driven by greenhouse gasses. They denied as much as they could for as long as they could. I expect them to change their minds about it and blame Obama for not fixing it fast enough. That way they can make political points. LOL

Mess#10: Iran. Republicans didn't do shit (again). They left it for Obama (again).

Mess #11 Pirates. Yes, fucking pirates! Besides all the other shit Obama has to do, he's got to deal with Somali pirates on the other side of the fucking world. Thanks for nothing Republicans. You couldn't even take care of a pirate problem in 8 years?!? Sheeesh!
undrtkr's Avatar
Wow longer, you really are a tool for the liberal mindset. How pathetic. Sure he "inherited" some messes. So does every President. Stop whining, get over it, grow some stones and do something about it. But instead of doing something about the current issue, which is jobs, he creates even more of a mess like Healthcare reform which is his baby and his alone. So when that tanks, and it will, I will blame him for that mess from here to eternity. A majority of American's couldn't give a flip about Healthcare reform at the moment. Sure, when they have a job they might care but not now.

But wait you say, he and congress did do something about jobs. He passed a massive, pork laden stimulus package. And how is that working for ya? They're now talking about another pork laden stimulus bill because the last one hasn't put a dent in the unemployment rate. Obama is a worthless piece of shit who couldn't lead rats to cheese.

By the way, the real unemployment rate is around 17-20%. The guv'ment fudges the numbers to make them look good.


dirty dog's Avatar
Wow longer, you really are a tool for the liberal mindset. How pathetic. Sure he "inherited" some messes. So does every President. Stop whining, get over it, grow some stones and do something about it. But instead of doing something about the current issue, which is jobs, he creates even more of a mess like Healthcare reform which is his baby and his alone. So when that tanks, and it will, I will blame him for that mess from here to eternity. A majority of American's couldn't give a flip about Healthcare reform at the moment. Sure, when they have a job they might care but not now.

But wait you say, he and congress did do something about jobs. He passed a massive, pork laden stimulus package. And how is that working for ya? They're now talking about another pork laden stimulus bill because the last one hasn't put a dent in the unemployment rate. Obama is a worthless piece of shit who couldn't lead rats to cheese.

By the way, the real unemployment rate is around 17-20%. The guv'ment fudges the numbers to make them look good.


http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com...ment-rate.aspx Originally Posted by undrtkr
Your wasting your time taker, best thing is to just ignore him, most of the stuff he types he does not even believe in, he does it to stir up the other side. Anyone with a brain knows that Korea and Iran have been a problem a lot longer than the last 8 years. Our problems in Iran started with the overthrow of the shaw and the taking of hostages, which I am sure you know was on Carters watch. Korea has been a problem for ever, Clinton has several situations. Health care has been a problem for a lot longer than 8 year, Clinton tried to overhaul healthcare in his first year, remember Hillary was in charge. Monger likes to bend the facts to fit his opinion instead of having an opinion of the facts. If you dont believe me, read his reviews.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They all take office promising to correct the previous administration's mistakes, then spend the rest of their term whining about what they inherited, instead of actually correcting them. Oh, and by the way, it wasn't the previous administration that gave BP a safety award, that was the current one. They can share the blame for what happened, but the fiasco of the cleanup is all Obama. But it's ok, it is something the next president can promise to fix, and then whine about what he/she inherited.
Not to belabor the point, but would someone point out to me the mistakes in the Clinton administration that W. whined about during his administration, or, more to the point, the specific issue that W. placed the blame on the Clinton administration specifically? Mind you, he only had 8 months and 21 days to complain about the previous administration.

Now, I am specifically asking for quotes where W. blamed the previous administration - not his surrogates, not his Cabinet, not his Vice President - but W. specifically, along with the link to the quote and its source - and the source has to be from the MSM, not from a liberal blog site. It is my premise that W. did not ever blame the Clinton administration for any troubles from Jan. 20, 2001 through Jan 20, 2009 - if I am wrong on this, please provide the exact quote in which W. did this.

Oh, and undrtkr....nicely done.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Well, as the Obama team likes to say, never let a good crisis go unused. I guess the repubs left them a target rich environment.

No doubt there was some messes.

But the recent change in describing employment has went from "making or saving" X million jobs to something like, well, it could be worse. That is not something that can be fact checked and is pure bullshit.

And the MMS did and does have a poor legacy of being tied to the industry it regulates, but I think that has been going on for many years and administrations. Plus, Obama did appoint the new head, who then walked the plank
We cannot successfully get out of our current financial mess, if people insist on pegging it completely on George Bush. Its complicated, it actually dates back to Carter in some respects, but largely to a change in banking rules passed nearly unanimously by both parties during the Clinton years. I have some problems with Bush as well....

But if we (and the administration for crying out loud) do nothing more than point a finger at Bush, we will never get out of this.

25% of the country just does not pay attention (I saw a poll yesterday that only 74% of the people know what Independence Day is about). Its up to the remaining 3/4 to be adult enough to fix problems...not whip up the dumbed down 25% for political purposes.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Not to belabor the point, but would someone point out to me the mistakes in the Clinton administration that W. whined about during his administration, or, more to the point, the specific issue that W. placed the blame on the Clinton administration specifically? Mind you, he only had 8 months and 21 days to complain about the previous administration.

Now, I am specifically asking for quotes where W. blamed the previous administration - not his surrogates, not his Cabinet, not his Vice President - but W. specifically, along with the link to the quote and its source - and the source has to be from the MSM, not from a liberal blog site. It is my premise that W. did not ever blame the Clinton administration for any troubles from Jan. 20, 2001 through Jan 20, 2009 - if I am wrong on this, please provide the exact quote in which W. did this.

Oh, and undrtkr....nicely done. Originally Posted by fritz3552
Well Bush entered the WH almost night and day difference from Obama. Clinton left Bush with a budget surplus and Bush turned the Budget surplus into a huge budget defecit. Now without picking side one would have to be very naive to say that Obama didn't have a lot of shit left over to fix and a lot of that you can't fix in 1 & 1/2 years I am sorry but that's the truth. It would have been very wrong to blame Reagan for inflation and the Middle East crisis after Carter fucked it up. However, I don't care who would have been office even if it were a Republican they either would still be fixing Bush mess or adding to it- and guys whether you hate Obama or if you are a die hard conservative the fact of the matter is we are still feeling the pains from the Bush administration and it is what it is fellas.Lounger is right in some aspects but he's wrong in others- Iran has been causing problems since their revolution in 1979- Korea has caused problems for several administrations. Somalia was a thorn in the C,linton administration-lounger remember Black Hawk Down????
Here is a link that explains why we did not have a surplus at all during the Clinton years:


I really don't like being in the position of defending Bush, but we have to know how we got here. Now much of the fake Clinton surplus (really deficit) can also be attributed to the GOP controlled congress at the time, so I'm not saying he was completely responsible.

Most of this intra-governmental borrowing used to cloud the true deficit was from the social security fund. Al Gore himself made cessation of this practice a campaign item...remember all the 'lock box' talk.

Collectively, we should all call BULLSHIT whenever any government figure massages numbers, uses intra-governmental borrowing, or tricks with the treasury department to lie about the true financial outlook of the country.

There is no free lunch. If the government treated financials as simply as one would do with a checkbook, we wouldn't have these problems....

...but letting the financial wizards and economists working for the federal government inform us about the debt and deficit is no different than looking for provider adds on a PD bulletin board.

As for the matter at hand...extension of unemployment benefits....all the GOP asked is 'How do we pay for it?' I think its a valid question...as I look at the dismantling of Greece, and soon more European nations...it may be the time to start making the checkbook balance. Want to extend the benefits...fine...but don't use the executive branch to bestow $2 billion on the solar energy sector (as just happened)...and btw, how does the GOP block anything in the senate, with the DNC holding a supermajority?

....and I'd be a little happier if congress had not just 'deemed and passed' an imaginary budget, missing little details like: revenue projection and expense projection (you know, things that would define it as a budget). As far as I'm concerned, every congressman who voted for this should not be re-elected.
Well Bush entered the WH almost night and day difference from Obama. Clinton left Bush with a budget surplus and Bush turned the Budget surplus into a huge budget defecit. Now without picking side one would have to be very naive to say that Obama didn't have a lot of shit left over to fix and a lot of that you can't fix in 1 & 1/2 years I am sorry but that's the truth. It would have been very wrong to blame Reagan for inflation and the Middle East crisis after Carter fucked it up. However, I don't care who would have been office even if it were a Republican they either would still be fixing Bush mess or adding to it- and guys whether you hate Obama or if you are a die hard conservative the fact of the matter is we are still feeling the pains from the Bush administration and it is what it is fellas.Lounger is right in some aspects but he's wrong in others- Iran has been causing problems since their revolution in 1979- Korea has caused problems for several administrations. Somalia was a thorn in the C,linton administration-lounger remember Black Hawk Down???? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
While you referenced my post, you never did respond with a quote made by W. that criticized Clinton. Why is it when Democrats have no response to directly answer a question, they obvuscate and try and rationalize their point of view? If you cannot respond with an answer to a post, please do not quote that post in your response.

And we are feeling the pains from the Democrat-controlled Congress of Jan. 2007, which began and accelerated the economic decline we are in now.