Man made boobs

Oralist's Avatar
AliceS, BellaTX, Natalia Mori, just to name 3 enhanced hotties.
Thanks I will check them out now!
If the fake boobs are done well I have no problems with them.
If they are not or they have been in way too long....I don't particularly care for them and will do my best to avoid them.
So true tbone, that’s why I’m on the prowl right now. Any suggestions
Natural Girl Here! Now i love this thread because i have been looking to get implants and EVERY LAST CLIENT of mine is like Omg Kammye dont do it!!! Youre boobs are just fine they fit youre frame. And the more i thought about it i decided on just a lift no implants. Im extremely tiny. And bigger boobs would look kinda strange on me. But to each its own. Until then ill remain in the itty bitty titty committee.
Hate the scars of breast lifts
I don’t know why. But it seems extremely hard for me to schedule with any lady that has fake boobs. Sucks cause that’s really what I like and would love to get a chance to encounter some. I’ve tried a few times with a very well known provider on here but after I send screening info with a pic of my work ID, I get no more responses. Any ideas on how I can improve my situation. Lol, thanks and feel free to inbox me as well ladies and gents. Originally Posted by
Funny boob thing about Jess... So I have this S/O who swears up and down that when we were together my boobs were not this big.. He is correct. I was a 36C then. Some of my fans around the hobby still actually have pics of those days, including him. Now I am a full 36DD. I don't know what happened, only life changing was getting pregnant ect.. but other than that
I have no clue. I will admit I love my DD's and shopping for clothes, sexy lingerie ect BUT... I did at one point consider getting a re-do. But then I realized that It wouldn't be for me. It would be for others... I love my boobs !!
I mean just look at how fast these ladies with ass jobs are looking like they are wearing diapers... NO THANKS !!

I doubt that it is you and more about the type your choosing to book with.
AnastasiaForU's Avatar
I love my new MM!! They look great on my tiny frame!! Just my opinion...

Giuliana's Avatar
Your PM box is full love...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Das ganze gerede über falsche brüste und nicht ein einziges bild.... Enttäuscht
*All this talk about man-mades & not one pic.... Disappointing*
The1Slayer's Avatar
A lot of guys won't see girls with Manmade Boobs........ just like CBJ is a big turn off for many................

Your changing shit........

Leave what you were born with alone........... it was made that way for a reason................

I'll NEVER see a provider with fake shit.................
boardman's Avatar
They've got to be well done. New and hard is no bueno. Done right and given some time they can be nice but I prefer natural and a girl who is comfortable with what she has naturally.
I used to own a well done pair. Took about 18 months for them to feel really natural. I lost them in the divorce.
They've got to be well done. New and hard is no bueno. Done right and given some time they can be nice but I prefer natural and a girl who is comfortable with what she has naturally.
I used to own a well done pair. Took about 18 months for them to feel really natural. I lost them in the divorce. Originally Posted by boardman
Lol, "Lost them in the divorce".
Dr.Elena Geppart in Clear lake for Boobs..����
Dr Yarish Memorial City for tummy tuck & lipo.
He's doing my new vagina soon
Since its all worn out
Dr.Elena Geppart in Clear lake for Boobs..����
Dr Yarish Memorial City for tummy tuck & lipo.
He's doing my new vagina soon
Since its all worn out Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA
Are you going for the VaJJ rejuvenation?
There are some great boob Dr's in Dallas. When I was stripping those chicks would get a boob job and in a week be right back on stage.