Claire Bloom has left the building...

ManSlut's Avatar
She's left the building or she's left your Management Company?
suiram77's Avatar
We 100% believe you...

Jesus bro Originally Posted by corona
Lmfao hahahaha omg SMDH
suiram77's Avatar
Why must some of you men get in a ladies business? It's NEVER a good look. Let people just go away without putting all of their business out there. Boundaries people. Sheesh. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Because Kendall they are they pimp or some sort so they have to get all in their hoes business smh lol. The op entire post spell management!!!! And I have to agree with you just let the women handle they own business, even if they sincerely did ask you to post for them.

I would never post a comment for a provider regardless of how long we been knowing each other or how cool we are. That's not my business it's hers so she needs to handle that.