Almost Disaster at Incall

Dr Grey's Avatar
John. That's great advice. But I can't help think of the memes with the dinosaur and ask the question...if we all stick to established providers, how do others get established? I'm sure not just single guys or other ladies vet new girls around here.

I think it's a matter of knowing the risks and scenarios. If you can't afford to explain why you're at xyz (or come up with a logical answer), you shouldn't be there.
I always keep my clothes in one place, and this is what I do, I fold my pants, then my t-shirt, and my shirt, and finally my glasses on top of all of this. Specially when you are visiting for the first time.
John4229's Avatar
John. That's great advice. But I can't help think of the memes with the dinosaur and ask the question...if we all stick to established providers, how do others get established? Originally Posted by RogueOne
I wouldn't (and didn't) say "we all" - but those who are really paranoid. Seems a bit silly to me to be so mistrustful of someone about your (replaceable) possessions when you're about to trust them with your dick between their teeth. But the tenor of conversation like these seems almost misanthropic, which is going too far.

We all have different levels of concern - those who are less paranoid can roll the dice with new and unknown providers. Ideally, the newbies will screen the newbies ... but there are established customers who will take a chance for the sake of novelty.
Dr Grey's Avatar
I'd personally say after experiencing a few established ladies, you know what to look for in others and can spot shadyness, concerns in service, and are more aware knowing you're with a newbie. Least that's how I felt and have done fine with a few new girls in the past. Keys, wallet, phone should always be on your person, I wouldn't trust these in your car. Take your pants to the restroom if you need to while showering.

If a lady takes from you, her escort career is shot. She'll end up having to steal from others to survive due to alerts on her. Sound familiar?

As for married men having to explain any car issues at a hotel, could be tricky. Could say you were thinking of inviting some friends down and was in the neighborhood and wanted to know package deals they had for the coming months. Said you heard they had good deals and stopped in. Never know, could work. Just say you were an ass and left the keys inside. Or whatever the case may be.

I'd find it harder to explain why you are at a random apartment complex than a hotel personally. Wife would wonder which friend of yours lived there. The minute your wife meets any of these beautiful ladies (theoretically speaking), your either doomed or in for a hell of a threesome.

Again, can't afford to explain why you are at xyz, don't hobby.
John4229's Avatar
That last post of mine has stuck in my head – it was a bit short and uninformative on what to do if you choose to roll the dice, so I wanted to follow up on that.

In general, I do not keep a lot of cash on my person. I bring the donation, but otherwise I carry less than $100 (usually around $40) in pocket money for minor expenses – if someone makes off with that, I would be displeased but would probably shrug it off. I don’t wear expensive jewelry in general, so all that’s in jeopardy is my pocket money, watch, phone, credit cards, and car keys.

While my advice to the nervous is to stick to established providers (6 months plus, a dozen or more reviews, no drama on the boards), I will see newer ladies with a couple reviews – not a hypocrite, just not the nervous type. But I do take some minor precautions:
  • Slip my watch and phone into my pants pockets Pants come off first, and are folded over and set pocket-side down. Shirt goes on top of the pants. It will take more than a couple seconds (but likely less than a minute) to get to my possessions, and I would likely notice that my clothes had been disrupted
  • Skip the shower, or bring clothes into the bathroom with me. Leaving a pile of unattended clothes in the other room for fifteen minutes is likely when they’re most vulnerable.
  • Check my wallet after the session (in my car) in case any cards are missing – I have a list of cards and phone numbers so I can call and cancel immediately.
None of that is ironclad security, just reasonable precautions that make me feel a bit safer without giving the provider the sense that I distrust her. I’ve been in the hobby a couple years now and had 60-70 sessions, and never had an issue. The closest I came was with a provider I’d seen a couple of times and trusted enough to leave my clothes behind when I took a shower. She moved my clothes, and my phone and wallet fell out – she set them neatly on top of the stack and took nothing. I didn’t check until I got down to the car, before I pulled away.

I think what’s tweaked me enough to post to this thread is that it’s insulting to be treated like a suspected thief – which is in effect to be accused of something you haven’t done and wouldn’t do. If you’re looking for GFE, intimacy (or the illusion thereof) is an important quality – intimacy can’t be built without trust, and you have to show trust to get it in return.

So again, be cautious without being paranoid or sending signals of distrust. You have to balance any concern you have about being ripped off against the need to build intimacy with provider. Like any relationship, you have to take some chances.
ck1942's Avatar
Just glad to hear it all worked out and hoping that the newbies reading all of the above benefit from all the advice.
italia's Avatar

I thought about what would happen if we couldn't find them. Just imagine the phone call - "Honey, could you please bring my extra set of car keys to the XXX Hotel"? Actually, NO, I don't want to think about it.... Originally Posted by OldYeller

old yeller u bad boy u
n81428's Avatar
All these things remind me of why I don't hobby unless I know I have at least 36 hours to recover from an emergency issue on my own. Makes me hobby less frequently, but I sleep better. Luckily my so travels for work.

Also mr paranoid here (me) will go so far as when seeing a provider for the first time, will take my older car and leave my dl and credit cards in a hidden compartment in the car.