Married v. Dating v. Single

As far as being bad for business... this is sort of my hobby, too. I am a provider because I enjoy it! I generally just see regulars or gentlemen with outstanding reputations.

This ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of why being a single provider is far better! No stress! Originally Posted by celesta

Do you mind if I ask what exactly qualifies as a gentlemen with outstanding reputations and how you figure out who fit's that criteria?
Well, that is a very good question.

First, I believe that a person's words and actions in these forums reflect greatly their true personality. The anonymity of the Internet can be tempting. I believe that one should always extend courtesy and kindness, regardless of the environment. Some people have reputations as trouble makers. They want to pick fights or talk down to others on the boards. I do not tolerate disrespect in my personal life and I certainly do not tolerate it when I'm trying to have a good time!

Secondly, I do call each and every reference. I prefer that it be someone that I know personally and I do know quite a few providers in Austin. That way, I can be sure that I get the real story. If I am unable to verify that a client is a gentleman, I do not care to see him. I have a close friend who is also a provider (she has a rate considerably lower than mine). She and I were talking over drinks the other night and we started talking about the hobby. She told me some of the most horrific stories. I could not believe the things that men were asking her to do and some of them coercing her to do. I realized that I am incredibly fortunate to have not been exposed to this. We deducted that the reason that I have not had similar experiences is partially because my rates weed out some of the less desirable clients and also because I screen vigorously (perhaps, too vigorously as some have pointed out). However, this is not my full-time job and I'm fortunate enough that I can be super selective. I want to be clear about my screening prepayment is NOT a requirement. It is simply an option for those who have failed screening and may still want to see me. All I ask is for three good references and your handle. That's it! I have reviews. That's how y'all screen me.

Lastly, I am a GFE provider. That is clear in all of my reviews. There are certain things that are neither on the GFE menu nor on mine. I prefer that I was not asked to do some of the things that have come up in session, but I hold that there is never any harm in asking. However, if a lady says no, I promise she means it. A lady should only have to say no ONE time. I ask the girls that I call to verify if the client in question pressured her into doing these things. If the answer is yes, then the client fails screening.

My screening is not cut and dry. There is no magic formula that will get you in the door. I base whether I want to see you on several factors including but not limited to:

  • Feedback I get from girls you have seen
  • How active you are on the board
  • Your attitude towards other on the board
  • Can you really afford me? Are you going to leave an empty envelope?
  • Do you know how to treat a lady in session or do you generally just try to stick it in the cheapest hole you can find?
I hope that helps to answer your question. Like I said, I just want to have a fun time!
I would like to commend you on such a long and well written reply. I am confused though about the pre-payment part. If a guys fails screening you are still willing to see him if he prepays and pays an up charge? I assume this is only the can he afford you part of the screening and not the gentleman part of the screening or are you saying you are willing to see anyone who pre-pays and pays your up charge?
Simply Alisha's Avatar
I would like to commend you on such a long and well written reply. I am confused though about the pre-payment part. If a guys fails screening you are still willing to see him if he prepays and pays an up charge? I assume this is only the can he afford you part of the screening and not the gentleman part of the screening or are you saying you are willing to see anyone who pre-pays and pays your up charge? Originally Posted by homer13
I read it the same way. If you pay an extra 60 bucks, you can get in without being screened. are you protecting yourself by up charging? Trust me, LE has the funds

After reading your recent review....well, what I can see of it....I thought the extra 60 was to secure a room. Since the guy really did show (and she wasn't out the hotel fee) that was why it was returned.

But, what do I know

nuglet's Avatar
THERE she is... one of the sexiest women around.. and she "could" answer all of these questions.. but being smarter than us.. she stays quiet when us crazies set camp..
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-26-2012, 06:11 PM
Wow...just wow.