death threat email

And the Bible so states
Judge Not least ye be judged

Send that to the spammer and tell him to meet
In hell
This has been going around for a LONG LONG time & I got this years ago already.. I have posted an info share thread about it a while ago, you would just have to dig for it to look it up. This is just something people with no life do. Welcome to the hobby LOL
TexTushHog's Avatar
I hate to be the spoil sport here, but "we are all going to die." More a statement of fact than a threat. So we better all make an appointment because you never know when it's your time.
Brooklyn I think you need me to come stay with you one night, for protection. I'll rub your back and feet, cuddle with you...I promise I won't try anything!
They have sent me a number of emails. I just ignore them.