Bad TCB by Lauren.Banks (-0764) and Victoria (-9901)… Totally unprofessional…

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Being upfront about your race from the first contact would have saved yourself a lot of time and frustration. Had you done that, you would have found another girl and got your groove on.

Sorry it happened to you but the last couple of paragraphs are laughably dramatic. It's just pussy dude, not a life or death situation.

Better luck next time.
Your analogies don't hold water.
Let's substitute "hobbyists who won't hire male escorts" for "providers who won't book black hobbyists".

Here’s a scenario for your mind: All HOBBYISTS that has a NO-MALE-ESCORTS policy unfortunately were in a severe accident and was in need of a blood transfusion to live. The doctor comes in and says that the blood available was donated by MALES. Now, I wonder what percent of them would exercise the NO-MALES policy? I’m willing to bet that their self-survival and basis science lesson will kick in, and accept the blood. The factual morale is that we’re all the same inside, and be careful who you say ‘no’ to because that same person may save your life one day. Originally Posted by loneone69
of COURSE people will accept blood from people with whom they would never have sex!!

MONKS & NUNS would accept blood!! doesn't mean they will have sex with all the donors.

Some people even accept pancreatic cells from animals. (fill in the conclusion)

Life and death transfusions and transplants don't have squat to do with the recreational activity of sex.

Then your statement race having nothing to do with "the character of the heart and soul", somehow translates to race having nothing to do with a provider seeing you, would YOU see a PROVIDER without seeing any pictures??? Just knowing that she had a good character???

(Are YOU offering to give blowjobs to servicemen?? Or servicewomen?? As you say you appreciate their service and their outward appearance has nothing to do with blah blah blah).

I see gentlemen of every color, so I am not offering my statements as justification, just to point out how ridiculous your position sounds.
dallasfan's Avatar

You are going to get your feeling hurt one day when you surprise a provider at the door and she slams the door in your face.

There is no need to put up an alert or ncns everytime someone turns you down. Just move on to the next. Be upfront about being black.

Being upfront about your race from the first contact would have saved yourself a lot of time and frustration. Had you done that, you would have found another girl and got your groove on.

Sorry it happened to you but the last couple of paragraphs are laughably dramatic. It's just pussy dude, not a life or death situation.

Better luck next time. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
TexasCowboy's Avatar
That is one of the must fuck** up things that I have every heard, just because the color of ones skin is different that they should be treated different...
(lone one, sorry that happened to you.)
(sounds like [from your point of view] that they just quit all contact once they found out you are african-american.)....

In the military no one is going to think in the middle of the damm night when you are getting shot at that they are not going to help each other because the color of their skin. Or fighting a fire on ship each individual is dependent on the person in front and behind them to make it out alive. When a firefighter has to run into a burning building to save someone or when a police officer comes upon a bad wreck and has to save someone's lives they are not going to judge by a persons skin color.

To the women on here that will not see a man because he is black or the men that will not see a woman because her skin color is different, you are very ignorant and shallow and need to look in the mirror at yourself.

There are individuals on here that ask for help when they need it and they sure as hell do not state do not give me money if your skin color is different. If I have a chance to be with a woman where her skin color is different I sure as hell will take it and help her when I can. I have friends that are AA where I would give them the shirt of my back and help them and their families anyway that I can.....
dallasfan's Avatar
You would help a fat guy out of a burning building. Would you sleep with the same guy? Probably not unless you are into big guys and you are a homosexual.
That is what you analogy is like,

It's about preference. Just like the op's prefernce for white women. That's his perogotive but he has a preference and so do the girls that he contacts.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Being upfront about your race from the first contact would have saved yourself a lot of time and frustration. Had you done that, you would have found another girl and got your groove on.

Sorry it happened to you but the last couple of paragraphs are laughably dramatic. It's just pussy dude, not a life or death situation.

Better luck next time. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
So let me understand your statement- every time I pm a lady about a possible session should I inform her that I am Black- if she has no mention of NBA on her AD?
Let's all be honest, I have met many providers over the years and it's a known fact that there are all types of hobbyist walking through the door: short, bald, grossly obese, missing teeth, poor hygiene, handicaps, little 2 inch dicks, 12 inch dicks, muslim, jewish, Asian, hispanic,Hindu, etc- you get the picture. Should the morbid obese guy mention his weight when he pm's a lady ditto for the muslim or 2 inch dick guy?
In all my years of hobbying I had 2 encounters- one was an Outcall and when the lady arrived to my place- she said :"oh I didn't know you were Black..." my next words were well I am but we don't have to go through with the session-at that time she didn't have an NBA policy posted. I was then told..."Oh you seem like an ok guy and we went on with the Session." Out of respect to her- I won't mention this providers name with the so called "NBA policy" because she still has it listed and I agreed not to do a review- nevertheless had a good session and life goes on- to this day I have no idea what her underlying reason(s) for her NBA policy is/was but best believe there are some ladies with NBA policies that are not true to that policy.
Also, back in the ASPD days had an issue with a provider whose AD at that time stated 200hr- get to her incall- undress and she tells me it will be an additional 50 dollars- I say for what- she tells me because she's tight and she charges 50 extra for guys who are "large"- no where was this on her AD- I got dressed and left- she called me out on this in one of the forums and some guys(WK's) were coming to her rescue and telling me- it's her preference and I should have paid the extra 50- keep in mind I had the same handle on ASPD as I have now and if she couldn't figure it that's her problem.
Now in closing, I don't think the OP needs to have his head down and fingers crossed and pleading to every girl that he pm's that he is AA. The ladies should put in their ADS- problem solved. Now to you hobbyist claiming the OP is an experienced hobbyist and he should have know to mention he was Black- I say to you- do you describe in detail what you look like to every girl you pm- or should just Blacks be the ones who have to "beg" and hope the ladies sees Black men? Let's face the facts- the average hobbyist is perhaps White, bald, and over weight- and I am pretty sure the average hobbyist isn't describing his looks to the ladies when he sends a pm. And to the ladies saying he should have mentioned his race upfront even if the girl didn't have NBA listed- really? So all the Black hobbyist really need to reveal that info to EVERY lady we PM- as if we are some outcast? As I mentioned before ladies- Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt clones are not walking though that door on a regular basis!!!!!
You&Me's Avatar
And that, my friend, is where you made your mistake. The reviews You&Me does, while great reading and awesome pics, from the early contact, TCB skills and the ensuing sessions, if you care to examine the reviews after his initial review are no where near they service level he reports and really should be taken with a grain of salt, he even has the disclaimer in his reviews. BTW, all the girls You&Me sees for sessions as well as reviews, will have an NBA policy stated or not in her posts/ads, and if they do not, he will encourage her to do so. Originally Posted by davidfree986
David, you are such a pathetic low life! Why don't you ask Victoria or Lauren.Banks in person. I have nothing to do with her TCB or her NBA policy, period! You are harassing me now, it's not just blaming anymore. You've gone extra step beyond your ignorant level. It's pure stupidity on your part.

Get a life! Oh wait a minute, you don't have a life! You're a pathetic loner who lives with a dog in your cubicle hole apartment!

By the way, your constant harassment and smearing campaign WILL NOT go unnoticed this time. You will soon learn the hard way. Moderator will be made aware of this situation.
dallasfan's Avatar
Yes. The morbidly obese guy needs to mention it too unless he just wants to take the chance. I'm sure girls turn away some guys because of what they look like or smell like or act like.

One girl got attacked by about 3-4 guys in sandbox recently because she stated her preference in her ads. I don't think she has put it in an ad since.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
What some women seem to forget is that it is all pink on the inside and when the lights are off you will not know the color of a woman's skin......AA women can most definitely deliver in the bedroom where one will need to crawl to the door, where I have met many white women that are a dead fu**......Like being with a board or a dead fish and what tops it off is that they think there sh** does not stink and fellows will keep coming to see them.....Not all are like this, but many are so this is the main reason that I see women of color not just AA women.....I am not big, bald and fat either....
muffin101's Avatar
I've seen some girls put no dudes who are more than 50lbs overweight.

It all comes down to preference and who they are willing to see at the price points that they set.

If we take each other's suggestions to the extremes of the spectrum we are sure to make the suggestion itself seem ridiculous.

Publicly posting NBA policy or not doesn't really affect me, and honestly I can only empathize so much.

It's in trying to change what we cannot change that ppl go crazy.

It's crazy to attempt to change what you cannot change.

There's a bunch of stereotypes against blacks. That's what cannot be changed IMHO.
I see that there are a variant number of opinions, and rightly so, since we all have one; an opinion – that is. But I guess I’m still lost on the question as to when do courtesy, common decency, and professionalism become linked to the color of a person’s skin? Is it because of my race that I can’t get a simple yes or no answer to a question that resulted from a previous communication? I didn’t get irate with any derogatory messages. I kindly asked if the answer was yes or no, but instead it was complete silence, and from where I was raised, that is known as being rude (and disrespectful of a person’s time). BTW, what did I do (individually) to deserve that?

Yes, NBA policy doesn’t make sense to me, but I don’t really sweat it until my precious time is wasted. And for those who think that I should announce it upfront, I say ‘Bull’. In the business world, (which hobbying is; whether you state it or not), the burden of advertising is solely the responsibility of the one that’s offering or providing a service. You don’t wait until a commitment is about to be made, then you go; “Oh if I had known that you were…. “, then I would have said no…. No, the situation would be handled much better, if I had known your position, then I never would have contacted you—saving us both precious time and funds.

Many Americans (including myself) put our life on the line for fellow Americans way of life, but a group of people can put their life on the line, but yet not be treated fairly solely based on their character. As we all know: No race has the corner market on crime or evil acts—have you taken a look at the FBI top-10 most wanted, lately? Take a look:

There are 2 things that should jump out ‘right away’. 1. There are various races that are labeled “Most Wanted”, but does that means that all of those races are criminals—CERTAINLY IT DOESN’T, and 2. There are ‘no’ AA shown as “Most Wanted”. Now does that mean that all AA are without crime—CERTAINLY IT DOESN’T!

What is does say is that based on that person’s individual circumstances they chose to pursue some form of crime, which had nothing to do with their race. Behavior is a choice (that is intensified by your life’s experience), not by your race. But I guess there will always be those who think that they live on an island and don’t need assistance (or interaction) with or from others, but believe me, no person is an island. And with that, I’ll say goodnight…

Happy Hobbying..
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I've seen some girls put no dudes who are more than 50lbs overweight.

It all comes down to preference and who they are willing to see at the price points that they set.

If we take each other's suggestions to the extremes of the spectrum we are sure to make the suggestion itself seem ridiculous.

Publicly posting NBA policy or not doesn't really affect me, and honestly I can only empathize so much.

It's in trying to change what we cannot change that ppl go crazy.

It's crazy to attempt to change what you cannot change.

There's a bunch of stereotypes against blacks. That's what cannot be changed IMHO. Originally Posted by muffin101
Yes, you are correct- I know of one particular lady that posted no one over 50lbs and she got blasted- I personally thought it was a bad business on her behalf because the facts of the matter are that majority of the hobbyist are overweight- so she would be losing out on a lot of potential clientele. End of the day it was that provider's preference. Now I will say that a provider who has a NBA policy vs a provider who has an over 50lbs policy wouldn't be taking as big as a financial risk because I would say perhaps 10% at most of the hobbyist are AA. I can count on both hands of the "known" AA hobbyist in the DFW area that post and trust me it's not many. We all know most of the ladies with NBA policies have pimps- there's no denying the fact- the others claiming it's personal preference or not attractive to AA's I think are trying to save face-I simply don't buy the attraction part because as I stated over and over the average white hobbyist doesn't look like Brad Pitt or have this Adonis physique and look like some Playgirl model. I really wish I could be a fly on the wall if an NBA girl got a call from Will Smith, Denzel Washington or LL Cool J. However, to each his own the lady who has the NBA policy makes it easier for the lady who doesn't have the NBA policy.
Man this thread went south fast lol. I wasn't going to comment on this when I first read it but fuck it...

First off to the OP unfortunately it sucks but to save yourself time you may want to sneak in a blurb about you being AA. I don't agree with, I'm not saying its right but I have been in the hobby for nearly 2 years and I would rather state my ethnicity upfront than to drive across dfw and get turned down at the door. Second please don't compare hobbying to the military, I'm currently deployed and I see no resemblance of hobbying over here what-so-ever.

I have been victim to the BS NBA policy just as many of my fellow friends on this site. It sucks ass looking at the WW and seeing a hot white or Hispanic lady hop on the scene, become the flavor of the month, and I have no chance with her. I still inquire sometimes and even though they like my personality I have been given the most retarded excuses such as: I'm too big, you guys have too good of a stroke, I had a bad experience with an AA guy, or I was told not to by other hobbyist. I've even ben asked to provide pictures of myself or in one case pics my dick. That's a bit much...

Let me explain how stupid all of this sounds. A) $200 from me is as good as $200 from any other race. B) my dick isn't that big and all brothers don't run around dragging their dick when they walk. C) many of us AA hobbyist actually have a good rep on here so stop using the "you might be a pimp" cop-out.

To other hobbyist who slander AA's or tell a girl not to see us that's complete BS. How about you worry about the hour you paid for and stop worrying about the guy who was there before you and the guy coming in after you. You paid for an hour not for 24 hours, pull up your pants and move on. I'm really concerned about the lady who allows some random stranger who had a few one hour sessions with her, allow him to dictate her business?

Here is a new hobby acronym: ACW, All Cocks Welcome. I'm looking forward to seeing that in an ad this week.
I think any policies & procedures within reasonable expectation should be stated by the provider upfront. We see it all the old guys, no guys under 35, older gentlemen only, guys who speak English only, no Mexicans, NBA/no AA, do not text/phone calls only 'if you do not call i will not see you', etc. As much as Backpage is criticized on here, those gals state upfront what their policies are as far as who they don't see. Why can't Eccie gals who are supposed to be more professional and of higher quality and therefore request higher donations do the same?

The bottom line to me is, it was unprofessional and arguably disrespectful. A waste of time. How many guys/gals on here enjoy having their time wasted? I want to avoid gals like that regardless. If you disagree with my opinion, that's fine. I'm not interested in a back & forth. I just want links/information. I was informed this Victoria gal is no longer an active provider but is 'helping' other providers. Does anybody have a list or know of other gals she's 'helping' so one can avoid? PM me if necessary. There are gals i want to see and gals i want to avoid. I like to keep it organized as it's tough to keep up with all the comings & goings on this site unless you're on here all day everyday.
David, you are such a pathetic low life! Why don't you ask Victoria or Lauren.Banks in person. I have nothing to do with her TCB or her NBA policy, period! You are harassing me now, it's not just blaming anymore. You've gone extra step beyond your ignorant level. It's pure stupidity on your part.

Get a life! Oh wait a minute, you don't have a life! You're a pathetic loner who lives with a dog in your cubicle hole apartment!

By the way, your constant harassment and smearing campaign WILL NOT go unnoticed this time. You will soon learn the hard way. Moderator will be made aware of this situation. Originally Posted by You&Me
You&Me, I am not going to call you names, but I will say that my post was for the OP. This is the second time he has contacted and set up an appointment with a girl you reviewed, and did so probably based upon reading your review. In this case, the TCB skills of Lauren Banks and Victoria were pretty good up until the OP was asked what color he was.

The one bad TCB skill were that she did not put NBA in her posts/ad/signature line, nothing wrong with having and NBA policy, she has the right and it is her choice (usually not her call when a pimp is involved). For the AA guys who do not think it is right to have an NBA policy, sorry, but public laws (Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, ect.) do not apply to the private hobby lifestyle and all providers who have an NBA policy need to state so, and actually, BOTH are really mute points that need not be discussed further.

Speaking of which and per my last post in this thread (#4), if one takes a look at the girls You&Me has reviewed, one would notice that ALL of them have an NBA policy, and all but a one or two do not have that policy stated in their ads, posts or signature lines. Coincidence? I think not!