Hobby in Havana: Thoughts anyone?

johnclark's Avatar
This sounds like a very bad idea. If anything at all goes wrong you will be in a very bad jail and no one will be able to help you. Is prostitution legal there? What other laws might you break?

Its dangerous enough to go to Mexico. You want to go to Cuba where the government hates us and has no problem doing anything it wants? Cuba is one of the poorest countries in the world. Its ruled by an oppressive dictatorship that has no problem violating basic human rights whenever it chooses.

Sounds like a great place to go break some laws to me. Not! Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
I see your point but it's also a momentarily strapped government with incredibly poor citizens who really want the US dollars coming in. I see it as kind of like the Mexican cartels staying away from tourist areas(for the most part). They don't want to shit in their own mess kit.
omakase's Avatar
OBSG - Really, it's not as bad as you think it is. I was there in 2013 and it was developed enough for tourists. Americans may not have been able to visit but there are plenty of Europeans and Asians add Havana to their itinerary.

I had more problems in Mexico than I did in Havana.

And no handlers either. I did plenty of walking at night without issues.
Want to bet the cabbies have very specific instructions as to where they can and cannot take you? For your own protection of course.
doug_dfw's Avatar
My question- would you do it in Jamaica? Stick to Jamaica. You will come home and get treatment that will cure. Cuba- book a one way trip and leave your affairsin order but you will have the best last of your life- if you like cheap rum, tick mattresses you get the drift
boo-boo bear's Avatar
My dad, as part of his bomber training on B-29s during WWII, they would fly round trip from Kansas to Havana (similar distance as from Guam to Japan). Sometimes they'd lay over in Havana, and he said it was a wondrous place! Cheap rum, cheap women, and he never caught a thing (according to him). But then, the mob ran it, and like early Vegas, they didn't tolerate anything that threatened their revenue stream, or brought unwanted attention. So, now days, without all the "protection", it maybe like the Wild West, so I'd recommend being cautious. They'll want greenbacks and prosperity!
Chung Tran's Avatar
if I went to Cuba and didn't hobby, I would kick myself for not doing so... use reasonable caution, but go for it!
johnclark's Avatar
My question- would you do it in Jamaica? Stick to Jamaica. You will come home and get treatment that will cure. Cuba- book a one way trip and leave your affairsin order but you will have the best last of your life- if you like cheap rum, tick mattresses you get the drift Originally Posted by doug_dfw
I'd rather go to East St.Louis or Detroit than Jamaica. Safer. Been there, seen that shit hole.