From NQNS to NCNS...

Caitie: You are generally regarded as a Goddess in these parts. We, as mere mortals, can only forgive you !

Hope all is well with you...
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Just goes to show you that ANYONE can screw the pooch - whatever the reason. What matters is how it's handled afterwards. Obviously, CM handles it much, much better than most.
Jasser's Avatar
This just goes to show it's all about who you are. If this had been any other provider posting this, there would be tons of "it was a mistake to post this. most of us wouldn't even have known about the NCNS if you wouldn't have posted this". However, in this case, it's different.

As most of you say, "just sayin".
pmdelites's Avatar
but the desire and the will to change the behavior or situation that caused the problem to begin with - that, to me, is a sign of someone who is working to do the right thing in their life and be a better person. Originally Posted by pmdelites
one more thing, ...
once the will is ther, actually changing one's behavior for the better is a sign of someone who is doing the right thing in their life and doing what they can to be a better person.

actions do speak much louder than words.
  • Duke
  • 03-22-2011, 10:34 PM
My ATF had a flat tire today and then her daughter broke her arm. She sent me a one word email "Cancel" that I got in time so I didn't waste a trip.

Later she let me know what happened. In this case we have known each other for 3 or 4 years so we have some trust when life happens.

I wish you well balancing all the things you need to balance in life and still participate in this wonderful hobby.
Caitie Mae's Avatar
Until things level off a bit for me, maybe it would be best for everyone if the CME came with a warning label.

I recieved an email this morning with an honest account that could serve as such a label. I have asked the author of the account, DFW5Traveler, to post it here so that everyone has equal access to it.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Until things level off a bit for me, maybe it would be best for everyone if the CME came with a warning label.

I recieved an email this morning with an honest account that could serve as such a label. I have asked the author of the account, DFW5Traveler, to post it here so that everyone has equal access to it. Originally Posted by Caitie Mae
As requested and after our conversation today I am posting to put a close to this adventure. Mods, please close this thread.

This is the narrative to which I posted in the locker room and after sharing what I posted with Caitie, we agreed to post it in public view. I wish her al the best.

We are typically asked to wait a good 24 to 48 hours to post a NCNS to allow for real life to catch up and allow the provider time to contact the hobbiest to apologize. We are typically disappointed and some just get angry.

Circumstance withstanding I've recently endured a very dissatisfactory ending after weeks of patience. It started with a confirmed appointment, with directions to the general location. The provider in question didn't answer. After 15 minutes of waiting, I get a text to call. The call goes straight to voicemail. Again, I get another text stating, call me and again, it goes straight to voicemail. I text her back telling her the calls are going straight to voice mail and asked her to call me. Fifteen minutes later (now 30 minutes past the scheduled time) she calls and tells me she is sorry that she double booked me and was going to try to lie her way out of it, but decided to be forthcoming.

She offered to call me when she came back to town and give me first option of appointment times. She did contact me and said she wanted to make up for our "almost appointment". We agreed to a time and I sent a confirmation 24 hours prior to the appointed time. No answer within 12 hours, so I sent another confirmation request. No answer. I went to her blog and found that she cancelled all of her appointments and wrote it off, thinking something major was happening and sent another email telling her that I noticed her schedule and hoped that everything is OK.

Flash forward last week. I receive a PM here on eccie with a small apology and request that we make up for the missed appointments. I agreed and we scheduled an evening appointment this past Sunday. Saturday night, I sent the customary confirmation. No response. I check her status on eccie and she's posted twice, one 3 hours before the appointment was to take place. I sent another confirmation request with my phone number asking her to call as I wouldn't be able to check email before I got home to get ready for the appointment. No response. At the hour prior to the appointment I send another email telling her I was getting ready and would head her direction when she sent me directions. No response.

She posted to eccie 5 times after the scheduled appointment starting 5 hours after the appointment was scheduled and only after I posted on her 12:45am post. I didn't attack and I didn't let on in the post that it was me that she was writing about. It was another three hours before I got a one liner email saying, "please let me explain," I responded "ok" and that was it. Now that she has public support, why embarrass herself further.

Now, the disservice, it is classy making a public apology, but you fans jumped on her bandwagon pretty fast before you knew the entire story. Writing this is going to be controversial, obviously, but writing a NCNS in the reviews would get me publicly attacked for posting it at all after her public apology.

She garnered public support before she even tried to make a private apology without even offering a make-up session. She knew it had to be coming since I waited six days to post a NCNS on her friend, who still hasn't offered an apology. Needless to say, I'm a little upset now.


A lot of dust here, He said, she said, somewhere there is a reality. The end of the day, the man was unsatisfied and the lady embarrassed. I think we can let this stand as a lesson for all in just being up front. Life happens and it is how we handle it that shows who we are. I know DFW5Traveler was probably restrained in how he felt, but it does come through. I am sure CM wishes it did not happen and it didn't have to become public. I want to believe that she did not come to the board to build support before she communicated with DFW5Traveler.

I hope all of this can come to a resounding conclusion and all can right itself in the world.... I wish you both well....

Torito's Avatar
I believe it is time to close.
