How bout dem Cowgirls?

  • MrGiz
  • 01-26-2010, 05:09 PM
I wish someone would have told me about this thread earlier as I would have made a special effort to join in here.....See, unlike you Ain'ts pukes who shove your heads between your ass when you get beat (and you'll always try to blame someone else for your team's shitty play), I can face reality and just say that DA BOYZ got their asses handed to them in MN.....That MN defense was jumping on Romo's ass as soon as their plane landed in Minneapolis and in fact, when the teams were in the locker room at halftime Romo was still running for his life.....We just got the shit kicked out of us up there and nothing we can say or do will change it.....I wasn't on here right away because I have other things, but at least I'm not like you Ain'ts pukes who only come on when the team wins and when they lose you're silent or you're crying about how someone cheated you out of the victory.....And your team had better win their next game down in Miami because if you don't I'm gonna have an entire offseason to just completely fuck with you pukes.....Good luck. Originally Posted by BIG C
As usual.... I think you Dallas Cowboyz fans are absolutely full of shit... and ya'll are the biggest BlowHards on the Sports Planet! I can't wait for the first one of ya'll to brag about being one of the few teams to beat the Champs!
As if that game meant anything to the Saints!
Get back with us when you're worth a fuck!

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-26-2010, 05:13 PM
As usual.... I think you Dallas Cowboyz fans are absolutely full of shit... and ya'll are the biggest BlowHards on the Sports Planet! I can't wait for the first one of ya'll to brag about being one of the few teams to beat the Champs!
As if that game meant anything to the Saints!
Get back with us when you're worth a fuck!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
The reason we're the biggest blowhard fans on the planet is because we have a team worth being a blowhard about, unlike the Ain'ts....Yeah, the only reason you now say that game meant nothing to the Ain'ts is because we kicked your ass.....Had it been the other way around you guys would have been crowing your asses off regardless of how the rest of your season went.....The only thing that ain't worth a fuck is an Ain'ts fan (God I love the South and football arguments----lol).
  • MrGiz
  • 01-26-2010, 05:17 PM
The reason we're the biggest blowhard fans on the planet is because we have a team worth being a blowhard about, unlike the Ain'ts....Yeah, the only reason you now say that game meant nothing to the Ain'ts is because we kicked your ass.....Had it been the other way around you guys would have been crowing your asses off regardless of how the rest of your season went.....The only thing that ain't worth a fuck is an Ain'ts fan (God I love the South and football arguments----lol). Originally Posted by BIG C
Well... at least Da Cowboyz will have nice seats to WATCH the game!

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-26-2010, 05:22 PM
Well... at least Da Cowboyz will have nice seats to WATCH the game!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
You know, I CAN ban you.....LOL
jdl1201's Avatar
The reason we're the biggest blowhard fans on the planet is because we have a team worth being a blowhard about, unlike the Ain'ts....Yeah, the only reason you now say that game meant nothing to the Ain'ts is because we kicked your ass.....Had it been the other way around you guys would have been crowing your asses off regardless of how the rest of your season went.....The only thing that ain't worth a fuck is an Ain'ts fan (God I love the South and football arguments----lol). Originally Posted by BIG C

What do you have to be proud of in the last 13 years? One playoff victory over the Eagles? Good for you.. you do know that most people under 30 don't know anything but the cowturds being losers. You sure were quick to start posting after the Dallas game, but you didn't think there might be a thread about football with the playoffs going on? Who was hiding?
Crowning teams after a win, are you kidding me? You crowned the cowturds because they finally won a game in December.. HAHA I love it. So you admit the cowturds got their ass kicked. No shit? Would it be because it was televised on national tv for all to see? Lets test this great honesty you speak of..... Where do the cowturds rank in this years NFL?
People dislike the cowturds because they are over hyped, they win one game and that's all we hear about when the truly good teams get little press. Just remember when you post stupid shit that this is 2010 not the 1990's. If this was 15yrs ago I couldn't argue with you but today... HAHA the shoe is on the other foot. So please stop talking about glory days and stick to the present. Today's date is 1-26-2010. Guess I'll hear from you in two weeks or if we win I'll be waiting until Aug.
robobird's Avatar
Hey Guys lay off BigC fun is fun but it's impossible to drive forward when looking in the rear view mirror. Saints have to beat the colts forget the Cowboys they are part of history.
jdl1201's Avatar
Were just playing, he's a big boy. Plus there aren't any falcons fans around
you right big c we are the aints we aint one of the 4 teams that not ever made it to the superbowl and we aint sitting home watching the superbowl last time i checked we playing in the big game. and 1 more thing we have more post season wins this year the the cowboys had in the last 13 years. yee i just playing it just our year you having some fun .
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-27-2010, 12:28 PM
You sure were quick to start posting after the Dallas game, but you didn't think there might be a thread about football with the playoffs going on? Who was hiding?
Crowning teams after a win, are you kidding me? You crowned the cowturds because they finally won a game in December.. HAHA I love it. So you admit the cowturds got their ass kicked. No shit? Would it be because it was televised on national tv for all to see? Lets test this great honesty you speak of..... Where do the cowturds rank in this years NFL?
People dislike the cowturds because they are over hyped, they win one game and that's all we hear about when the truly good teams get little press. Just remember when you post stupid shit that this is 2010 not the 1990's. If this was 15yrs ago I couldn't argue with you but today... HAHA the shoe is on the other foot. So please stop talking about glory days and stick to the present. Today's date is 1-26-2010. Guess I'll hear from you in two weeks or if we win I'll be waiting until Aug. Originally Posted by jdl1201
Well, I was quick to post after the Dallas game because I was at a place where I had internet access, and after the MN game I wasn't at a place where I had any access.....It's as simple as that.....But, if you actually took a look at my history of posting (guess that's impossible with ASPD dead) you will notice that win or lose I don't go into hiding like you Ain'ts fans who were silent for 3 whole weeks while your team was getting beat.....Where the hell were you then???

People dislike DA BOYZ because we kick their teams asses and we have a great history against them (well, maybe not the friggen Steelers who have 2 SB victories over us).....If the Ain'ts had any history to speak of you pukes would be crowing about it.....DA BOYZ have history and it looks like they have a pretty good future to boot.....I do believe I've given you credit for having a good present, but none of that really matters if you don't win this next game.....Ask Tom Brady and the Pats about that.....If the Ain'ts win the game on 02/07/10, then I'll sing their praises.....But I guarantee if they get whipped, you pukes will be crying in your towels and will try to come up with all kinds of bullshit sob stories about how you got cheated due to bad officiating, or whatever blah, blah, fucking blah.....

jdl1201's Avatar
Like another poster said all you have is history.. HAHA
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-27-2010, 03:01 PM
Like another poster said all you have is history.. HAHA Originally Posted by jdl1201
Which is a helluva lot more than what you have "NOTHING".....
robobird's Avatar
Which is a helluva lot more than what you have "NOTHING"..... Originally Posted by BIG C
BigC don't you mean except a ticket to the big dance for the first time?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
no dawg in this fight?
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-28-2010, 09:57 AM
BigC don't you mean except a ticket to the big dance for the first time?
Originally Posted by robobird
Nope, I mean until you actually win the big dance you actually have NOTHING ! ! ! ! !
  • MrGiz
  • 01-28-2010, 10:49 AM
So........ using that logic.... I suppose that puts the Cowboyz, sucking a vacuum over the past 13-14 yrs....right?
