The Next HH

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Well IMO if you escort a provider to HH then do not COCK BLOCK the guys that want to meet her.

PS. Kelly notice I did not use the word that offends your vagina. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
Much Better SP. Thank You! LOL!

I am shy too. It's hard for me to "sell" myself. I just feel like a jackass walking up to people "Hi! Look at me!! I'm Kelly TNT!". OK, well maybe not just like that....cause, I would be a jackass. But, you know what I'm saying. It's sometimes hard for me to break away from those that I've gotten to know from the HH's. Because, like P.T. said...trying to get a conversation going with someone is Tough. Especially when you're me. Aaaaaaawkwaaaaard!

So, if you want....Please come say hello to me! But, remember...I'm shy and a little dorky. So, be gentle.

~Kelly TNT

Much Better SP. Thank You! LOL!

I am shy too. It's hard for me to "sell" myself. I just feel like a jackass walking up to people "Hi! Look at me!! I'm Kelly TNT!". OK, well maybe not just like that....cause, I would be a jackass. But, you know what I'm saying. It's sometimes hard for me to break away from those that I've gotten to know from the HH's. Because, like P.T. said...trying to get a conversation going with someone is Tough. Especially when you're me. Aaaaaaawkwaaaaard!

So, if you want....Please come say hello to me! But, remember...I'm shy and a little dorky. So, be gentle.

~Kelly TNT

Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
LOL I feel for ya ! I'm the same way.
Kelly after I'm done kissing all the contestants, I'll introduce you around as my HOT MOD LOVER.
caliente's Avatar
TNT... you dont have to sell yourself.... you don't even have to try to talk to anybody... just being yourself you capture enough attention...

I just wish you leave th front door and have a drink with me this time...
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Awe SP! You'd do that for me?!! Extra butt squeeze for you....Check!

And no worries.....I'm not working the door at this HH. I will have time to chat or at least stand next to just about Any and Everyone. Just keep my crown and cokes coming....and I should be Just fine.

But, expect to hear at least One or Two "Aaaaaaaawkwaaaaaaard"s from me! I just can't help myself.

~Kelly TNT
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-08-2009, 05:36 PM
ok kell you will be just fine....youre a charmer.....yes since we are not working the door this time we have plenty of time to mix and mingle....
i will put your crown in my back back.....
T.O.B.'s Avatar
The Horse Trainer, when are you going to get that knee fixed? Girl, I feel for you! Seems like years you have had knee trouble!

ControlFreak's Avatar
Have the invites gone out?
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Check your inboxes and spam filters when they do go out.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-08-2009, 06:45 PM
Have the invites gone out? Originally Posted by ControlFreak
.........i will see you there poppy
T.O.B.'s Avatar
Fawn, am I killin' ya yet!

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-08-2009, 07:30 PM
she doesnt want anyone other that the people on the list to know when and where it is this is a private affair and she wants to keep it that please no more mention of the invites.....thank you fawn
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Oops my mistake.......
The Horse Trainer, when are you going to get that knee fixed? Girl, I feel for you! Seems like years you have had knee trouble!

Becky Originally Posted by The Original Becky
LMAO It feel's like years! Surgery is June 23rd.

It's a bummer to not be able to float around the HH mingling properly.

Who knows may drive down and back for this one - kissing contest sure sounds fun to me!