Where Are All the Ladies????

  • OFF
  • 06-21-2009, 08:18 AM
well introuble, unfortunately this is an open board, we did invite people to join but it is open to everyone....
we definitely will not put up with a lot of junk on this site....everyone here gets a fair shake until they screw
up and then they are gone.....we would like a good group of GROWN FOLK to stay here and make this board grow
with helpful insight and good threads, controversy can be good to a point but bashing will not be tolerated.....
so with that said we hope you really injoy yourself here.... See our wonderful mods on here keep a watchful eye on
these things...we are the silent kinda mods, we believe you can say what needs to be said in a tactful way with
out destroying someone.... Originally Posted by fawn
Damn ... I am surprised I lasted this long.

OFF :-)
  • YSD
  • 06-22-2009, 04:27 PM
OFF, that list pic post on this thread is just wrong.LMAO.
  • OFF
  • 06-23-2009, 07:35 AM
OFF, that list pic post on this thread is just wrong.LMAO. Originally Posted by Jericho99
That is my "after picture" ... you should have seen me before I lost all the weight!

OFF :-)
Introuble's Avatar
well introuble, unfortunately this is an open board, we did invite people to join but it is open to everyone.... Originally Posted by fawn
I am too lazy to go looking for the exact quote, but someone asked about the future of this board on another thread or somewhere......I commented that in time, this site would suffer the same "destruction" as the other site has BECAUSE as it grows it membership becomes more diverse. With that comes the undesirables. In so many words (and again I can't remember the exact wording) but I was told this site was by invitation only. Maybe I misread the intended thought, but I certainly have been under that impression.

My concern obviously is two-fold. First, the lurkers that do nothing EVER except post. I fully realize that I have not been a Nobel Peace Prize reviewer on this board, but I have basically been seeing the same person over and over and multiple reviews would not be practical. Everyone must take ownership in this site and history shows only a few will actually do that. Secondly, many of the members on the other site I am convinced are young, generation something (X, millinneum or whatever the hell they are) and do not know how to discuss issues in a civil constructive manner and as a result are rude, aggressive, and keep the board in a pins and needle condition. While I am known to be stubborn, hardheaded, tenacious on point, and sometimes a flat out opinionated jerk.........(applause)....... .I would like to think that my biggest shortcoming is that I express my opinion too often. However, at the end of the day I think we remain adults as you and I recently sparred, and THAT is what makes THIS site different. We are adults.

So if in fact this site is NOT invitation only and is in fact open to anyone and everyone.......as I said....it is simply a matter of time before we become the "new" ASPD with the new look, the new software they never purchased, and a new conquest for the malcontents to conquer.
I am going to make a VERY concerted effort to get over here and become more active. Like it or not!
lol am naked in bed! just got out of the shower =>
lol am naked in bed! just got out of the shower => Originally Posted by safire_sweet
All riiiiiight!!

That's what I like to hear!

Plus, I'm pretty sure this is my first time being under the beautiful Saffire! This day just gets better and better...
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-23-2009, 05:42 PM
lol am naked in bed! just got out of the shower => Originally Posted by safire_sweet

hello pretty lady, im glad to see you posting, we need
more girls to of this... thanks
and damn i bet you look good naked and sopping wet....
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Hey! It's a Lady!
(Sorry...I loved the Ladies Man from Saturday Night Live)

I was trying to find a sound bite....but, no luck.

Anyhoo! I'm here too!!

~Kelly TNT
PoppyToyota's Avatar
lol am naked in bed! just got out of the shower => Originally Posted by safire_sweet

NOW, How in the hell did I miss this?

There should be some sort of code we can tell others to let them know when something like this happens. Maybe a locker room post, chain email, SOMETHING. There is no reason she should post something like this and not have a couple dozen gents to chat with on the chat page.

I guarantee this will double incoming traffic. LOL!
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
I know I spend more time here than TOB or That Other Board. I'm hoping that this becomes a vibrant and beautiful community. Personally, I would like to see a lot more laughter, a lot thighs, a lot breasts, a lot more legs, and a lot more backs...(I must be hungry for chicken) and zero drama.