Alternatives to cash

The man's mouth sagged in ignorance when she continued that what she had men would pay for and they would pay a great deal for her services. That was her survival plan. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The flaw in her plan is that if law and order break down the men may not bother to pay, or even ask her. They may just take. Or even worse, take her and barter her as a slave for things they really need. It's happened before, it can happen again.

The only thing that keeps escorts even half safe is the fact we live in a civilized society under the rule of law. If that is gone there will be little escorting where the lady gets to keep the fruits of her labors.

The flaw in her plan is that if law and order break down the men may not bother to pay, or even ask her. They may just take. Or even worse, take her and barter her as a slave for things they really need. It's happened before, it can happen again. Originally Posted by ksjack
Amen. Fuck the fucking; I'm flush with ammo and the means to put it exactly where I aim it down range. As DD and a few others know, this (click me) makes me wet; my wish list includes a FN PS90 with a modified barrel. In answer to the OP, I have been known to barter occasionally, but never services for services (I prefer to pay my accountant, attorney, etc.); I only trade my time for hard goods. That said, however, it is a rarity as I much prefer cash . . .


- Jackie
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Have you seen the Dilbert for this week? Dilbert walks into the breakroom and tells Alice, the engineer, that he has given up on the future of the economy. He has amassed gold, silver, and platinum for the dollar collapses. He also has food, water, and medicine stock piled. He asks Alice if she has any emergency plans. She tells him that she does have plans and his home address. She also points out that he has very little defensive armament. Alice also asks him to put some more protein bars on his shopping list.
[Edited by FireSerpent: Drug references are not allowed]
Its definelty a trust thing.
Guest010418's Avatar
Gee...maybe this is a way to get rid of my eight tracks.