He did it... he went there...LOL

Im not homophobic at all. I'm an Austinite.

But the term fag certainly gets little sissy boys like you all hot under the collar doesn't it!

Pity. It suppose if I called little "LOL" boy a pussy, youd find it offensive also, wouldn't you Assholiness?

Please indicate which term best refers to IFFYYYYY, who signs off most of his stupidest most xenophobic posts with that cute little giggle?

Also point out where i lost an argument to him, FAG! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Uinicorn Training/Grooming ... would suit Ozombies best
bambino's Avatar
He's half white. I just think he's a poor leader and an ineffective executive. He didn't have the tools or experience going into the job. He doesn't seem to have learned much during his presidency. Except lowering his handicap, if he's even done that.
Long live Golf ism..... fuckem
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-19-2014, 09:25 PM
So some people (black and white) like him because he is black....isn't that racism? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
When done by the oppressed minority, it is sticking together in the struggle. We have had to do that to survive. So when a black guy achieves something, we also stick with him because he represents the African American to the nation, and we are judged by him, so we support him.
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  • BJerk
  • 01-19-2014, 09:29 PM
This was a bad move.

When he was first elected, his approval rating was up around 70%. The racists would have been among the 30% that still didn't like him. I doubt there were any racists in the 70% group - or certainly very few.

His approval it now at 38%. That is a 32% drop. That 32% comes almost entirely out of the 70% that formerly approved of him.

So, no, his current low rating cannot be blamed on racism.

People are just realizing he is no messiah and that there are limits to what government can do. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You actually make some sense here. I hope he doesn't go down that road again, because he is a really good President, temporarily in the ditch because the website launch could have been better. Once Obamacare is up and running, and more people have health insurance than before the ACA, then his ratings will bounce back. However, great men can't let temporary polls paralyze them and prevent bold initiatives.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Face it, he has nothing else left. He can't point to any legislative iniative (except Obamacare) that was successful. He can't point to a winning foreign policy. He can't point to a domestic policy that has allowed people to create jobs. He is surrounded by failure. Failure of his subordinates, failure of his philosophy, and failure of things that he has to voice opinions of (the beer summit, Trayvon, and now football?)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When done by the oppressed minority, it is sticking together in the struggle. We have had to do that to survive. So when a black guy achieves something, we also stick with him because he represents the African American to the nation, and we are judged by him, so we support him. Originally Posted by BJerk
Ah, so that explains why you fully support Justice Clarence Thomas on the SCOTUS, and Condi Rice as SOS, and Congressman Allen West! Good for you, BJesus!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Figures you'd know your brother republicans, Whiny!
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  • BJerk
  • 01-19-2014, 10:39 PM
Ah, so that explains why you fully support Justice Clarence Thomas on the SCOTUS, and Condi Rice as SOS, and Congressman Allen West! Good for you, BJesus! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They have room for improvement in their political philosophies, certainly, but they also show the diversity of thought often not afforded to African Americans though many of us are educated and successful. If you keep calling me BJesus, I hope God strikes you dead of a stroke or gives you even worse dementia than you have now.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They have room for improvement in their political philosophies, certainly, but they also show the diversity of thought often not afforded to African Americans though many of us are educated and successful. If you keep calling me BJesus, I hope God strikes you dead of a stroke or gives you even worse dementia than you have now. Originally Posted by BJerk
Ah, yes, BJesus. Spoken like a true Christian. Which you are not.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
It must be that special type of racism where liberals say they are not racist and like black people but do everything they can to make sure they do not live anywhere near them. So one moves into the neighborhood and they try to act like he is just like them. The longer he lives there, the more they come to dislike him because of what he does on the street.

So it seems that the "white" people that said they liked him suddenly decide they do not like him because he is half black. Them damn libtards.
After six years of failed Obama governance; any middle class American who is still buying Obama's political schtick is a rube in the Obama 3-Card Monte Game !

You will get taken; you will get fleeced !

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-20-2014, 08:55 AM
This forum is full of extreme views from both the right and the left.

I personally haven't read one post from anyone on the right say anything about BO's race for not liking him.

It's all been from the left.

Do any of you lefties feel ashamed for that? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

I am not ashamed about a bunch of white racist on here. Ya'll can't help it, bless your hearts!

In the words of that famous uniter David Duke, "We are all racist now...."

TheDaliLama's Avatar

In the words of that famous uniter David Duke, "We are all racist now...."

Originally Posted by WTF
In the words of that famous Democrat Lyndon Johnson,

TheDaliLama's Avatar
In the words of the famous aspd legend WTF, "Their dumb"