Attention we do not need.

Still waiting for an explanation about how an SO knowing the name of this site is dangerous to them... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I can't speak for the men, but if a provider were to have an SO find out she was providing via the Drudge Report, I can only assume that would have negative consequences, likely of a physical nature, possibly even deadly. Typically not the most even-tempered readers.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I can't speak for the men, but if a provider were to have an SO find out she was providing via the Drudge Report(Maybe she should of been honest from the jump.), I can only assume that would have negative consequences (Why? There are some people who are understanding of such things. Knowing his gal is getting strange might be his kink), likely of a physical nature (Then she's got bigger problems than just THIS board.), possibly even deadly. Typically not the most even-tempered readers. (Then who's to say she won't end up in ICU cause the chicken was off temperature?) Originally Posted by theCFE
If someone has a physical, or abusive, SO they're gonna get the beat down sooner or later regardless of this board. Not to mention they should of been honest & given this person the choice to decide if they'd like to be part of such an arrangement... IJS
Still waiting for an explanation about how an SO knowing the name of this site is dangerous to them... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Well, it's like this. Suspicious wife goes to this place she heard about on the news. She types www.ecc and BAM it is automatically populated with the rest.

Crumbs from your leige lord. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Pare ti otra ves.
Wakeup's Avatar
My stance on hobbying while having an SO is well documented...for both hobbyists and providers. If you're active in the hobby and your SO doesn't know, then I hope you get found out. Because unless you've talked to your SO about your cheating on them, then you're just being a coward, and denying them the opportunity to either cheat on you like you're cheating on them, or leave you.

That being said...if simply having your SO gain knowledge of this website in any way allows your SO to find out that you are in the hobby, then you've fucked up beyond words in multiple way...and you reap what you have sown...

Now, I'm not saying that justifies violence, as mentioned by CFE, but anything short of breaking the law, you had coming...
Wakeup's Avatar
Again...for the cheap seats...if someone has their computer usage set up so that typing this website's name causes it to give away the fact that they're using this website, then CBS' article wasn't what was dangerous to them...their sheer stupidity on multiple levels was what was dangerous to them...

So, any other way that the knowledge of this site's name is dangerous to someone with an SO?
I don't think that the general issue is the SO for all of this - I concur that an SO finding out is just one's own stupidity. Now, I think that the general issue is with increased knowledge, then this means more exposure for the providers by LEOs who enjoy raining on everyone's fun parade. That may be more of the unwanted exposure.
pyramider's Avatar
LE is concerned with human trafficking, organized crime, etc... LE is not very concerned about indies. The indies taint newsworthy.
LE is concerned with human trafficking, organized crime, etc... LE is not very concerned about indies. The indies taint newsworthy. Originally Posted by pyramider
Indeed. LE is not stupid; they knew this board, and every other one, existed long before sweeps. They will pursue whatever will net the most gain. Indies are low on the threat totem pole. I respect LE and the job they have to do; that doesn't mean I want to be caught up in anything, because I'm ultimately a normal woman with a hidden kink streak. That said, I do think there are certain elements to this industry, those which are predatory in nature, which do deserve a second look; for things like that, I'm glad there is a thin blue line protecting those who need protection. I don't think they are represented on this board. I think we are all consenting adults here, regardless of our circumstances.
My stance on hobbying while having an SO is well documented...for both hobbyists and providers. If you're active in the hobby and your SO doesn't know, then I hope you get found out. Because unless you've talked to your SO about your cheating on them, then you're just being a coward, and denying them the opportunity to either cheat on you like you're cheating on them, or leave you. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Oh paaa-lezze! It's families were talking about not husbands and wives. The wife may understand until she finds a lover, so then she takes the kids. The wife may not understand, so then she takes the kids. The wife may be cheating too before she finds out he's cheating - too! so then she takes the kids. The wife may be chaste and you give her a little bug, so then she takes the kids. Get the picture selfish? It's not about husbands and wives; it's about families. It wouldn't be your divorce; it would be theirs.

Oh, and - still - crumbs from your leige.
Wakeup's Avatar

How many of these guys think about the impact on their kids while they're giving that hooker four orgasms, having her begging him to fuck her harder, telling him he's the best fuck she's ever had, and swallowing all fifteen of his loads in the hour, while asking for more?

Like I said...cowards...selfish pussies...I hope they all get caught...

Oh...and still no reason why an SO knowing this site's address is dangerous to a hobbyist...anyone?

How many of these guys think about the impact on their kids while they're giving that hooker four orgasms, having her begging him to fuck her harder, telling him he's the best fuck she's ever had, Originally Posted by Wakeuр
All of them. And a good eighty percent of them caring. Caring enough to take precautions. Sixty percent or so taking signifigant precautions.

and swallowing all fifteen of his loads in the hour, while asking for more? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Regale us. When exactly was the last time you came fifteen times in a couple of hours. With wifie? Or perhaps with the wifie you don't have anymore?..................beca use..................what?

Like I said...cowards...selfish pussies...I hope they all get caught... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
What kind of moment is this little jewel? A Caught or a Catcher little moment in time????

Oh...and still no reason why an SO knowing this site's address is dangerous to a hobbyist...anyone? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
This smells of fail my pretty Peaches friend.

Still crumbs from your leige. Really? You're gonna pull the "I've invested card"? Really? Wow
Wakeup's Avatar
"Taking precautions" would mean "not doing it in the first place"...anything else is absolutely NOT's just being a selfish coward who is living in denial that anything can happen...

Again...they deserve what they get...
jimmycz's Avatar
Now that is some of the funniest shit I have ever read coming to ECCIE for a damn morality lesson! Really? I guess I better go to "The Church" to ask for forgiveness!
Wakeup's Avatar
I know right! It's almost as funny as debating the morality of pimps reviewing their own girls and trying to pass them off as UTRs! Ha! Hilarious!

I crack me up...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I know right! It's almost as funny as debating the morality of pimps reviewing their own girls and trying to pass them off as an Acency! Ha! Hilarious!

I crack me up... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Why you gotta bring tbonetas into this.