Who is DavidFree986? You decide

He has admitted to being NHR:


Specifically: "...you thought you were so bad ass about getting my p411 account revoked..."

That isolated incident happened with NHR, not davidfree986. So he did give himself away there. Not that it matters anymore. The people have spoken and no one really cares anyway. Even if he does get banned again, he will just keep coming back with new handles and the merry-go-round continues.

I agree with moving on, OSBG. Way better things (and people) to focus your energy on in the world.

Welcome back, en! Seeing your name pop up on the right of coed made me smile (and cream in my panties a little too).
Don't listen to 'em, obsg. I'll regret it if you do.
Chung Tran's Avatar
He has admitted to being NHR:


Specifically: "...you thought you were so bad ass about getting my p411 account revoked..."

That isolated incident happened with NHR, not davidfree986. So he did give himself away there.
Originally Posted by thathottnurse
THN, your quote above was chopped.. after "revoked", he continued, saying "which you did not do"..

then you casually mention that quote relates to NHR.. except there is no mention of NHR in the post.. you look to be promoting more innuendo in a thread that's already about innuendo..
ghung, Clift notes version.
I posted I wanted to get Bigdog0311's current handle banned
David then states I have an agenda against him and quotes my post about Bigdog0311.
David then goes back and edits his post to try to hide what he really said.

In math, if A=B and B=C then A=C

Now, why should anyone care if Bigdog0311/NearHatueRed/ etc is back under a different handle?

#1 He has outted people, including a RL friend of mine. He went to the extent of posting pictures of the guy, his house, his car with license number, names of his wife and family, and then came on here and bragged about outing him. Thank goodness he was so inept it caused no harm. He has done this to others as well.

#2 He writes fake reviews, deliberately misleading others.

#3 He uses multiple handles. As NHR, he even used them to support his fake reviews and other posts. He used multiple handles to do the same as Bigdog0311

#4 His ego/fake posts/arguing with club owners has caused at least 2 women I know to loose their RL jobs. One was outted to her family as a result of his actions here.

THN can add more about how he has treated women in the past. Others here can add more about his behavior in the past as well.

Every time he has been caught he has been banned. Over and over. He has learned how to mask his IP address so its harder to catch him now but he always slips up.

We have to have some standards of conduct. The site does have rules. A lot of shit is allowed here. But there have to be limits. If he is not banned, then at least people should know who they are dealing with.
  • EZ.
  • 11-10-2014, 10:31 AM
I will say that I have talked with him on several occasions. He is a really nice guy to talk too. He has asked me for and apt and I will say that only reason I have to net with him yet is that is persona of how he should be treated in the bedroom scares me off a little. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Come on baby, there is no doctor/lawyer privilege involved here. Spit it out. What kind of freaky shit is this guy in to?
Chung Tran's Avatar
if that first allegation is true, yeah, that is horrible behavior.. no way for me to know if it is true, or if David is/was BigDog.. the rest? I see that he edited his comment in the linked thread, but I don't get why it is an issue.. I have edited a few times, just to better clarify a point.. nothing nefarious about it.

another point: what motive did BigDog have to write many fake reviews? certainly not PA credit.. the reviews I have read from DavidFree that I have any knowledge to verify the credulity, have been spot on.

I'm just not seeing what you, and now THN are reporting.. your links don't verify your conclusions.. both of you claimed he outted himself.. the proof is not there.
THN, your quote above was chopped.. after "revoked", he continued, saying "which you did not do"..

then you casually mention that quote relates to NHR.. except there is no mention of NHR in the post.. you look to be promoting more innuendo in a thread that's already about innuendo.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yes but read on, he states that it didn't get revoked bc he says Gina and the mods sided with him at the time. I didn't follow what happened after I reported it because its not that big of a deal to me. I just heard from others that his p411 profile was gone. With all respect, Chung, he is referring to himself in that post, but that didn't happen to DF986, it happened NHR/Bigdog0311. I will post the longer version of the segment I quoted:

"...you thought you were so bad ass about getting my p411 account revoked, which you did not do. Obviously, the mods here did/do not believe your fabrication and neither did Gina at p411."

I have never dealt with any negative member issues regarding p411 with exception to the NHR incident. The fact that DF986 not only knew about that incident but referred to it being himself is proof enough for me. But whatever. Like I said, people come back here all the time under new handles who have done absolutely discpicable things to others under their former handle. I prefer to know who they are rather than play the new-handle guessing game. Less work for everyone. You can't stop them from coming back repeatedly so knowing who they are is the best alternative I can think of. Just my opinion.

another point: what motive did BigDog have to write many fake reviews? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I don't know if BD is DF or not, and I don't care so long as this thread continues. If the thread stops, I'll care a lot then and may have to start one of my own (just because...no real reason)....

As for your question above, the allegations against BD were that he both faked and embellished reviews. With respect to the embellished reviews, the motive was some bizarre desire to show that he bought/rented pussy better than anybody else as evidenced by his purported receipt of services that nobody else was getting (particulary in strip clubs). He's not the only one with that habit, btw. And, no, I don't personally understand why somebody would do that. I guess it's some kind of weird ego boost. Anyway, I recall the threads in which the faked/embellished reviews were discussed, and I came away with the strong impression that the charges were valid.

I have no ax to grind in this one way or the other. I just want the bigdog drama to continue, so my motives are completely pure....
  • EZ.
  • 11-10-2014, 10:53 AM
if that first allegation is true, yeah, that is horrible behavior.. no way for me to know if it is true, or if David is/was BigDog.. the rest? I see that he edited his comment in the linked thread, but I don't get why it is an issue.. I have edited a few times, just to better clarify a point.. nothing nefarious about it.

another point: what motive did BigDog have to write many fake reviews? certainly not PA credit.. the reviews I have read from DavidFree that I have any knowledge to verify the credulity, have been spot on.

I'm just not seeing what you, and now THN are reporting.. your links don't verify your conclusions.. both of you claimed he outted himself.. the proof is not there. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung, I know OldButStillGoing, he is one of the old ASPD guys that I hang out with.
If someone got a friend outed, to her family, and a couple of others fired, what would be your reaction?
.. the rest? I see that he edited his comment in the linked thread, but I don't get why it is an issue.. I have edited a few times, just to better clarify a point.. nothing nefarious about it.....
. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
He edited his post to hide the fact he just linked his handle to an old banned handle. I edit posts all the time. Many do. Lots of good reasons to do so. Especially for me. My typing sucks. But he is trying to cover up his huge mistake. Not to fix a spelling error or better word a statement. Its what he edited, not the fact he did so. He tried to totally change the meaning of what he posted.
....With respect to the embellished reviews, the motive was some bizarre desire to show that he bought/rented pussy better than anybody else as evidenced by his purported receipt of services that nobody else was getting .... Originally Posted by eccienewbie
And this make his attacks on You&Me even funnier. Maybe we have the motive for those attacks now?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Chung, I know OldButStillGoing, he is one of the old ASPD guys that I hang out with.
If someone got a friend outed, to her family, and a couple of others fired, what would be your reaction? Originally Posted by OldLRRP
I would be upset, livid, and want to expose him.. but it doesn't mean BigDog and DavidFree are the same.. I have no idea.. all I know is the evidence presented is not convincing.. and from what I have read from DavidFree's posts and reactions on all matters ECCIE, he doesn't strike me as someone who would do that..

I asked about motive.. the response was that BigDog had an inflated ego, embellished his strip club reviews, to sate his inner self, somehow.. I see none of that in DavidFree's reviews.. quite the contrary, in fact..

did BigDog have a motive to "out" OBSG's friend, and others? what reason did he give for doing so? or is it solid that he even did so?
And this make his attacks on You&Me even funnier. Maybe we have the motive for those attacks now? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Yeah, and BD was quite the amateur photographer, too, as I recall. Maybe he's just a tiny bit jealous of all those pics Y&M posts in his reviews. Yeah, that's consistent with his type.

Bet it's just a tiny lil' ol' thing. That would be consistent with the "one upsmanship" personality trait, too. It has a name, and the name is overcompensation....
Ignore Chung.

Don't let him tell you what to do.

You need to do what I tell you to do....
You are not convinced. That is fine Ghung. Some will never be convinced unless David posts "Yes, I am Bigdog0311 and the other banned handles".

The commonality of David's posts and Bigdog's and exactly what clued me and many others in that they are the same guy. Many on here have made comments they know who David really is. I am far from the only one.