Buffett owns Obama and some Senators too

Guest123018-4's Avatar
The government should not block free enterprise and the best product wins. The idea that allowing the free market to determine what is the most cost effective solution is what should happen. The railroads should not have an unfair advantage because the government no longer will do for pipelines what they did for the railroads. The pipeline is not the issue here. The issue is the government blocking free enterprise and protecting one mans toys at a much greater risk to the environment than a pipeline.

The obvious is that people like Warren Buffett support the ones that are most easily bought. They do not give a fuck about which party they belong too but how easily the can buy their support. Why is it that of all the pipelines that cross the Americdan Canadian border this one is the one that Obama places as the one that is worthy of stopping. We damn sure know it is not because of his love of America.
  • shanm
  • 03-08-2015, 01:43 PM
We damn sure know it is not because of his love of America. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

You sure don't. But since when did the opinions of sheep become important to wolves?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes, very sad commentary, is it not?
Even sadder is the fact that the people elected to represent us in our government do not.