I was wondering....

Papacorn's Avatar
Attitude can make up for so much, and you have a great one Rene! Confidence is very sexy, and skills without question also make a great visit!

You rock, and be yourself...don't try to please everyone, and you will please most!
JohnJohn's Avatar
Well, I had to find out for myself if she was as ravishing as she looks in her pics. Saw Rene tonight and she was scrumptious! Also realized how intelligent and charming she is.

Rene, you got nothing to worry about!
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
They are inseparable.

The more flawless the service, the more flawless the body becomes.
there used to be a lady on ASPD in her 30's not nearly with your looks. I visited and she was one of the most responsive women I ever met. very passionate. I was just about to schedule another visit when some idiot reviewed her and trashed her because of bad c section scar. how stupid and crude. she disconnected her phone. I can't say as I blame her. the point I'm trying to make is, everyone is beautiful if you try and see their beauty and what each individual has to offer.
Dittychaser's Avatar
Rene I like you just the way you are. Hope to see you again soon.
The perfect body is secondary. I want someone who acts like I am the one and is interested in only me, if only for a short while. I do want someone who is nice and clean and does take care of herself. Therefore, age and being a spinner is not that important.
When a hobbyist and provider are behind closed doors and the passion is unleashed, the sex is raw, and heart is racing and blood pumping and the lady has the guy in her mouth I dont think too many of us think about the "flaws" a person has. Besides God made us all and for that we are all perfect.
landpirate's Avatar
Asking and interesting question + No funky typefaces + Punctuation of sentences + No personal attacks + Warm personality + Ravishing looks = On my radar.
I do not have the perfect body, and never have I claimed to. ...SNIP... I know that I am not everyone's "cup of tea" and I am ok with that, but if someone enjoys my company and the level of services that I provide, then let it be. I have read through the physcial description of all my reviews, and most of them mentioned my flaws. But if they didn't, could it be that my actions, my personality, and my overall services made my flaws not that much noticable? Just a thought... Originally Posted by Ravishing*Rene*
Good reviewers will list what many perceive as flaws. And some reviewers can be quite comprehensive & detailed in what they list because they know not everyone likes the same things. For example, stretch marks or a bit of a tummy won't bother some guys, but maybe tattoos or piercings will. Remember, your physical appearance is what will hook most guys in, and what is distracting to one person may not be to another. Let it all hang out and let the buyer decide. Maybe the "flaw" is one the client doesn't care for but is willing to see you because the reviewer who listed it said in the ROS how great you were.

I've read most all your reviews and I can't see any relation in how much a client enjoyed being with you and what was put down as "flaws". Quite the contrary, the more detail on your physical description, including your "flaws", the more detail is given in the ROS on how sexy you are.

We all like different things. By all accounts you are great to look at and good at what you do. That any given hobbyist hasn't seen you is not a reflection on you, but of that hobbyist's own personal preferences.