Trini30 andadian Goddess - Fell through (TWICE)

No, Valentine Michael, none of my other reviews were done for an unrevealed discount. The fact of the matter is that the provider I saw instead had been posting for $60, so I thought I was going to get a great session for only $10 more than what I was going to pay Trinidadian Goddess, but for 30 minutes, not just 15. But, Mandi explained to me that her prices went up. Since she DID have reviews and I knew what I was going to get and she had been at the top of my list for weeks, I was willing to shell out the extra money.

I can see that other providers don't see anything wrong with this young lady stringing me along and wasting my time. You're right, Dannie, she should have just laughed and told me to pound sand. But she didn't. That's where the problem came in. I wish you would see that.

And $50 was for 15 minutes, not 30 like she says. Who else makes $50 for 15 minutes of "work" in the real world? 30 minutes would have been $125 (with review) and one hour would have been $175 (with review). My point is don't agree to it if you're not going to honor it. I do what I say I'm going to do and I have respect for the providers and their time. I don't think it's asking too much for them to do the same. If a guy wants to haggle and you're not going for it, tell him to go to Hell. Plain and simple.

Again, I asked her if she was running review specials (this was her first chance to tell me to go away), and she said she would knock $25 off. I told her that was out of my price range. We hung up. She could have left it alone, but SHE CALLED ME BACK and asked ME how much I had. I told her I didn't want to insult her and SHE said she was willing to work with me and that was why SHE CALLED ME BACK. I told her I had $50 (this was her second chance to laugh at me and tell me to pound sand). She said she could do 15 minutes for $50. And this is when her charade started. After this, she had multiple times to tell me I wasn't worth her time, but SHE chose not to do that. And I didn't harass her. I followed up like everyone does. Friday when she stiffed me, I didn't bother her anymore because I figured out what she had done.

Look, I can get $50 back and I can make up for the gas I wasted, but I can never get my time back. That's what everyone is losing sight of here. I wish her the best. If some of you want to make her look like the victim, go ahead. If you think reviews are not important, more power to you. If you don't need my business, that's fine too. Providers are a dime a dozen (at all price ranges). And I know clients are a dime a dozen. And apparently I'm the only asshole who expects providers to honor agreements or tell me "No" if they aren't going for it. If some of you care so much about her, have you taken steps to take her under your wing? If so, I hope you are honest with her and teach her customer service 101.
$50 ...... for 15minutes and a review


$50 for 30minutes and a review.

Is this why some of new ladies never make it pass the wagon welcome?
tia travels's Avatar
What new ladies need to learn, is they don't have to worry about not getting any reviews. Almost all men jump on the "Newest-Women-on-the-Block-Bandwagon" right away. Don't think you need to lower your rate, so that you can be reviewed. Reviews will come with no effort. Men love to be the first to review someone...or to be able to say they brought someone new to the group...or that they tofft and it worked out fine...or to say they tofft and it failed...or as I've read some men say, "they just love them some new strange."

No need to offer a discount for getting reviewed (ever actually...I've never had to offer). Once again, everyone loves the new ladies (as long as your skills are good and your customer service is good---you'll last.) As a new lady, you'll have more business than you can handle because they want to see you before you get burned out or so popular that making an appt. isn't easy because you have no time availability. Just face it, who doesn't like new candy from the candy store?
The OP said the deal was $50 for 15 minutes, not 30. That equates to $200 for an hour. If he can dip his wick and get a nut in 15 minutes or less that's not a terrible deal, but how could a review of a 15 minute session possibly help you? There's really not enough activities or ROS to constitute a decent review, unless he embellishes it. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid

While I agree with you on the money/time issue above in some ways, I honestly think his taking advantage would spill over into the time as well. If he is gonna haggle her down on prices, he is going to push for overtime as well, and or other activities. In addition there is no guarantee he would write a good review anyway.

To the OP if you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to ask any of the providers on here. Many "so called hobbyist" will bait you with that whole "I will write a review of you, and you will make lots of money, if.."

Come to think of it a provider hobbyist video comes to mind in this scenario.. maybe someone will dig it up for you and put it on this thread. It might give you a laugh.
centex mex...get off your high horse and get a freakn' clue! You want us to feel bad for you because you didn't get your cheap POA...ok, poor you! I'll give you one thing...she handled the situation poorly...and as she learns from BAD CHOICES...hopefully, she'll learn to stay CLEAR of all the jerks of the community!

centex mex...YOU'RE the one who made a VERY BAD be DISRESPECTFUL and thinking you could TAKE ADVANTAGE of a newbie provider...SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!

When a RESPECTABLE hobbyist...who doesn't SELL REVIEWS for a cheap POA...gets the run-around...that's when we understand FRUSTRATION for getting NCNS'd...and is ALERT WORTHY!

It's one thing to compromise on a REASONABLE offer...that's beneficial to BOTH parties; however, offering a review (which is done for FREE by MOST of the hobbyists) for a low donations is...just low class DUMB!

Premium access does not give you the right to demean ANYONE! And, until you put your butt on the line...and walk in our shoes for a few have absolutely no right to say "who else makes this much money...BS," as it is very apparent...that you are CLUELESS!

..... but I can never get my time back. . Originally Posted by centex_mex


You were fine with having wasted 6 hours one day were she to have answered your text the next morning and been willing to see you the second day.

She originally offered to see you for $125 for 30 minutes. By haggling, you were going to "save" $75, even if it COST you 6 hours of time. You valued your time at $12.50/hour.

Some men's time is more valuable. They'd rather pay a bit more and make an appointment the lady is going to be HAPPY to keep.

I'm not on any high horse. I have not demeaned anyone. I have stated facts. If some of you can't read, that is not my problem. I am not asking anyone to feel bad for me. I stated facts. If someone on here doesn't like it, too bad. You are reading what you want to read. She called me, not the other way around. I got the idea of asking if she offered any discount for a review from welcome wagon posts by PROVIDERS. Otherwise, I would have never thought about it. In fact, I contacted another new provider, she told me her rates and since they were out of my price range, I thanked her and moved on. When I contacted Goddess, she's the one who called me back. She agreed to it. I didn't push her or coerce her in any way. I told her what I had and she agreed to it. Look, I learned my lesson and I am moving on. I do not wish her any ill will. I'm sure she is a very nice young lady and I'm sure she will do very well. My point is that she (or anyone else) will not do well if this is a standard practice or a habit. I look at reviews as a way of advertising. A good review might translate to some good business. But, like someone said, there are no guarantees if someone says they will write a good review. I will write an honest review. But I realize this is their livelihood and I de-emphasize faults or non ideal situations and emphasize strengths while informing the reader. I thought that was the idea. When a new provider posts on the welcome wagon asking for reviews, but fails to post rates, it prompts a phone call.

The thing is that this is not the first time a provider has had me run in circles only to be left high and dry and this time I decided I would say something. I am not asking for sympathy. Just stating facts. I'm not proud of asking her to do a 15 minute session for $50. But she agreed and then reneged. That's all. I have seen many providers and they will all tell you that I have been respectful, I have done what I said I would do (i.e. show up when I say I will) and I have paid their rates. If I said I would write a review, I did.

Maybe you're right. Maybe this isn't the place for me. I believe in honesty and integrity and respect for others. It is obvious to me that many of you don't place value on any of these things.

I do wish her well, and if you'll notice I have not attacked her in any way and she has not pointed out any factual errors on my part. But I have a right to go on here and inform other hobbyists of my experience with a provider and that's what I did. I was not trying to take business away from her. If someone who posted on here that this may result in more business for her is right, well then, good deal for her. Because I am sure that thousands of hobbyists don't even read these threads and are none the wiser about what happened here. So, I'm sure she'll be fine.
centex mex, I get what you're TRYING to say...and I get the fact that she messed up and handled the situation poorly. This is what I have a major problem with:

I texted back and said I gave up on her but I was willing to not say anything if she would see me in the morning for the same deal. I was hoping she would say she would give me 30 minutes, but she just said okay.
I would ASSimilate this as being extortion/blackmail...imo, that's about as low as anyone could get, PERIOD!

So basically if she saw you for the 50 bucks...the next morning, all would have been good. And you would not have mentioned that she ncns you the first time. Get it, keywords here is the first time, why bother to reschedule with someone who ncns you the first time.

She should have spoke her mind, and told you no.

NO reason to blackmail her though.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
well this sure did backfire didn't it?? I remember when I was new here and welcome wagon trolls tried to do the same to me... always talking about how many people follow their reviews and how much of a big wig in the community they are how one review from them would jump start my business here ... now a year later I never see these people post anywhere BUT the welcome wagon and they for sure aren't "respected members of the community" either!

Yes she could have just told you to fuck off to begin with, but she didn't oh well... I mean 50bucks really?? yeah maybe you should look elsewhere for deals like that. I seriously doubt that this hissy fit you have thrown here will really affect her business either way... she was honest in her response on this thread and im sure that she has learned a lot from it.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Taking advantage of a new girl by offering her 50 bucks???? Seriously?? How sad is that.
I would be embarrassed to admit that in public even with a anonymous screen name Id say she came out way ahead by avoiding the date
If anything this has been a self posted alert on yourself!
kenpachi's Avatar
thats silly to think that you can get a provider on ECCIE for $50 lets be realistic here its about quality on ECCIE and Miracle(trinidad goddess) is an amazing provider... yes its her bad that she agreed but ill give her that she's new and is learning the ropes on here but its a double bad since you've been on the block and should've known better an probably should have opted to get a BP girl... I'm just saying
Naomi4u's Avatar
If anything this has been a self posted alert on yourself! Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
this exactly. lmbo.
Kelly TNT's Avatar


~Kelly TNT