Looks Like Trump Will Win :(

Trump is done. His lovers need to get over that fact and move on from that fucking inept idiot. People are sick of his bullshit. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand about that.

He's too much drama and he handled the cooties virus like shit and he still is. Wave goodbye to that idiot. It's time for him to go.

I want to get back to being in the office and not working from home. Trump's carelessness makes that hard to for many because his retarded minions believe his every stupid word so it just continues to spread. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Wow, you really have no clue how the virus spreads, and how Biden doesn't have a plan any different than Trump.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes, the odds are in Biden's favor right now. The nationwide polls (sorry oeb) put Biden up much more than Clinton was on election day, 3%. 7.7% according to RCP. 8.9% according to 538.

However, when you look at polling at the state level, in states where polling has Trump and Biden within 10 points:

Florida-- Biden +1.4 (2020)/ Trump +.2 (2016)
Pa. -- Biden +4.3 (2020) / Clinton +1.9 (2016)
Wisconsin -- Biden +6.4 / Clinton +6.5
NC -- Biden +.7 / Trump +1.0 /
Michigan -- Biden +8.2 / Clinton +3.4
Ohio -- Trump + .6 / Trump +3.5
Iowa -- Biden +1.0 / Trump +3.0
Arizona -- Biden +1.3 / Trump +4
Georgia -- Biden +.4 / Trump+4.8

Minnesota -- Biden +4.7 / Clinton +6.0
Nevada -- Biden +4.5 / Trump + ,8

Texas -- Trump +2.6 / Trump +12.0

As I've stated before, the only major mistake in 2016 in the polls was in Wisconsin. So many states in 2020 are within the margin of error. Biden looks solid in Michigan and Wisconsin, but Clinton looked solid in Wisconsin in 2016.

What is in favor of Biden is the polls have not moved at all in Trump's direction late in the race as they did in 2016. And, except for Wisconisin and Minnesota, Biden is running ahead of Clinton in every battleground state.

So let's just say I am cautiously optimistic about Biden winning next Tuesday (or Wednesday or Thursday).
Wow, you really have no clue how the virus spreads, and how Biden doesn't have a plan any different than Trump. Originally Posted by farmstud60
The virus only gets stronger when it upsets CNN. That's why the Antifa riots were immaculate and no one caught it.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The virus only gets stronger when it upsets CNN. That's why the Antifa riots were immaculate and no one caught it. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
I lost all respect for "The Science" when Fauci and the CDC freakazoids could not say that the riots were a public health concern when put on the spot in court. All they could say was "We don't have any evidence ... blah blah blah." Fucking hacks.
beelzebubba's Avatar
What like people trying to keep their jobs despite a president that fires everyone and tries to sick the justice department on them?
No doubt the “protest” are spreading it.
Quotes because let’s face it... it’s motherfucking scum using any excuse to act like low rent animals.
But with a vindictive asshole trying to hurt and control everyone
texassapper's Avatar
#1 the ethnics rioting aren't acting like low rent animals...they are low rent animals.

#2. Can't wait to come back and laugh at your retarded prognostications post Nov 3rd

#3. Florida is Trumps... he may even get MN. Bidens polling is so bad, he's actually going there! MN... fucking MN hasn't had a Dem campaign in it since 1975 FFS... If Biden can't win bleeding heart MN, he can't win period.
I'd be shocked if the great people of Nevada voted Biden with all the shit that governor has done to shut down Nevada and create the largest job loss in history. Although the same could be said for the dumbasses over in California too so I guess it doesn't matter how stupid your own governor is perhaps.
I think Biden will carry one of Minnesota, Michigan, or Wisconsin.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Wow, you really have no clue how the virus spreads, and how Biden doesn't have a plan any different than Trump. Originally Posted by farmstud60
I know enough about the virus that it is stupid to have large gatherings of people standing shoulder to shoulder next to each other not wearing masks at rallies is unsafe. I know to keep my distance if I don't seriously know you, (friends and family). I know to wear a mask around strangers. So yeah, I know enough, farm boy. It's not that complicated.

I'm wasting my time with you though because you are a simpleton in Nebraska who will believe anything that Trump says.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
If you vote Biden, he will definitely shut this whole shit show down, meaning the economy, and you ain't going back to the office anytime soon.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It should have been completely shut down a long time ago so I am fine with that. I'm salaried so my check is the same whether I am in the office or not. My bonus is taking a beating though, so until I can get back to the office, my quarterly bonuses will be pennies on the dollar because my billable hours are shit.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-30-2020, 01:07 AM
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It should have been completely shut down a long time ago so I am fine with that. I'm salaried so my check is the same whether I am in the office or not. My bonus is taking a beating though, so until I can get back to the office, my quarterly bonuses will be pennies on the dollar because my billable hours are shit. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
It depends on what industry you're in, I suppose, but I think a great depression like event is likely to follow a second major shut down. I would be a little worried about any salaried position.

I don't think faggot Joe has any idea what he's getting himself into. The civil unrest will not magically disappear in two weeks or because Joe can mumble some stupid rehearsed bullshit. I expect the unrest to be exacerbated by a second shut down. One of the reasons it was able to get so bad was because half of the country was shut down. And those types of people, on the far left and the far right, do not give a flying fuck about the latest CDC guidelines.

However, I would rather live in a free society in which people like yourself can choose to work from home and not have the government take over other people's lives.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I would be a little worried about any salaried position. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I would love to be laid off or fired tomorrow. My firm will owe me a year of severance, unused PTO and unused sick days. That's our contract agreement they agreed to and executed. That's 14 months of a salary while I double dip and get another job within a month or two.

I'd be happy as fuck if I get an email soon that sets me free. I'm sick of working there anyway because I am sick of my bonuses being so dependent on billable hours that I can't bill now because of the pandemic.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Your jobs are gonna disappear because the economy will completely fail if this stretches on for years.
The correct path was to get it over in minimum time and get back to normal.
You know... tear it off fast like a bandaid, not take years slowly pulling it off, only to find out you’ve really hurt yourself.
Then economic recovery.
It is not happening until it is open and we are free,
750,000 people lost their jobs yesterday alone.
Wear your mask, keep your distance, and quit gathering...
otherwise you will be hunting for food after the nation riots from starvation.
Donald Trump is the surest path to this shit not turning out well... he will blow hot wind and watch you die from his stocked penthouse that only a billionaire could do,
He will fuck you that badly!
Ask yourself why Trump being so filthy rich doesn’t have foundations set up for well.... for anyone else?
Bill Gates could wipe his ass with Donald Trump, surprise he does think of others.
Biden who I voted for is a complete wuss... but he is not a evil shellfish narcissistic sociopath.
Much smaller size foot shoved up your ass.
Trump rode the coattails of Obama’s economy for the first two years, then Trump did decent for a year, then he didn’t just drop the ball, he has kicked that motherfucker into outer space.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Your jobs are gonna disappear because the economy will completely fail if this stretches on for years.
The correct path was to get it over in minimum time and get back to normal.
You know... tear it off fast like a bandaid, not take years slowly pulling it off, only to find out you’ve really hurt yourself.
Then economic recovery.
It is not happening until it is open and we are free,
750,000 people lost their jobs yesterday alone.
Wear your mask, keep your distance, and quit gathering...
otherwise you will be hunting for food after the nation riots from starvation.
Donald Trump is the surest path to this shit not turning out well... he will blow hot wind and watch you die from his stocked penthouse that only a billionaire could do,
He will fuck you that badly!
Ask yourself why Trump being so filthy rich doesn’t have foundations set up for well.... anyone.
Bill Gates could wipe his ass with Donald Trump, surprise he does think of others.
Biden who I voted for is a complete wuss... but he is not a evil shellfish narcissistic sociopath.
Much smaller size foot shoved up your ass.
Trump rode the coattails of Obama’s economy for the first two years, then Trump did decent for a year, then he didn’t just drop the ball, he has kicked that motherfucker into outer space. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
Well said, although many of the Trump loving jackoffs in here will never acknowledge your post in a mature manner. You'll just be called names. For those of us with half a brain do acknowledge it though. Again, well said.