Most Convincing Moaner/Screamer

Oh! .......

I guess when you arrive, you could say i'll take my session with moans, but light on the faking.

Sorry for your experiences with other ladies, maybe try getting a few new ladies to see. Next one maybe a screamer.

ALOT of the providers on this board, at least the ones I have seen, do "just lay there" or maybe, if you are lucky, you might get a "weak whimper" out of them every so often. But what is worse are the ones that "fake moan" and you know it, that is embarrassing more than anything else, fortunately, I have only had one provider that did that. Sure, you can use the money, especially in this economy, but if you cannot provide that "illusion of passion" which does involve moaning and "some hip grinding, and whispering in the ear and the grab the sheets" that MAY be, but not overtly faked, then you honestly need to find something else to do to make that money, IMO. We are all different, but most hobbiests would agree that they would like to feel as if they are the best BCD than any other guy and if they are clean, respectable and have the required donation for your time, then he should be. Originally Posted by bigdog0311

+1 on Michaela !! I had a date with her last Friday ... WOW !!! I choose to believe that she just really does like sex that much, not that I'm particularly great.

Maybe I should make that +2 or +3 on Michaela ...

Oh! .......

I guess when you arrive, you could say i'll take my session with moans, but light on the faking. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302

Well, if you have to "request" that a provider be a moaner or a "sweet talker" or anything else that has to do with GFE, then the provider does not know or needs to redefine her definition, this is not rocket science! As far as the faking goes, anyone seen the movie, "When Harry met Sally"? Sure, many of providers fake like their "hobbyist/boyfriend for the hour" are making them "feel good" or even "getting them off", but if a provider is seeing multiple guys a day, every day, and unless you are a 24/7 nympho, which there are some out there, then you "fake", but hopefully for you and for the hobbyest's ego, it is "real" sounding and feeling, or there will not be a second "date" with that hobbyest, unless he likes that "fake and know it is fake" stuff, or on the other end of the spectrum, he likes "dead fucks", (which is essentially why I see providers, because if I wanted a "dead fish" I would stay at home and have sex with my wife), no guy in their right mind likes ladies to just "lay there". And if a provider needs to have it requested that they "participate" in the session, they might want to consider doing something else to save money/make a living. Now if you are doing DATY, penetration, ect. at a massage parlor, or at a strip club or anywhere else that is public, I can see why a guy would not want the girl to be loud or make any noise.

If you disagree with me, please reply under this message, that you as a provider, would prefer to "rest her vocal chords and do not like to 'participate' too much, if at all, in their session" and just barely "go through the motions" so you can get your "time donation", and I will know, as will any other hobbyest that reads this, that all we are wallets, nothing more, as well as making a guy feel like he is a number. Good luck getting repeat business!

If a hobbyest disagrees with moaning, passion and the provider, "getting 'into" the session", then there is a term for that, necrophilia, and you would not have to pay them a donation!
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Wynter Stark is all I need to pump my ego, or something else! The look on her eyes when she's about to cum, PRICELESS! The noises she makes and the face when I DATY, oh well. Never a dull moment with that young lady.
Without a doubt a true Texas gem. As long as she doesn't kill me.
OMG, Solid walls are a requirement and you better have the music up as well. After 2 hours with her, I am supprised she has any voice left!

And, see Rule # 2 below
Lana Warren's Avatar
Hate to play devil's advocate here but maybe it's not the lady. Perhaps the guy is not working it right. Just saying.....

I know the whole customer service thing and all but I'm sorry, I'm not faking anything. If you are not doing it for me, then you are just not doing it. I will just turn my attention to you so it's not an issue.
Hate to play devil's advocate here but maybe it's not the lady. Perhaps the guy is not working it right. Just saying.....

I know the whole customer service thing and all but I'm sorry, I'm not faking anything. If you are not doing it for me, then you are just not doing it. I will just turn my attention to you so it's not an issue. Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
I know how to "work it" as I have had plenty of ladies who would vouch for me, but it is not about just me. There are lots of guys that will tell you that many of the providers they have seen are, let's see, less than average in HER performance. I hate the ladies that fake and you know beyond any doubt that she is faking, I would rather have a dead lay than that.

Let me put it a little simpler for you so you will understand what I am talking about:

Given that the hobbyest is clean, shows up on time, is respectful of you and your time, and last but not least, HAS YOUR REQUESTED DONATION.

Now that donation should be "motivation" enough for you to make that gentleman feel like they are a king and feel glad they are a man and decided to see you, especially with all the other ladies there are to choose from to see. If a guy is not "doing it for you" then be an adult and tell him what you like, although it should not be about you, it should be about what you can do to make HIM feel special, without going outside your personal boundaries to do it, since he is the one who is donating for your time. That whole hour, or less, of time you are together should not be a "strain" on you to treat a guy special, instead of like he is a number, or worse yet, treating him like a piece of crap. Just because you are so darn pretty and/or have a nice body, you have GPS or whatever your rationale is, you might get a "newbies" calling and setting appointments with you, but you will not get any repeats.
If I have the choice between a "10" who just lays there, and a "7" who really gets into it and has a good time, I will take the "7" every time.
Let me put it a little simpler for you so you will understand what I am talking about:

Now that donation should be "motivation" enough for you to make that gentleman feel like they are a king and feel glad they are a man and decided to see you, especially with all the other ladies there are to choose from to see. If a guy is not "doing it for you" then be an adult and tell him what you like, although it should not be about you, it should be about what you can do to make HIM feel special Originally Posted by bigdog0311
Ummm ok. I don't need you to "make it simpler" for me. I'm quite an intelligent woman and grasped the concept right away. I'm sorry, but the donation is not what gets me wet, his actions do. And LIKE I SAID.....if he's not doing it for me then I just turn the attention to HIM-which in turn makes him feel like a king, right? That is what it's all about. So let me put it a little simpler for you so you will understand what I am talking about: I'm very genuine...probably the most real provider on here. I'm not a fake. Nothing fake about me-other than my fingernails. So I'm not going to fake moans and groans either. I know how to stroke both a man's ego and a man's cock while being real at the same time. Whether I'm a moaning mama jama or a quiet Nelly, he is still going to feel special. I'm just good like that.

Hobbyfun's Avatar
Meg you mean to tell me you have FAKE fingernails well I never.
They's a lot of things that I can handle being fake but fingernails how could you?

You have to admit that was Funny.
daty/o's Avatar
I love a girl who is confident enough not to ever fake it I'm 10 seconds into it and she's already acting like it's the first time a man has ever put his tongue between her legs. Total turn off. Listen closely; the best moaning and screaming comes from her body, not her mouth.
i would imagine most of the ladies on here really enjoy sex and are not inhibited to the point where,if they are getting into it,they will bite their tongue,so to speak( there is plenty of other things to bite). So i would tend to think it was something you were doing or not doing to make them quietly lay there.....sorry,no offense intended.
as for me, the more vocal she is the more turned on i is a "must" for me.
i want to fing out how vocal Tara is!!!!
I think Khloe Cruise is awesome at the moaning with Spanish dirty talk mixed in. I don't know any Spanish, but perhaps that added to the whole experience. BTW, her English is perfect...just really cool when she switched gears like that.
Meg you mean to tell me you have FAKE fingernails well I never.
They's a lot of things that I can handle being fake but fingernails how could you?

You have to admit that was Funny. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
Yea, I'm so sorry to disappoint you LMAO