Your Best and your Worst

Carrie, I believe that in any relationship including the hobby either person is entitled to ask any question and receive an answer. That as a basic position I also believe that "that none of your bussiness" is an acceptable answer. Originally Posted by Bull149
I agree. While it's a questionably wise thing to do on a first date (civilian or otherwise), there isn't anything intrinsically wrong with asking personal/touchy questions. I don't think he had foul intentions, just curiosity. If he'd asked and I'd declined to answer and we'd just moved on, the date would have probably gone well (which is what has happened plenty of times with other clients/civilian dates before, and it's been no big deal). But he would not. let. go. of it, no matter where I tried to steer the conversation.

I honestly think part of it was all the alcohol ... which was also making me uncomfortable regardless of his personality! He did indeed have several extremely positive references, and the lady who had texted him is someone I know has good taste in clients as we've traded references previously.
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My best was years ago. We really connected in almost every way. The sex was awesome. I think she was about to cross the line and provided free-bees or deeply discounted dates. It never came to that as she had to leave the area, but it was great while it lasted.

Worst was probably one of my first experiences. This was before the day of MSOG. I busted my nut simply while getting undressed. Asked her if that counted, she said yes. Cleaned myself up and was out of there in about 5 minutes-- spent more time trying to get the room than actually using the room.