Scat Brownies

universalenergy's Avatar
You are what you eat.
tracer's Avatar
Reading comprehension wasn't your strong point in school was it? Read the second bolded word in my last response. Think real hard. Originally Posted by SAangel27
Not quite sure why the hostility, but whatever. If I was inclined to return the animosity I would ask how you did in biology because you might have learned about concentrated bacteria and other unpleasantries that making eating human waste unsafe.

I mean this part with no sarcasm intended. It is for you and the guy who quoted me claiming hostility. I know it is often misunderstood these days, but disagreement does not mean hostility. I disagree with you. I don't hate you or even mildly dislike you for that fact, I just simply disagree. I am not being hostile, rude or hateful because I disagree with you. It is not necessary to be angry at every person with whom you disagree. I am of the opinion that this activity is unsafe and should fall in a range that is beyond just coloring outside the lines. I didn't say we should outlaw it or stone people who practice it.

Your position is one of complete and total tolerance....for everyone who agrees with you . How very enlightened.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Alright. I'm watching this topic.

Let's keep things civil. It does seem as if most are trying.


P.S. How did I miss this topic last night? I cannot take much more reading about poop before 8 (8:16) AM. Lordie.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Jonathan Swift had a great line about enjoying whatever poison you want, so long as it isn't vended in public. While I see the conflict, this discussion is a bit too public for my liking, but it's a judgement call.

In the evolution of species, it remains to be seen whether eating shit will be an trait of those who survive or not. I hope not, but there are examples of medicinal positives.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Hey. I'm all for playing Devil's advocate!

High end coffee from poop (well, sortof!):

I just looked it up on Wiki for simplicity. But there have been plenty of articles about the cost of this type of coffee and what problems it's causing to the environment in other ways.

I've often wondered just HOW did someone figure out that the beans from the poop of a rodent (is a civet a rodent?) makes for some wonderful tasting coffee.

Maybe someone who wants those brownies will come up with something similar?

Not quite sure why the hostility, but whatever. If I was inclined to return the animosity I would ask how you did in biology because you might have learned about concentrated bacteria and other unpleasantries that making eating human waste unsafe.

I mean this part with no sarcasm intended. It is for you and the guy who quoted me claiming hostility. I know it is often misunderstood these days, but disagreement does not mean hostility. I disagree with you. I don't hate you or even mildly dislike you for that fact, I just simply disagree. I am not being hostile, rude or hateful because I disagree with you. It is not necessary to be angry at every person with whom you disagree. I am of the opinion that this activity is unsafe and should fall in a range that is beyond just coloring outside the lines. I didn't say we should outlaw it or stone people who practice it.

Your position is one of complete and total tolerance....for everyone who agrees with you . How very enlightened. Originally Posted by tracer
You willfully misunderstood me by asking if I would agree with snuff/multilation if one of the people consented. This totally ignores the fact that I stressed "safely" in my second post. Someone dying? Unsafe. Lasting physical harm? Unsafe.

So yes, I get hostile when people take my words and twist them to improve their own arguments. Also, I did minor in Bio during undergrad. Thank you so much for inquiring.

Shigella, E. Coli, Salmonella, campylobacter, Entamoeba histolytica, parasites and their eggs, and Hepatitis A and E are killed by the heat exposure that is present in baking brownies. I never said I approved of all Coprophagia just that this form was relatively safe.

Did I ever tell you that you should stop feeling how you feel? No. Did I say anything about how others should react? No. If one reads my words carefully you will find that my statements were about how I choose to approach the original subject of this entire thread, cooked human feces.

You keep trying to make sweeping generalizations about how I feel or think. I had no problem with you disagreeing with my views. Again, my only problem with you is that you took my words and blatantly twisted them how you saw fit to strengthen your own argument. I will not be used that way.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
There is a difference between overt hostility and the spirit of debate.

Let's keep with the spirit of provocative back and forths.

tracer's Avatar
You willfully misunderstood me by asking if I would agree with snuff/multilation if one of the people consented. This totally ignores the fact that I stressed "safely" in my second post. Someone dying? Unsafe. Lasting physical harm? Unsafe.

So yes, I get hostile when people take my words and twist them to improve their own arguments. Also, I did minor in Bio during undergrad. Thank you so much for inquiring.

Shigella, E. Coli, Salmonella, campylobacter, Entamoeba histolytica, parasites and their eggs, and Hepatitis A and E are killed by the heat exposure that is present in baking brownies. I never said I approved of all Coprophagia just that this form was relatively safe.

Did I ever tell you that you should stop feeling how you feel? No. Did I say anything about how others should react? No. If one reads my words carefully you will find that my statements were about how I choose to approach the original subject of this entire thread, cooked human feces.

You keep trying to make sweeping generalizations about how I feel or think. I had no problem with you disagreeing with my views. Again, my only problem with you is that you took my words and blatantly twisted them how you saw fit to strengthen your own argument. I will not be used that way. Originally Posted by SAangel27
I may indeed have misunderstood you and I am sorry if I did, but it was not willful. As we have never met, I am not clear how you presume to know me well enough to read my intentions so completely. I have at no point expressed any animosity toward you. Some people are just incapable of civil discourse. Have a great day, I give up.
  • Blaze
  • 09-06-2014, 03:45 PM
I'm not a guy!

I mean this part with no sarcasm intended. It is for you and the guy who quoted me claiming hostility. Originally Posted by tracer
Although, I am the one who said "hostility" and that term stemmed from reading the replies to this and the other thread in this forum concerning poo. When quoting I made an oopsy not to be confused with poopsy. I meant to quote Dreamvacationdates. My intent was not to single out anyone in particular, but to those coming into this forum, which is clearly defined as,,,

Another Realm
This forum is designed for those exploring alternative sexual practices and lifestyles. Whether a seasoned veteran of this scene, a newbie, or simply interested in broadening your sexual horizons, we hope you'll find the content of this forum stimulating and informative.
Being very judgmental, knowing this forum contains subject matter that doesn't always apply to the so called hobby norms. I understand the forums are open to anyone for discussion, but still.

What movie? Ohh ya, The Bucket List and coffee!

Guest010619's Avatar
Do scat eaters disregard the '3 second rule'?
Do scat eaters disregard the '3 second rule'? Originally Posted by ugotme10
Omg! This made me literally lol!
Mojojo's Avatar
Do scat eaters disregard the '3 second rule'? Originally Posted by ugotme10
Ok that was some funny shit!
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
You willfully misunderstood me by asking if I would agree with snuff/multilation if one of the people consented. This totally ignores the fact that I stressed "safely" in my second post. Someone dying? Unsafe. Lasting physical harm? Unsafe.

So yes, I get hostile when people take my words and twist them to improve their own arguments. Also, I did minor in Bio during undergrad. Thank you so much for inquiring.

Shigella, E. Coli, Salmonella, campylobacter, Entamoeba histolytica, parasites and their eggs, and Hepatitis A and E are killed by the heat exposure that is present in baking brownies. I never said I approved of all Coprophagia just that this form was relatively safe.

Did I ever tell you that you should stop feeling how you feel? No. Did I say anything about how others should react? No. If one reads my words carefully you will find that my statements were about how I choose to approach the original subject of this entire thread, cooked human feces.

You keep trying to make sweeping generalizations about how I feel or think. I had no problem with you disagreeing with my views. Again, my only problem with you is that you took my words and blatantly twisted them how you saw fit to strengthen your own argument. I will not be used that way. Originally Posted by SAangel27
What makes Cousin Jed the sheep humper worse than Marty Goldberg the feces infused brownie eater? Just curious.
universalenergy's Avatar
What makes Cousin Jed the sheep humper worse than Marty Goldberg the feces infused brownie eater? Just curious. Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas
See #22 about Cousin Jed activity.
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
See #22 about Cousin Jed activity. Originally Posted by universalenergy
I don't get your point? You may have misunderstood the spirit of what I was writing. I was asking SAangel27a specific question about her opinion.