Sugar daddies?

London Rayne's Avatar
Right! That's what I am referring to. When you literally don't advertise any more because that ONE guy is paying ALL of your bills. I could never do that with a child as it would take too much time, and would be rather hard to explain to others in my life.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi, what you are describing is what I have, a ATF. In a true SD-SB relationship, the Guy would demand that you be his only. I assume by him not requiring you to "stop your life', you continued to work as a Provider. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yes ..the thing is he wants me to retire from the business (didn't want to get into that) When I meant "Stop my life" I wasn't referring to working as a provider. That comment (mine) had nothing to do with this hobby. I was referring to life in general, family.. etc..
London Rayne's Avatar
You were lucky then, because the one I tried it with left me no free time to do what I needed to do. For instance, if I had a BF I was not allowed to see him which is understandable, but when you tell me I can't spend time with my friends because you need a bj, see ya! This guy literally invaded my personal life and it just wasen't worth it. I could really use that guaranteed 7k a month, but won't give up what it takes to get it. I can do that on my own now by touring lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
^ LOL! London I don't blame you @ all. LOL @ not letting you see your friend because he wanted a bj. Sugardaddies will leave you alone to do what you need to do (School, family,..etc) AND take care of ALL your financial needs as long as you are there when he needs you/make him happy. He respects your time and respects that you have a life too. Would he want you to have a boyfriend or see other guys? Most likely not.

Hobbyists (at least most of them) go from girl to girl spending $300-$400 here and there but there are guys that would rather invest all their money and time in ONE person.
I had a fantastic sd/sb relationship last spring. It lasted for about six months. It was a little..different though lol. His wife was aware and she and I would actually spend time together without him (though she was not involved sexually). I would go out with both of them then she would excuse herself and he and I would go to the guest room. It took some time to work out the kinks, but then it was wonderful. Unfortunately, she started acting more like I was there as a servant and not as a toy. I ended it, I have no interest in messing about arguing with her.

I would never have a sd that tried to run my life. Am I willing to be available and (mentally) submissive? Yes. But I make my own choices and any man that wants to argue that is immediately cut off. Unfortunately, the next one I found was perfect in all respects but the sex was TERRIBLE. And I can put up with a lot lol. How can you be over 60 with the skills of a teenager? Oh well.

Edit-I had a monthly allowance, I did not call for extras.
Abe Normal's Avatar
A couple of guys I know who tried it had just the opposite experience. The ladies expected a weekly "payroll" PLUS all extra expenses that came up ( usually dealing with their automobiles ). Every time the guys called for "services" the ladies were too busy with family or a "sick" friend.

If they were lucky, the guys saw their sugarbabies maybe 3-4 times per month and were usually rushed or cut short of activities.

I'll pass in every way on being a sugardaddy.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
A couple of guys I know who tried it had just the opposite experience. The ladies expected a weekly "payroll" PLUS all extra expenses that came up ( usually dealing with their automobiles ). Every time the guys called for "services" the ladies were too busy with family or a "sick" friend.

If they were lucky, the guys saw their sugarbabies maybe 3-4 times per month and were usually rushed or cut short of activities.

I'll pass in every way on being a sugardaddy. Originally Posted by Abe Normal
agree that the lines get to blurred on these situations...Its a RARE occurence when it does work ...every now and then it can though if both parties are mature about it and have an upfront understanding.
When I had a sugar daddy, he saw me and paid me exactly as an escort, he would give me a set donation every time and then didn't really bother me when we were not together, so in the end so it was pretty much,for me, exactly like being an escort.
Abe Normal's Avatar
When I had a sugar daddy, he saw me and paid me exactly as an escort, he would give me a set donation every time and then didn't really bother me when we were not together, so in the end so it was pretty much,for me, exactly like being an escort. Originally Posted by BellaIsabella
And for me that would be the perfect situation. I have a few lady friends I would see weekly if I lived close enough. Unfortunately I live in the armpit of the U.S. and have to travel 2-3 hours one way to see them.
burkalini's Avatar
Not a whole lot of success stories here on being a SD. Just what I thought. Save your money guys
The first requirement of a SD is he have enough cash to keep his little Lady happy. It all might seem great in the beginning, but soon enough, it will wear thin, and the "relationship" will run out of steam. I supect the "boulevard of broken dreams' is clutterd with the remains of these dashed hopes. When things end, the guy moves on, but the SB is left with trying to find another SD to take care of Her.

I really think the best idea, (for those inclined to such ideas), is what I do, the ATF thing. I have a provider that I see exclusive on a regular basis, usually once a week. We do things together that are not "BCD" activities, but any time we get together, it is with the knowledge that we will end up BCD. She knows what I like, I know what she likes. We have become very comfortable with each other.

And yes, I do compensate her for Her time, but to me, it is money well spent.

But, it ends there, I know up front what she does for a living, and I could care less. Being a provider is Her job, It is how she supports Her familly. I have what I want, a Lady that is physically appealing to me, is easy to talk to, is great in bed, and most of all, I like. While she is with me, she is mine, and I guess I am hers. But, when we part ways, we go about our lives untill we see each other again.

No strings, no obligations, no commitments. Just two Adults enjoying what each has to offer for the time we are together. To me, this is a win-win.

Of course, I am almost 64 years old. The comfort of the familiar is enough for me. I am fortunate that I have found a Provider who stimulates my "senses" to the degree that I can perform. That is a big consideration. The younger Guys who like variety probably think what I do is stupid. Why use all of your resources on just one Lady? I guess when you get my age, you will understand.

I would amagine most providers have a Guy, that is somewhat like me, that they see on a very regular basis. Or perhaps if they don't, they wish they did. There is something to be said for "old reliable' Originally Posted by Jackie S
perfect,I agree 100 %
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't have an old reliable anymore....too much of a stalker once those lines were crossed. I find I have a couple gents in every city I visit that take care of me, but I only see them when I am in town. If they happen to come to New Orleans, they will visit with me and ask if I have any friends they might like. I am always happy to share, and am not at all offended by this. No client is only MY client.
ok... so I agree 99% ,just one is probably narrowing it down too much but a small circle (as I call it) seems to work best, If someone dissapears for one reason or another then I will contact someone new,but I normally dont just run the entire board looking for new providers.I was involved in a situation where I thought that if I helped out a regular of mine that I could somehow improve her life,it didnt work,for alot of reasons,that was years ago and Ive never explored that avenue again.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Not a whole lot of success stories here on being a SD. Just what I thought. Save your money guys Originally Posted by burkalini
Keyword: on here. A lot of real SDs are not too familiar with eccie.. just sayin.

Just like most high-end clients aren't found online. Sad but true.
Captain Columbus's Avatar
I am a charter member of & the board sucks. 90%+ of the ladies are looking for boyfriends or husbands. They think it is for the rich & famous. The remaining 10% understand what a sugarbaby is but they are also escorts. You can be an escort OR a SB but not both. It is a totally different mind set.

I have had some nice SD/SB relationships with local grad students. Most were for a year until they graduated and moved on. They didn't want a lot of money as they had full scholarships already. They just wanted a little extra for concert tickets, pizza, etc. One russian sweetie wanted a case [six 1.75 liter] of vodka every visit.
They liked the short 1-2 hour dates 2-3 times a month. It met their physical needs without being forced to develop an emotional relationship they didn't want. Was I a low budget SD? Yes. But it met both our needs so both parties were happy. One can be in a SD/SB relationship for as little as 500 a month to 5k+ per month. Fun times and I am looking for my next lass to drop anchor with.