Venezuela shuts schools, businesses as blackout enters second day

themystic's Avatar
Don't send the Military to Venezuela. Maduro would smash those punks. Our once proud military has turned into a bunch of snowflakes under Trump. Sad. Even General Kelly said they were an embarrasment
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
themystic is a traitor!!!
themystic's Avatar
themystic is a traitor!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Waco is a scardy cat aka coward
  • oeb11
  • 03-08-2019, 04:05 PM
Posters - enough with name-calling.

Maduro and Socialism is topic - along with Maduro's graft and corruption stealing the Venezuelan people into abject poverty.

AOC - DPST Darlin' - is on record supporting Maduro - along with most of the rest of the DPST party.

The Cubans, Russians, and Chinese all have a presence in Venezuela - and they will not give up their Western Hemisphere country base easily, despite the cost to the Venezuelan free people. I would bet 50/50 that Guaido will be disappeared by the Cubans in conjunction with Maduro.

Sending our military into Venezuela to oust Maduro at this point is not a reasonable thing to do. It would blow up in our faces. Despite TM's "expert" opinion, I think our military could take Venezuela by military force - but it would long be remembered by every country south of the US - and unfavorably.Not to mention the issues with facing Cubans, Russians, and Chinese "troops" in Venezuela.

Trump has many faults - but not ruling out a military option is good for pressure on Maduro.

Let us pray for the safety of Guaido. Rebels against the "Revolution" get a very specific permanent sentence in Socialist Countries.

Constructive replies Please!

Topic Posts - Please!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
themystic can't speel scardy!!!!
themystic's Avatar
Posters - enough with name-calling.

Maduro and Socialism is topic - along with Maduro's graft and corruption stealing the Venezuelan people into abject poverty.

AOC - DPST Darlin' - is on record supporting Maduro - along with most of the rest of the DPST party.

The Cubans, Russians, and Chinese all have a presence in Venezuela - and they will not give up their Western Hemisphere country base easily, despite the cost to the Venezuelan free people. I would bet 50/50 that Guaido will be disappeared by the Cubans in conjunction with Maduro.

Topic Posts - Please!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
most of the rest of DPST party? you sir are a liar
JRLawrence's Avatar
i'm sure its not socialism's fault

its just socialism hasn't been tried right yet Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
It was tried in The Soviet Union, and it failed. Until chages were made in China, to reward individual rewards for their work, it failed.

In short, socialism has always failed because it doesn't value the individual right to be rewarded for the work and effort he puts forth. The result is to ask why an individual should work at all because the effort is not rewarded.

It is socialism's fault.

How it works: Watch this.
  • oeb11
  • 03-08-2019, 04:43 PM
most of the rest of DPST party? you sir are a liar Originally Posted by themystic

You must define the DPST party differently than I do!!
Epithets are the mark of inability to debate cogently and constructively.
Very Sad for those Ones.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
most of the rest of DPST party? you sir are a liar Originally Posted by themystic
Naw, TM. We’re all liars.

Oeb11 just more dishonest about it than most.

Who lurks a forum for 9 years and then suddenly becomes one of its most verbose contributors?

Don’t you find that slightly odd, tovarisch?
  • oeb11
  • 03-08-2019, 05:19 PM
All politicians Lie
They are paid to do so by their supporters.

Each person lives in One's own individual Reality, and sees the World separately and differently than any other One.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
i'm sure its not socialism's fault

its just socialism hasn't been tried right yet Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

or so they say....

human nature is the biggest fly in their ointment.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Venezuela is INCHES away from achieving the Soylent Green New Deal!

Go Maduro! Go AOC! Go Obama! Go Omar! Go! Go! GO!

Throw your asses on the Unicorn Horn!

Originally Posted by gnadfly
fixed that!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Waco is a scardy cat aka coward Originally Posted by themystic

you're an embarrassment to your race in that you can't spell a word correctly... scardy??? really???

its scaredy!!!
  • Tiny
  • 03-08-2019, 09:13 PM
Lmao.. Socialism rules, in only 7 years you can destroy an entire country... Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
Chavez was elected president of Venezuela in 1998, and the country didn't start to crumble until 2015. Lenin took over Russia in 1917, and certainly into the 1960's some people were pointing to the Soviet Union as a development model. In the long run you're right though. It doesn't work, and, if you're talking about a system where the state owns and controls the means of production, it's always corrupt and inefficient.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Agreed. However, the programs at the heart of Trump’s New Red Scare are things like tuition free state public universities and Medicare for All/National Health Care.

Trump and his ever diminishing base are back to brick shittery.