Another India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Syria, Greece, Yemen, Turkey thread ...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dipshit, meet Dipshit Junior. So let it be written!
lustylad's Avatar
Hey Asswipe Ridee - Congratulations, I see you now have 17,005 posts! Too bad over 17,000 of them contain no substance and add nothing to the topic at hand.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thanks, junior. You actually read more than 8500 of my posts? I guess that makes you a thread stalking homo! How else would you know what "most" of my posts had?

Sorry, junior, but Yinz is out of your tiny little league. Yi s needs to go back to jacking off with the same four guys who post in the entire Pissburgh forum.

Fucking most of my posts...
lustylad's Avatar
Thanks, junior. You actually read more than 8500 of my posts? I guess that makes you a thread stalking homo! How else would you know what "most" of my posts had? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Learn to read. I didn't say "most" of your posts. I said "over 17,000" of them. And I outsourced the job to NSA. They searched in vain for glimmers of intelligence.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Boring. Care to tell us how many of those embassies and consulates had a hole blown in their wall prior to the attack? How many of those targets were pointed out by message traffic? How many of those targets were not investigated for a year?

I went down your list once before, debunking some, confirming others, and filling in little details for most. No, I not going to go back eight months to find it again. Some of those are foriegn attacks on foreign targets that caught Americans in the middle. While we're at it, lets go back to the Clinton era. Attacks on two American embassies, attacks on CIA personnel in Langley, attempts to blow up the World Trade Center, attacks on American ships, etc. How many terrorists were killed or put in prison? Not enough apparently. Clinton didn't even try to fix the problem nor did he tell the American people that they were in danger. I think Bush inherited the terrorism problem created by Carter and passed on by Clinton.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
lets hear it for the crickets ... chirp chirp Originally Posted by CJ7

Seven minutes after you post the crap??? How stupid can you get...and your little dog too.
Boring. Care to tell us how many of those embassies and consulates had a hole blown in their wall prior to the attack? How many of those targets were pointed out by message traffic? How many of those targets were not investigated for a year?

I went down your list once before, debunking some, confirming others, and filling in little details for most. No, I not going to go back eight months to find it again. Some of those are foriegn attacks on foreign targets that caught Americans in the middle. While we're at it, lets go back to the Clinton era. Attacks on two American embassies, attacks on CIA personnel in Langley, attempts to blow up the World Trade Center, attacks on American ships, etc. How many terrorists were killed or put in prison? Not enough apparently. Clinton didn't even try to fix the problem nor did he tell the American people that they were in danger. I think Bush inherited the terrorism problem created by Carter and passed on by Clinton. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Found your problem it is in the last sentence where you said ( I think) ...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You are so right. Bush DID inherit the terrorism created by Carter and ignored by Clinton. Yes, much better and so true.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How did Carter create the terrorism problem? hmm
Terrorism goes back to colonial times when the Natives found out about the white terrorists among them.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-18-2014, 02:24 PM
You are so right. Bush DID inherit the terrorism created by Carter and ignored by Clinton. Yes, much better and so true. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

yup, much better ..

American soldiers are "paper tigers," Osama bin Laden told ABC News in 1998. "The Marines fled after two explosions."

In April 1983, terrorists smashed a stolen GMC pickup loaded with explosives into the U.S. Embassy, killing 63 people, including 17 Americans.
Six months later, the truck bomb at the Marine barracks killed 241 U.S. troops

Using the Beirut bombings as a guide, terrorists:

—attacked American embassies in Kuwait two months later, and Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, killing 307 Americans and others.
—hijacked TWA Flight 847 for 17 days in 1985, taking hostages and killing a Navy diver.
—exploded Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, killing 270.
—bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, killing six and wounding about 1,000.
—killed 19 Americans in the 1996 bombing of Khobar Towers, a U.S. military base in Saudi Arabia. The attack also wounded more than 370 Americans and Saudis.
—struck the USS Cole in Yemen in 2000, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39 others.
—flew hijacked planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, killing nearly 3,000 people.
In those cases and dozens more, terrorists exploited unconventional methods and Western openness. And in almost every case until Sept. 11, the U.S. military response was minimal

Gee, Thanks Ronnie !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
did you actually suggest that Ronnie Alzheimer's allowed something like Beirut on his watch?

I know ... It was Carter's fault. That's what JDIdiot's prophylactic post was about. Trying to inoculate His Lord, the Gripper.
lustylad's Avatar

In April 1983, terrorists smashed a stolen GMC pickup loaded with explosives into the U.S. Embassy, killing 63 people, including 17 Americans.
Six months later, the truck bomb at the Marine barracks killed 241 U.S. troops Originally Posted by CJ7

So it all started with Hezbollah, did it? And where did they come from? Oh wait, didn't the Iranian mullahs help spawn Hezbollah? So why didn't the Shah stop the mullahs from setting up a terrorist group? Oh wait, wasn't the Shah overthrown back in 1979? So what US President told the Shah not to crack down on the mullahs? Oh, yeah...

Thanks, Jimmy!
lustylad's Avatar
In your short time here you have consistently defended W.

Why? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I have no agenda here other than to refute falsehoods, shibboleths and dangerous thinking. Turns out most of it is spewed by you and your libtard buddies. As for W, if you want to attack his spending record, I'll probably join in.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-18-2014, 10:31 PM
Seven minutes after you post the crap??? How stupid can you get...and your little dog too. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I have to agree - that was a quick trigger pull. Crickets should not be claimed until 4 hours have passed.