ADIOS, AMERICA.............

"you have something like 2.4 trillion people in the uni...err world that live on $2 a year"...

Hmmmm doesn't seem like rhetoric to me. Especially when the actual number hovers around the exact same...except in billions.

Sounds more like an ignorant bitch who didn't pay enough attention in school.

She clearly has no idea what the human population is....2 Trillion? Jesus Christ. Seems like she just read the statistic somewhere and it didn't even register with her how utterly absurd TWO TRILLION sounds.

A rock could probably tell you better. Originally Posted by shanm
Don't be an idiot. She obviously just misspoke.

Saying "tirllion" when you mean "billion" is just a slip of the tongue, not a real belief.

She was probably thinking of our astronomic national debt and "trillion" just naturally slipped out.
You would think Shamwow would get it.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Why? You don't.
wellendowed1911's Avatar

  • On building a border wall: “People who live in gated communities tell us fences don’t work.”

  • On welfare: “Today’s immigrants aren’t coming here to breathe free, they’re coming to live for free.”

  • On how the media shut down the immigration debate: “It can be difficult to discuss America’s immigration policies when it’s considered racist merely to say, ‘We liked America the way it was.’”

  • The Democrats have always regarded “immigration reform” as a way to stuff the ballot box—starting with Ted Kennedy’s immigration law of 1965.

  • The Democrats know that by changing the makeup of our population they can deliver themselves a permanent majority. Immigration “amnesty” will do just that overnight; continuing our current legal immigration policy will do it within ten or twenty years.
We need to stop this madness. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlaway I would like to know what is meant by her last statement? Is she saying America should stay White? Do you see how someone can take that statement and apply it to the voter registration laws that tended to target minorities specifically African-Americans?
Whirlaway I would like to know what is meant by her last statement? Is she saying America should stay White? Do you see how someone can take that statement and apply it to the voter registration laws that tended to target minorities specifically African-Americans? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Not to butt in, but that's not what she is saying at all. Black voters for the last fifty years have been voting Democratic exclusively. More, and more black voters are beginning to walk away from the Democratic party. So the Democrats need a another voter base they can dumb down. What better group than desperate immigrants from Central and South America. That's why "Amnesty" is the big word in immigration reform. The Democrats have never delivered what they promised to Black Americans.

ADIOS, AMERICA.................... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
TrendingIdiot ... don't let the door hit you in the ass ... on your way out!
Not to butt in, but that's not what she is saying at all. Black voters for the last fifty years have been voting Democratic exclusively. More, and more black voters are beginning to walk away from the Democratic party. So the Democrats need a another voter base they can dumb down. What better group than desperate immigrants from Central and South America. That's why "Amnesty" is the big word in immigration reform. The Democrats have never delivered what they promised to Black Americans.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
There's no proof for what you contend. It scares the shit out of republicans, because they've been nothing but shitty to immigrants since forever, and now they need them. How ironic.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Not to butt in, but that's not what she is saying at all. Black voters for the last fifty years have been voting Democratic exclusively. More, and more black voters are beginning to walk away from the Democratic party. So the Democrats need a another voter base they can dumb down. What better group than desperate immigrants from Central and South America. That's why "Amnesty" is the big word in immigration reform. The Democrats have never delivered what they promised to Black Americans.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Are you talking about Herman Caine, Michael Steele and Ben Carson???? Those 3 guys do represent Black America- please produce stats are state that you don't have facts and you are just talking out your ass.
There's no proof for what you contend. It scares the shit out of republicans, because they've been nothing but shitty to immigrants since forever, and now they need them. How ironic. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I wouldn't say Republicans have been shitty to immigrants. They've just been realistic. The Democrats have been blowing smoke up the black voters asses so long now, that black voters are getting wiser. There is a lot of truth to what I contend. Prove it wrong or move on.

The Democrats have been blowing smoke up the black voters asses so long now, that black voters are getting wiser. There is a lot of truth to what I contend. Prove it wrong or move on. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
"Prove it" RIGHT "or move on."
Are you talking about Herman Caine, Michael Steele and Ben Carson???? Those 3 guys do represent Black America- please produce stats are state that you don't have facts and you are just talking out your ass. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I am talking about black voters that generally vote democratic. Many aren't anymore.

I wouldn't say Republicans have been shitty to immigrants. They've just been realistic. The Democrats have been blowing smoke up the black voters asses so long now, that black voters are getting wiser. There is a lot of truth to what I contend. Prove it wrong or move on.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Look at the balls on this motherfucker. Since when, around here, do you get to just say something and not get called on it? You need a refresher course on the burden of proof. YOU made the contention that black voters were leaving in droves, therefore the burden to prove this statement rests with YOU. Prove it correct or be a bitch tits. I'm guessing bitch tits.

PS - 85-90 percent of blacks are democrats. So much for leaving in droves.
  • DSK
  • 06-03-2015, 09:34 PM
Whirlaway I would like to know what is meant by her last statement? Is she saying America should stay White? Do you see how someone can take that statement and apply it to the voter registration laws that tended to target minorities specifically African-Americans? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
No, but the people moving here ought to make a contribution, every last one of them, rather than the occasional success story along with a bunch of unskilled workers and their families which are dependent on the government.
I am talking about black voters that generally vote democratic. Many aren't anymore.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
85-90 percent of blacks vote democratic. Define 'many'. It's a pipe dream that the conservatives trot out every once in a while. The problem with the republican party? It's full of republicans

Seriously, you're not the progressive ideology when it comes to equality, etc. Blacks and minorities notice that. And it doesn't help that a lot of openly racist people would identify as republicans.

Look at the balls on this motherfucker. Since when, around here, do you get to just say something and not get called on it? You need a refresher course on the burden of proof. YOU made the contention that black voters were leaving in droves, therefore the burden to prove this statement rests with YOU. Prove it correct or be a bitch tits. I'm guessing bitch tits.

PS - 85-90 percent of blacks are democrats. So much for leaving in droves. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Ok, well these black men in this video are most likely registered Democrats. Why are they so fed up with the Democratic party? Do you think they'll continue to vote Democratic if they continue to feel the way they do?

Ok, well these black men in this video are most likely registered Democrats. Why are they so fed up with the Democratic party? Do you think they'll continue to vote Democratic if they continue to feel the way they do?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Anecdotal. A few guys and you extrapolate that out to symbolize blacks leaving in droves. When it comes down to it, they won't vote republican.