Smokers and their status

Shoot, I love it when a women is spread legged on the sofa, smoking, and telling me to eat her pussy. No worries here, love !
Lovelyyellie's Avatar
Search pornhub for smoking fetish...great vids of smokey bbbj's! I don't really like the odor,, but the visual of it seems to deaden my sense of smell. lol
on a visit I thought everything was OK and had a great time until I left. from that moment on I couldn't stop caughing for over 2 days.
on a visit I thought everything was OK and had a great time until I left. from that moment on I couldn't stop caughing for over 2 days. Originally Posted by mayday

I've just made sure I leave it in my purse now.

Unless a guy brings his in too.

So sorry that happened.
I vape but get a non-flavored (Naked) e-juice. Doesn't have the chemical or formaldehyde that's in the flavored ones so actually better for you. I just want my nicotine fix & it does the job!
waterfalllover's Avatar
I smoked cigarettes since I was 16. I quit on August 31st. 2006
I started back up 12/2012 and continued until few months ago. Currently on & off, more on than off but have a sincere desire to quit cold turkey again. When im not smoking I get these taste buds going & get a wiff of one that just lit up & that's about all it takes.

I do remember walking out of the hotel and that nauseous smell of people smoking 50-70 feet away from the front entrance. I said to self, is that what I smelled like ? Daum.

Then I got home after being at a nightclub with friends. Daum, the nicotine embedded into my clothes and it was disgusting. I took'me off and washed them immediately.

Its a disgusting habit I wish I could, cold turkey again...
I had someone trying to vape in my hotel room and I actually had to sign a waiver saying I'd pay $250 if I was caught vaping in the room. I don't know anything about vaping but I didn't let him as I assumed it must give off a smell or something's up with it to have to sign that waiver.
I personally feel that whatever your habit is, smoking cigs, vaping, drinking should be done after your work day is done and not before or during.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I try to never see women who smoke. All other things being equal, I'd prefer to see a non-smoker than an e-cig smoker, but I wouldn't completely rule out an e-sig smoker until I've had some experience with them. I've never been in the presence of someone using the,m, and probably haven't been in the presence of someone smoking a cigarette (other than passing on a sidewalk, perhaps) in years. I just don't see folks who smoke in the business or social circles I run in, I suppose. I don't know anyone who still smokes, other than s few clients, except the custodian at our office building. Still know folks who dip.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Where I grew up hardly any teens smoked. It was always these older critters that looked like they were sick that smoked.

Early on I equated the look, the smell, and the taste of cigarettes to unhealthy folks.

I get around a provider who has cigarette breath and my first reaction is getting her breath to smelling like cock breath, yeah, mine !

There, turned a negative into a positive.