Liberal College Students Love President Trump's Tax Plan!!!!

bambino's Avatar
It is their money if you give it to them you stupid fuck.

Just like it would be Donald Jr's money if they eliminated the estate tax and the old man left Junior all his money. Junior did nothing to earn that.

Next....I said cut their SS tax you silly ass scratching monkey. Thus you are cutting THEIR taxes.

Your homo boyfriend said there were no taxes to cut and I showed him were he was willfully ignorant or lying or maybe he really is that stupid. Who knows with that blowhard. Originally Posted by WTF
You mean like the “allowance” your mom gives you? Is the money a bank robber stole his money? Spoken like a true Libtard. Now quit lying about being a Libertarian. You’ve proved many times that you’re a stupid Libtard. For government to “give” something to someone, they have to take it from someone else.
Yes....cut taxes and cut spending across the board, including military. I'm for that....but it is dipshits like you JD who want to cut taxes but not any benefits that you derive from the government. Originally Posted by WTF
IMO Every branch of govt we currently have, not spelled out in the constitution (DEA, DOE etc) should get shut down.. That way we WILL get less spending!

You do not love this country, you love your benefits just like any other welfare taker. If one were to do a analysis on you , I would bet your financial input would be a net negative. You've taken way more from the government than you have paid in taxes. Originally Posted by WTF
As the saying goes, teach a man to fish they eat for life, give a man a fish to eat, he only eats for one meal, then sits on your doorstep wanting another fish every day thereafter..

Because they are the ones who will actually spend that money into the economy. You think George Soros needs a tax break? Originally Posted by WTF
So you don't think rich folk spend money into the economy?

Yes that is part of the tax break. Hopefully they will disallow all these tax breaks like Home Mortgage deductions and Child credit deductions that folks who want kids , yet want me to pay for their little fuckers. Originally Posted by WTF
IMO if they are on welfare they should get forced snipped, so they can't DROP OUT kids on a dime..
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
First -- I am not a Bernie Sanders fan. With that said, the interviewer focused on 3 points:

1. Increasing child tax credits
2. Eliminating the "death" tax
3. Lowering the small business tax rate to 25% max.

I have problems with the Trump tax plan but not with those 3 points. Trump's tax plan lowers the top bracket from 39.6% to 35% which only impacts the rich -- like Trump. Interviewer did not mention that. The Trump tax plan will add about $1 trillion to the deficit. Interviewer did not mention that. IF his sole goal was to make some college kids look foolish, he succeeded.

As of today there are few details on the impact of the tax reform on people like me -- middle income, no children, older, not impacted by the "death" tax, and not a small business owner. When Trump talked about his tax reform plan while running for POTUS, he implied that I would be getting a tax break in the range of $1500. I don't see that happening but I will wait and see.
As of today there are few details on the impact of the tax reform on people like me -- middle income, no children, older, not impacted by the "death" tax, and not a small business owner. When Trump talked about his tax reform plan while running for POTUS, he implied that I would be getting a tax break in the range of $1500. I don't see that happening but I will wait and see. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well for one, being single, no kids is one of the worst spots to be tax wise.. WE always seem to get the short end of the stick there.
2ndly, is your 'middle income' level putting you in that "47% of earners who don't pay taxes as is"?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well for one, being single, no kids is one of the worst spots to be tax wise.. WE always seem to get the short end of the stick there.
2ndly, is your 'middle income' level putting you in that "47% of earners who don't pay taxes as is"? Originally Posted by garhkal
I paid quite a bit in taxes last year. "Middle income" varies depending on where you live. The following link helps determine where a person fits as to upper-middle-lower income. I am most definitely in the "middle income" bracket.