Ladies and Gents when did you Start??

metal_head's Avatar
Boys Town Nuevo Laredo

carkido45's Avatar
Boys Town Nuevo Laredo Originally Posted by metal_head
Didn't you get into trouble in boystown MH.
metal_head's Avatar
Didn't you get into trouble in boystown MH. Originally Posted by carkido45
Probably. I had been there so many times in the past. Once I had a street lady grab my cock with one hand and $20 out my front pocket with the other. Live and learn. Another time I had a bar girl trying to DFK me and after I refused, she started licking my eye and when I got home I got pink eye. Eh.

I really wish the drug gangs were not what they are now of days. I miss having those south of the border nights of debauchery.

Afterthought! I do remember the last time I went there I had half a dozen Federallies shoving AK-47s in me and my friends faces. They searched us and our truck all at gun point.
boardman's Avatar
Last time I was in Nuevo Laredo, over 10 years ago, I had this cute little thing sitting in my lap squirming on junior and trying to negotiate through very broken english. All of a sudden the music goes off, the lights come on and Federalis start walking through the place armed with M16's. I freeze and my new girlfriend says, in plain english, with an accent, "Keep your head down, don't look at them. Everything will be OK". After they left she forgot how to speak english again, Amazing?

Like I said, last time I was there.
Dick Diamond's Avatar
I was 16, papagayos nuevo laredo.
got a sweet young thang!
never went back.
nightdiver's Avatar
1999, Cozumel, Mexico.
topcat19542001's Avatar
1999, Cozumel, Mexico. Originally Posted by nightdiver
Was it the Greenhouse Cigar Bar?
praxitelosk's Avatar
For me, it was in 1967 when I came to Houston. There were two Madams (Penny and Linda) in the city at the time and both were notorious - on the front page of Houston Post and Chronicle a few times every year for being arrested. I remember paying Penny $5 for access to one of the most beautiful hispanic women I have ever been with. Linda's pricing was about the same. It was amazing. There was another place, a modeling studio on lower Alabama, Golden Girls Studio where I use to go in almost every day for a lunch special - $5 or 10$ to jerk off while the girl watched, but sometimes they got so turned on, it ended with FS. Back then, condoms were not necessary, even with Linda and Penny. On lower Westheimer, there was an Asian place where there must have been 30-40 + girls and at that time also, in the same area, you could drive around and find almost anything you wanted at any time. I remember driving down a street and there was this beautiful young buxom redhead standing in a yard and I honked and she waved, and after it was all over with, she made the comment that she had been looking for a straight job all day long without success and came back to her apartment, came back out in the yard and 5 minutes later, well 10 minutes later, we were on her bed having a great time - these were amazing times and in another 40 years, those of you that are still in the hobby will have stories too of what your current actvities are and tell people that those were amazing times and they will be in disbelief at your stories as you are probably with mine, but all the above actually happened plus much more. There was no Houston Press, but when I fould my first issue, I thought I was in heaven with all the variety there. In a way, it has gotten better, but obviously in a way, in will never be as good as what it was when I first started. I remember too that it was very dangerous for some. There were a number of shootings and murder at some of the Asian places around Tuam.
Captain Gus's Avatar
Wish more ladies would chime in,,but you no how it goes.
I will tell a story real soon.
When i get back from coasta rica next week.
Have fun everybody and play it safe;
For me it was in Kansas City in 1983. My best friend took me to a massage place because he was dating a lady that work there. We were sitting in the waiting area when the cops came rushing in to raid the place. We were in a corner looking at Playboys looking forward to a fun time. Don't know how we did it but after they broke the inner door down and rushed in we just got up and walked out and went to the topless bar next door. Got lucky there and I was no longer a virgin in the hobby. We had good laughs over that night for many years.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-13-2010, 06:44 AM
Ah, the shielded life I've led. Mine was February 2004!!! Christy at Escape.
blowpop's Avatar
I was in college in Austin, and at the time there were a dozen or so "massage" places around town. Curiosity (and horniness) caused me to walk in, and I had a wonderful experience with an early 20's blonde. I've been hobbying on and off ever since; it always seemed like a great way to relieve stress without further entanglement.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Does buying an engagement ring count as a transaction?
boardman's Avatar
Does buying an engagement ring count as a transaction? Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
That's the foreplay, You get fucked when you say "I do"
mysterioso77's Avatar
Propositioned a hot-ass, out-of-my-league civilian with some cash in 1986. Worked like a charm. All downhill from there...