
Haha yeah this dude is a piece of work. I told him no several times. clearly states on my profile that I require screening and my p411 is basic plus two.

the p411 information he gave me in his pm here was also not valid. nobody gets approved for p411 that fast! he thought I was going to slip on my screening. NOT

My safely comes over money any day and good thing my instincts were CLEARLY right about meeting this guy.

Ladies I think this is a good reminder that all money is not good money and screening is very important.

There are tons of newbie friendly ladies here I'm sure most won't want to see you now after this self alert. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

Jules I gotta meet you one day.....I think I can qualify to pass your screening...
But please remember there is no I in Butch......
Clearly you did the right thing....continue to play safe!!!
TheEccie214's Avatar
You won't be disappointed - she's very beautiful and on my list of top 5 coolest gals here.
I knew this would be a good read based on the title

Carry on
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-03-2017, 06:35 PM
I think someone's mad...

Popcorn anyone.......,?!? Originally Posted by Analeese
I'll bump this thread instead of the BSC ugly whore threAD with all the pussy whipped WK's, extra butter on mine please.
pyramider's Avatar
FunInDFW's Avatar
I'll bump this thread instead of the BSC ugly whore threAD with all the pussy whipped WK's, extra butter on mine please. Originally Posted by BLM69
Paging the whore paging the whore
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-03-2017, 07:30 PM
Paging the whore paging the whore Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Would you know about that fugly horse face whore I speak off? She's well known for BB all her WK's
IMHO Jules has an excellent rep here and has earned it. I don't remember her being BANNED, or having "NO" reviews.
billw1032's Avatar
Sounds like either the OP is not a P411 member or did not send his request through P411. If you look at Jules' profile it's pretty easy to see that she's Basic plus 2. How much clearer can it be?
Would you know about that fugly horse face whore I speak off? She's well known for BB all her WK's Originally Posted by BLM69
Paging the whore paging the whore
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Sounds like either the OP is not a P411 member or did not send his request through P411. If you look at Jules' profile it's pretty easy to see that she's Basic plus 2. How much clearer can it be? Originally Posted by billw1032
Refused to send appointment request and the p411 id was not valid when I searched it. I've never heard of someone getting approved for p411 in less than an hour. Who knows... I wasn't rude until the 12th message after I said no lol
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Thanks for the support everyone... let's get back to the fun stuff
Thanks for the support everyone... let's get back to the fun stuff Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I'm down for that with you
I don't get why guys get worked up things like this. There are plenty of providers who can be seen without P411. While not in this thread, there are also providers who will not see people of certain races. Once again, plenty of providers to see.
Respect the preferences and move on.