Mad About Rates?!?

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Well said miss Naomi
Most know better & would never insult someone like that ,but every now & then one slips through the cracks , those are the ones you ignore
Drtry2's Avatar
yes.. the men that haggle, threaten and bash the ladies in this business are the superiorwhorefuckers. They can't take no for an answer and THINK they're entitled to a discount or a free session. Nuff said. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I guess you missed the first sentence of my post.

If a man say's $$$ for CBJ? I'm crossing her of my list! is bashing to you then you might want to stay of the boards or get thicker skin. I consider it a market report on what is expected and for what price.

Now if a man says $$$ for a CBJ and shes ugly as shit! That's bashing!! And I am against that.

If a man say's $$$ for CBJ? I'm crossing her of my list! bashing to you then you might want to stay off the boards or get thicker skin. I consider it a market report on what is expected and for what price.
Originally Posted by Drtry2
I disagree with your statement. That is someone who is "complaining" (IMO) and posting a negative comment in the hopes of causing grief to that lady, thereby putting pressure on her to do something different than what she already does.
burkalini's Avatar
So what would we call a provider that no shows, doesn't deliver what she promises,uses fake pics or 20 year old ones and then bashes hobbyest all the time on boards like this. There is far side line both ways. We all know it. Don't really need to label or give these types any press at all. It's the ones that provide great service and the hobbyest that respect the boundries that we should talk about. I say fuck the others. Again my 2 cents
Naomi4u's Avatar
I disagree with your statement. That is someone who is "complaining" (IMO) and posting a negative comment in the hopes of causing grief to that lady, thereby putting pressure on her to do something different than what she already does. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Thank you so much for posting this!!!

Well said!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Yep I have had that happen and I just ignore them. I never EVER go back and forth with crazy negitive clients. Just ignore it/him/them till you are blue in the face.
  • Sami
  • 05-19-2011, 08:57 PM
Takes to much energy to deal with boys like this. I am not here to babysit wipe the asses of fools. If they have a problem with how I run mine, well move the f... on. End of story period.

There are way to many good gentleman to spend my time with...
Drtry2's Avatar
I disagree with your statement. That is someone who is "complaining" (IMO) and posting a negative comment in the hopes of causing grief to that lady, thereby putting pressure on her to do something different than what she already does. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
That is one take on it, you see it a DESTRUCTIVE and yet it could be seen as Constructive.

The point of a review and being able to comment on them is so we can share our thoughts on the good and bad (90% being all good) likes and dislike's.

Take a look at the impact Consumer Reports has on the every day things we buy, if a product gets poor reviews or comments the provider of that product will make the changes needed to be able to continue selling their goods, is that pressure? Yes.....but if the provider did not get feed back on a poor product people would stop buying and the provider would suffer financially until they figured out on their own or just went out of business.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
So what would we call a provider that no shows, doesn't deliver what she promises,uses fake pics or 20 year old ones and then bashes hobbyest all the time on boards like this. There is far side line both ways. We all know it. Don't really need to label or give these types any press at all. It's the ones that provide great service and the hobbyest that respect the boundries that we should talk about. I say fuck the others. Again my 2 cents Originally Posted by burkalini
We would call these do not see's , those kind won't last long Burk. Word will get around to quick thanks to "boards" like these. Girls that pull that crap sink fast ....

Sami ---u look so good!! Stop it ! lol
That is one take on it, you see it a DESTRUCTIVE and yet it could be seen as Constructive.

The point of a review and being able to comment on them is so we can share our thoughts on the good and bad (90% being all good) likes and dislike's.

Take a look at the impact Consumer Reports has on the every day things we buy, if a product gets poor reviews or comments the provider of that product will make the changes needed to be able to continue selling their goods, is that pressure? Yes.....but if the provider did not get feed back on a poor product people would stop buying and the provider would suffer financially until they figured out on their own or just went out of business. Originally Posted by Drtry2
First off, we are not talking about a car. We are talking about a human being. We are also talking about a very intimate line of work, not just "some service" you are getting like at a "hamburger joint".

A review is to give feedback. I agree 100% There are all the activities in the review section where you can place what may or may not have happened on that review. You place the fee in the proper spot and so on, and in the ROS you go on with your graphic story telling. All good and well, however, if a lady does not do x,y,z and charges A,B,C for her time, regardless of your disappointment if she didn't do a BBJ or what ever else you were expecting, the only thing you should do is simply say "she did not provide x,y,z". Why does a man say things like "she does a cbj?! well I am crossing her off my list then!!" in a review forum? Because he is being extremely negative and is looking to put pressure on her to do something she is not willing to do. Or maybe this comment is designed to create drama, and scare others away, when maybe he was the only one she did a CBJ with! YMMV is a part of this biz. A statement like that is designed to be negative, not constructive, not informative, but negative. There is a right way and a wrong way to do a review or post comments to a review (imho).

In addition..I think when men post such things in such a manner on a ladies review it shows their immaturity, and also their insecurities.
Drtry2's Avatar
In addition..I think when men post such things in such a manner on a ladies review it shows their immaturity, and also their insecurities. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
I agree with this statement, but since the post is made in print you can not tell the emotion which the post was made, therefor leaving the reader to conclude if it was made in a harmful manner or a constructive manner.

My take on the CBJ comment is that is not made to be harmful, but as a message that the poster won't see a provider that is CBJ only for that price.

First off, we are not talking about a car Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Well, in 90's american cars were a lot like burger joint's, while the Germans defined luxury. Now look...most American cars come equiped with the same luxury items standard, because that is what the consumer wanted and what the American car makers needed to do to survie. The same logic applys to providers, the consumer wants certain standards and shops accordingly but tells the ones he does not buy from the reason he did not buy from them.

I guess it all boils down to the delivery of the message, and with print you lose the emotion factor that really tells the whole story.
Are you new to the hobby?

Sounds like you're new. Welcome to the wonderful world of escorting!

So you met your first superiorwhorefucker! Congratulations!!!


Definition one: A hobbyists that think he's entitled to a discount or a free session. They say things like "I am a seasoned hobbyist", "I am whitelisted on TER and very well known in the community", "I can ruin your business!" to try to intimidate you. It's almost like they think you're supposed to be star struck or something... .

Definiton two: A hobbyist that spends his entire life on a review board/hooker board (like this one) bashing every escort he comes across and saying thing like "CBJ?? $300?? I'm crossing her off my list", "42 year old $400??? Hell no!", "We pay them to leave!!!", "No piece of ass is worth more than $50 OMG!!!".

Oh if you need more definitions.. check out Jenny Demilo's blog. You'll feel better after reading it trust me. LOL!

My advice: Be polite and do your very best to avoid further contact with these men. They are nothing but trouble. You will only stress yourself out if you give this a second though! It happens to the best of us. I'm lucky that I don't have to deal with the BS anymore but I feel for those that do. *BIG BIG HUGS* Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Awesome, LoL I love this*
Reading the whole thread, I think the real question is how is the best way for a provider to raise her rates. It is not always easy once you have advertised a certain price, then you want to raise it a little bit. So you list the new price on your website, maybe a few places where place ads, and you think everything should be fine. Then someone calls that saw the old rate listed last week, and still wants the old rate, as that is when he made the decision to see you, but his schedule wouldn't allow him to call till this week.

So how do you handle this? A lot is in the phone skills, and how to keep a situation from going from good to bad. Like was mentioned before, you don't need to give a reason for raising your rates, just say you did for business considerations. If the client responds in a polite way, maybe you say you would be nice and still honor the old rate for this time. If not, just politely say the rate is firm, and sorry if he doesn't feel that way. If he changes his mind, he can call you back understanding that the new rate is firm.

While it is easy to set a price, trying to smoothly transition a new higher price is the hard part.
Fastcars1966's Avatar
Naomi You crack me up, and I love you for it.
Sweet Treats
Don't sweat it baby if your rates are posted and he has a problem because he didn't notice when he booked that's his problem and he should be embarrassed. You don't have to justify your rates to anyone but yourself. [quote=Naomi4u;1305917]Are you new to the hobby?

Sounds like you're new. Welcome to the wonderful world of escorting!

So you met your first superiorwhorefucker! Congratulations!!!


Definition one: A hobbyists that think he's entitled to a discount or a free session. They say things like "I am a seasoned hobbyist", "I am whitelisted on TER and very well known in the community", "I can ruin your business!" to try to intimidate you. It's almost like they think you're supposed to be star struck or something... .

Definiton two: A hobbyist that spends his entire life on a review board/hooker board (like this one) bashing every escort he comes across and saying thing like "CBJ?? $300?? I'm crossing her off my list", "42 year old $400??? Hell no!", "We pay them to leave!!!", "No piece of ass is worth more than $50 OMG!!!".

Oh if you need more definitions.. check out Jenny Demilo's blog. You'll feel better after reading it trust me. LOL!

My advice: Be polite and do your very best to avoid further contact with these men. They are nothing but trouble. You will only stress yourself out if you give this a second though! It happens to the best of us. I'm lucky that I don't have to deal with the BS anymore but I feel for those that do. *BIG BIG HUGS*[/quote]
farmstud i agree 100% its not hard keeping clients coming in but its the transitioning that i have to get used to.. coming from a classy lady, backpage advertising doesnt get you calls that make you feel very classy sometimes... which is how i ended up in the wonderful world of eccie (and i mean that! ive met genuine enjoyable clients on here) i got tired of compromising and negotiating for the smallest amounts.. at least on eccie i know there are plenty of gentlemen who understand and appreciate a true classy woman!