Hot chicks and fat neardy men RW

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Yes true but they dont have superior or arrogant attitudes either
mtubbs90's Avatar
Nerdy guys will treat us better than you and wont brag about how hot their side chicks are Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
How is that so?
Roger.Smith's Avatar
The "nerd" can probably get a hot woman because he's not boring, annoying, or stupid. The lady the "nerd" was with probably has self-esteem, loves her dude and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. It's easy to be cynical, but money and looks aren't everything. It may come as a shock to some, but all women aren't shallow money-grubbing bitches. It is possible to win a woman over by being interesting and fun to be around, even if you're not a male model or rich. Bitter guys bitching about hot women being with nerds is no better than nice guys thinking women only want jerks or "bad boys".
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
The "nerd" can probably get a hot woman because he's not boring, annoying, or stupid. The lady the "nerd" was with probably has self-esteem, loves her dude and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. It's easy to be cynical, but money and looks aren't everything. It may come as a shock to some, but all women aren't shallow money-grubbing bitches. It is possible to win a woman over by being interesting and fun to be around, even if you're not a male model or rich. Bitter guys bitching about hot women being with nerds is no better than nice guys thinking women only want jerks or "bad boys". Originally Posted by Roger.Smith

What he said...
Spikebaby's Avatar
The "nerd" can probably get a hot woman because he's not boring, annoying, or stupid. The lady the "nerd" was with probably has self-esteem, loves her dude and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. It's easy to be cynical, but money and looks aren't everything. It may come as a shock to some, but all women aren't shallow money-grubbing bitches. It is possible to win a woman over by being interesting and fun to be around, even if you're not a male model or rich. Bitter guys bitching about hot women being with nerds is no better than nice guys thinking women only want jerks or "bad boys". Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Thats a big YEP!

Hotdiggity's Avatar
Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Nerdy guys will treat us better than you and wont brag about how hot their side chicks are

Jules you are wonderful!
mtubbs90's Avatar
The "nerd" can probably get a hot woman because he's not boring, annoying, or stupid. The lady the "nerd" was with probably has self-esteem, loves her dude and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. It's easy to be cynical, but money and looks aren't everything. It may come as a shock to some, but all women aren't shallow money-grubbing bitches. It is possible to win a woman over by being interesting and fun to be around, even if you're not a male model or rich. Bitter guys bitching about hot women being with nerds is no better than nice guys thinking women only want jerks or "bad boys". Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Dude did you seriously just call me bitter? Wtf im just asking a question cause i find it interesting and odd.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I wasnt trying to be bitchy and i dont agree with the bitter part btw

I can totally see why it is interesting to people... ive see some odd couples myself but i figure they must be doing something right lol
Try this explanation:

You don't love someone because they are beautiful. They are beautiful because you love them.

You either get that or you never will. One's beauty doesn't last forever, but one's love is a whole different story. Originally Posted by Gbfsl

I was going to say the same thing. And love isn't already a perfect happily ever after not the way we all see it in fairytale. Those ladies don't see what they are looking atthey see security respect and treated like a lady.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
i am a fat nerdy guy who loves anime, video games, and other nerdy stuff. yet every similar woman looks at me wit hdiscust. meh its a myth i dont believe in any of it.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Dude did you seriously just call me bitter? Wtf im just asking a question cause i find it interesting and odd. Originally Posted by mtubbs90
No, sorry about that. I was speaking from past experience. One of my exes was pretty hot by general standards. But usually about once or twice a month, some dude would start hitting on her right in front of me. She had friends in low places, so a lot of guys in that circle assumed I was soft because I work a white-collar job in IT and live in Grapevine. In their mind, I wasn't a man because I didn't grow and live in West Dallas, and they couldn't understand why my ex would want to be with someone who wasn't "real". Even though they thought I wasn't "real", they weren't real enough to say it to my face, I always heard it from my ex or one of her friends.

I'm still a little salty about that and it and affected the tone of my post. I was also referring to the attitudes of some "Nice guys" too. Some "nice guys" think that pussy should be a reward for being kind and respectful to a woman, then get upset and throw a tantrum when they're not rewarded with sex. I know plenty of bitter nice guys and nerds.
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 09-19-2015, 09:57 AM
In public many hot chicks are all about their own image, so an unattractive side accessory would contrast and emphasize her good looks and attractiveness. It is cynical , but it is there.

In the bed room or in private I agree with all of the above, that is the "connection" that drives the match. The interesting part is that it is very subconscious , like attitude, well being, lack of insecurity, matter more to a female mind since it is programmed to choose for a reliable mate. Fertility, attractiveness, healthy look, willingness is what attracts the male minds in order to spread as much DNA as possible. It is biology...
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 09-19-2015, 09:58 AM
Unintended post. Ignore please.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Fertility, attractiveness, healthy look, willingness is what attracts the male minds in order to spread as much DNA as possible. Originally Posted by Ashi

yup.. makes us sound kind of simple, but there you go..
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 09-19-2015, 10:08 AM
More on the subject :
Actually there are two sides in every woman , in my view. One that likes "bad boys" , testosterone attraction, good, aggressive , virile DNA donors, and than she likes the ones " nice guy, good boys" safe , reliable, secure, with means and healthy to ensure the success of long term safe relationship and rearing of offsprings. All this is instinct and not 100 percent controlled. It changes with hormones, age and experience.
Now, in the hobby it is the good customer profile that wins.

Sorry for the long post , ...