If you're white, you're alright!!!

Seriously not again!
Why are there so many providers who only see white clients??? Isn't this a subtle form of racism when you get right down to it??? Originally Posted by TexTanMan
Some may think that? I have a good AA friend in Houston DickemDown who can tell you that the tack you're taking is fruitless. He just finds the ones that will! And it so happens we have BOTH seen many the same ladies.

This type of thread is one that will likely never get satisfactory answers, but I will ask all to keep the replies respectful regardless of your feelings.
foX's Avatar
  • foX
  • 01-12-2010, 07:17 AM
Lots of providers won't see fat, old, bald, ugly guys either.... and I don't blame them, I just find gals that don't mind.... toads need love too!
internet_inventor2's Avatar
DED and I have a great deal in common, lol...

I personally don't care about the NBA policy, it is a free country (for the most part) if someone doesnt want to see WHOEVER then fine by me. I always tell providers my racial background (bit of irish in me too, hence these cute freckles) ahead of time, if we click, we click, if we dont, we dont, NEXT, I dont want either one of to waste time and effort. I chat/pm with many ladies who have a NBA policy, even on the phone and even, nevermind... psst (I know some AA providers who dont see AA men and it's not a racial thing, hell they cut to the chase and tell you why, lol (cant repeat it here) ).........

I learned a lot from DED, especially the "you know __ __ __ anybody" ...

Finally, I'll leave you with this thought, just because you can drive the golf ball a long ways doesnt make you a good golfer, you gotta work on your approach shot and putting too ........

HELLO Dallas --------
Guest020610's Avatar
Lemontrees - there are guys who won't see really smart gals - they won't see you! lol yours is a helluva good response to this
When I see the ad for no AA men the
first thing I think is she has a pimp.

But then again some white girls only live with
AA men, something about they are better lovers.

If they are better lovers I can see why the providers
don't want to see them because they are not there to be lovers.

____ ___________ __________ ___________
The spur of the moment is the only way to Play, In my defense English is not my first language. My first language is baby talk and first word was "booby". http://www.redtube.com/6397005
SkipperRon's Avatar
Lots of providers won't see fat, old, bald, ugly guys either.... Originally Posted by foX

I just lost all hope

same old thread.Someone starts it to start a controversy.The last one on aspd just caused a lot of flaming.
You want to talk about social morals and such go find a yahoo or msn site.
Lets have fun here.
Respect the ladies right to see who they want,pick someone who will see you and enjoy the hobby.
This and my post on a similar thread in main discussions will by 1st and last posts on ths site about this subject.
Let it be !
I'm with you, looie...I quit posting on race topics AGES ago on another board and like you, this will be MY first and last.

My QUESTION would be that when a thread is started along these lines, why doesn't everyone just ignore it and let it go away?

My SUGGESTION would be to just ignore it and move on. If no one posts replies, it would make sense that these would just go away.

I second the above: "Let it be!"

This is done.