Another segregationist dies

I'll bump my own post. Speak up motherfuckers.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is absolutely 100% wrong and it's obvious on its face that it's wrong, you're just too fuckin' stupid to get it.

You party and ilk are the ones continuously pushing the "race-baiting" button in some sort of pathetic attempt to explain your almost complete lack of success in getting any African-American support for your beliefs. Democrats don't have to do anything to get that support because blacks inherently recognize that they aren't going to get the sweat off a republican's balls. All you do is demonize, criticize and blame them for every single thing you can think the posts on here....they do all the crime, the folks that speak out for them in the media are "poverty pimps" and god that most favorite word of all of you assholes for the last 6 months...race-baiters.

President Obama tries to raise legitimate points and concerns regarding race and he is accused by you idiots of.....gee....let me guess.....race-baiting. You've got a moron on this board who supports your side of the equation who calls the President of the United States a n##### and uses smiley emoticons to point out how cute that is....all without one word of criticism from you dumbasses. You stand out especially since you're supposed to be a mod. How the fuck can it not be against the rules to use that most offensive of all racial epithets on this board? I guess it's because you agree with him.

The plain simple fact of the matter is that you dumbasses are not part of any solution and you don't want to be. You're part of the problem and you revel in it. You consistently engage in activities that are designed to widen the racial gulf in the US. And, then you have the unmitigated gall to try to blame all of the problems on the blacks and the Democrats. You're full of shit. Originally Posted by timpage
timmy, timmy, timmy! such a temper! maybe you should take a quaalude and get a good night's sleep. it'll all be better in the morning! trust me.

when you do get up all refreshed and bright eyed and bushy tailed, why don't you post all of those wonderful things da Prez has done for us?

and there you go all frustrated at what dumbasses the rest of us are! i warned you about that frustration, it's really bad for your blood pressure! why, what would we do without you here to set all us ignert 'publicans straight? you might pop a blood vessel and have a stroke!

and this time i didn't even cut up your post. aren't you so proud?

and about that n word. so what?

i'll spare you any emoticons tonight, i really think you need that quaalude. don't want you to have an aneurysm would we? i really do care about you as a person! NOT.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ahhhh Ms Page. The Civil Rights Act was in 1964. In 1968 the south was carried by racist George Wallace, 1976 by Jimmy Carter, 1992 by Bill Clinton (whose admitted idol was segregationist J. William Fulbright and Bill spoke the euology for Little Rock Mayor Orval Faubus), 1996 by Bill Clinton, and 2012 by Barack Obama. All of this was after the Civil Rights Act. Time to go home Timmie.
timmy, timmy, timmy! such a temper! maybe you should take a quaalude and get a good night's sleep. it'll all be better in the morning! trust me.

when you do get up all refreshed and bright eyed and bushy tailed, why don't you post all of those wonderful things da Prez has done for us?

and there you go all frustrated at what dumbasses the rest of us are! i warned you about that frustration, it's really bad for your blood pressure! why, what would we do without you here to set all us ignert 'publicans straight? you might pop a blood vessel and have a stroke!

and this time i didn't even cut up your post. aren't you so proud?

and about that n word. so what?

i'll spare you any emoticons tonight, i really think you need that quaalude. don't want you to have an aneurysm would we? i really do care about you as a person! NOT.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

good lord, you are a simple-minded buffoon.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
timmy, take your quaalude, and don't forget to share with Assup.