If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?

I have "hella" San Francisco pride, as they say. I live here on purpose, and this is exactly where I want to be.

I wouldn't mind visiting the Pacific Northwest more, or Montreal, or Buenos Aires. And NYC will always be my second home.
yes, San Fran would be a nice place to go to. However I'd fatten up with all the sour dough bread.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am on a quest to visit EVERY state in the US before I leave this world..lol...I have already seen 25!
discreetgent's Avatar
I am on a quest to visit EVERY state in the US before I leave this world..lol...I have already seen 25! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I'm on a quest to have sex at least once in every state of the US.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Somehow I forgot about palma de Mallorca. Senility is a terrible thing. Don't know which to replace though..... Maybe swing through there for a week or two in between each other place? Originally Posted by topguntex
I love Palma but it's a little crowded for my taste. Were I to set up permanent residence on the isle, I think it would be in Soller, Alcudia, or Capdepera.
I'm on a quest to have sex at least once in every state of the US. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
My choice would be Lake Garda, Italy......it's close to everywhere in Europe and all the gawking tourists go to Lake Como to stare at Gearge Clooney!!

OH my!! Simply amazing photos. Thanks for sharing! A good friend of mine..Luigi, of course...grew up on Lake Como. Ten kids in his family. After seeing these pics, I don't know how he ever left! No wonder he hated living in Vegas.

[quote=Rudyard K;801369]If you take friends, family and career out of the mix?...the rest is just scenery.

Humm, I have to agree, but this is a fantasy and yours to create.

All who wander are not lost...so much to explore.

Great responses, keep 'em coming! I can feel my imagination and curiosity expanding!
Love it!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I am on a quest to visit EVERY state in the US before I leave this world..lol...I have already seen 25! Originally Posted by DallasRain
That's one of my goals also, but I haven't made it to Hawaii, Washington or Oregon - yet.
A mate of sorts, though.

Hum...another thread topic??
Goes along with the current marriage (or not!) thread.
Sisyphus's Avatar
All who wander are not lost... Originally Posted by ClairJordan
Great...now we BOTH owe the Tolkien estate a quarter!

I'm beginning to think it's in my blood. From the time I was little, I've always enjoyed a good walk-about. Couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 when I told my Mom on a Friday night,

"Please pack me a lunch because I'm going wandering tomorrow."

She laughed & did as I requested. I rolled out at first light. I guess the joke was on her though as my folks & half the neighborhood were looking for me when I was still gone well after dark.

Caught a major beat-down for that one but it was worth it!!

A mate of sorts, though. Originally Posted by ClairJordan
You & our esteemed RK are onto something with that one, though! Doesn't need to be a Mrs. but the right partner in crime can add a whole new wonderful dimension to exploring this big wide world of ours!!
Lots of interesting thoughts expressed here...

Wonderful places, all -- San Francisco, Paris, Mallorca, a couple of beautiful spots in Italy, Australia, New Zealand, etc. But would I ever choose to live in any of those places full time? Probably not.

I would likely choose a summer residence in Jackson Hole or any of a number of places in Montana. Now for a thought very few of you are likely to understand: For a late fall/winter/spring residence, I might choose a beautiful hilltop in the Texas Hill Country with 30-mile views in all directions on a clear day. In fact, that's exactly where I intend to spend a fair amount of my time over the next couple of decades! A nice plus is that my favorite Texas city (Austin) is only an hour's drive.

And, of course, I would travel a lot!
Sisyphus's Avatar
Now for a thought very few of you are likely to understand: For a late fall/winter/spring residence, I might choose a beautiful hilltop in the Texas Hill Country with 30-mile views in all directions on a clear day. In fact, that's exactly where I intend to spend a fair amount of my time over the next couple of decades! A nice plus is that my favorite Texas city (Austin) is only an hour's drive. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Oh...I understand it completely! I enjoy the hell out of Hill Country! Being a big Todd Rundgren fan...if I were gonna pound a stake in the ground there it would have to be in.....[drum roll, please].....Utopia!

My answers were based upon having to pick a single place to call, "home" Given that parameter, my answers remain unchanged.

And, of course, I would travel a lot! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I also took this as a given from the original hypothetical. I don't know that I could spend the rest of my time in this existence in any one spot...no matter how ideal...
Ay! There's the rub!

I am attracted to places because they are beautiful. I am attracted to people because they are warm, friendly compassionate, open, and really care for others.

I haven't been to all the ends of the earth, but I have been to a few of them. Some of the most beautiful places I have been are Hong Kong, Innsbruck, and Salzburg. I also love history and art. For this reason I like Paris, Rome, Florence and England. I could easily live in any of these places.

But people are a different story. I have rarely found better people than exist in the Midwest of the United States. Not in big cities, but mostly in the rural areas. Kansas, Oklahoma, Indiana, Missouri, and the other states.

So, ideally, it would be a beautiful place like those listed above, with the people I find so nice.

[Admittedly, the people I like can be kind of narrow minded when it comes to the hobby, but they are still the nicest.]
I loved Palo Alto when I visited there several times and Paris, Vienna and Prague were amazing, but my heart wants to go back to Hawaii, Oahu specifically.