What's better? Economy opening back up May 1st or stretching this out until no more new cases of covid-19?

Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Covid-19 is NOT going away. Even if/when they find a vaccine to help those infected to recover, it will still be out there.

I have been working from home for the last 15+ years and for an essential business that is never going to go away so I am not concerned about shelter in place, but due to the fact that this virus is spread the way it is, I do think that this is the end of an era of strip clubs and AMPs.
damn.. the open up by May crowd is leading.. ignorant fools.

this shit is only 3 weeks old. yet you are so ready to fuck caution to the wind, to Hell with what the virus has in store.

June 1st is realistic, if we all keep the distancing in place. that is not asking a lot. read, watch TV, listen to music.. take a walk. God Damn you people are spoiled. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Wow, it's a little scary that your the only poster that is showing any common sense. As a small business owner, we will survive. We are use to challenges, starting our own business was a challenge. We need a job just like our employees and we won't let another month cause us to fail.
If we start back up, then have to close again, that could be the finish. June 1 would give us a chance to resupply needed items, give the healthcare workers a chance to recharge as the cases decrease. They are the most important equation in this fight. 400,000 people entered the USA from China during December and January, you think the threat is over?
It doesn’t have to be zero covid cases to ease restrictions and an arbitrary time of May 1 makes no sense to me. The virus will be around for some time to come so we’ll never be at zero but we need to ease restrictions based conditions in specific areas. The idea was never to prevent all coviid cases but to keep need at or below hospital capacity. I think restrictions have to go a bit further than matching capacity so docs and nurses can catch their breath. Tourist spots need special attention. If covid is down in Orlando do you really want folks from all over the country to get together spread covid among themselves and then return home to start a second wave of infection?
I only gave two options because I wanted you to make a hard choice.

because that's what our leaders are having to do make hard choices
It will be easy to say let coronavirus run its course and open everything back up September 1st that will be easy but the economic impact would be so bad half the businesses would close
The economy is essential for our well being. Eventually, if it is closed for too long, we will not have food, healthcare, essential services, etc. If Netflix was not working due to the shutdown we would see mayhem. We don't realize we are suffering yet so many will vote to keep it closed. We are ruining the economy with these trillions of dollars. Money will be worth less due to inflation and the cronies of the politicians will be better off.

Look to history for guidance, specifically the Weimar Republic
Missburger's Avatar
Listen to the health experts, parts can open in may some cannot look at the data.
Worst thing that can happen is you open up and then boom u get a spike again, then its game over and not a good thing.

Also are people going to be tested before going back to work, lots to consider, companies are not bringing back thier full staff anyway on may, hell it may be september or next year before companies bring staff back 100 percent. why is that??

1. People are not going to go out and buy things of major purchases, like cars vacations, go on planes.
2. Companies are still going to restrict travel. so hotels and restaraunts, and bars are still going to struggle.

This is a longer recovery then most of you want to admit, its not going to be a switch and turn on and everyone goes back to normal, unemployment rate will be around ten percent come the summer most economists are saying.

so its a tough poll to vote on, open parts but slowly.
>As a small business owner, we will survive

I am glad for you. Some don't have that luxury. I know of small businesses in my town who are having problems NOW and can't wait until June 1. One in particular is a copier company who leases copiers and service agreements. They have already had to lay off staff; money is not coming in; their expenses are being covered by the owner (for now) but things are bleak. This is an established company which has been in business for 30 years. They own their own building, service vehicles, etc and have gradually grown without debt and they are a company who is better off than many of their competitors but they didn't design their business for this. The tax burden in my town has not helped as they have to pay a lot for hte privilege to run a business here. A handout from the government will barely help and they may not even be eligible due to the layoffs. If they didn't lay people off they would certainly be out of business sooner rather than later so they did the right thing. They will hire people back if they can but this situation is bleak.
I think we need to kick this virus in the ass. It will hurt a lot of people, but it will also hurt our country more if we don't get it under control.

I have an essential job, but it pays shitty wages. But I am one of the lucky ones who still gets to work. I know some people who don't work and still get paid and I know some who don't work and don't get paid. I know some who have to work from home. I fear for the medical workers who have to deal with this virus every day and hope they don't catch it.
It's tough on the whole country right now. But it will be tougher if we don't get it under control.
VIPDesire's Avatar
The longer the economy is closed, the more I've seen an increase in burglaries and carjackings in the surrounding areas where I live... One of my good friend's son had his car stolen last week from his apartment complex. I am fairly new to my area so I don't know if this behavior is typical but with the schools and jobs being closed, there are a lot of idle hands and minds.
Please vote yes or no and respectfully give your opinion.

Things to keep in mind-

*unemployment numbers
*election year
*total death toll and how it impacts healthcare system
*stock market
*missed mortgage and rent payments
*businesses closing
*increase/decrease crime rates
*mental health effects
*food shortages
*baby boom
*school closures
*states rights
*airline travel
*elderly Originally Posted by Sienna91
There will never be no new cases of this virus. A virus by definition morphs to stay alive. Has the common cold (usually viral) or viral pneumonia gone ever gone away?

Separately, the predicted (from some sources) number of cases will be 60,000 this year. Year before last there were 61,000 cases of the flu we have always known. Why wasn't 4 TRILLION dollars of our money spent on that? Stupidity can never be killed.
The longer the economy is closed, the more I've seen an increase in burglaries and carjackings in the surrounding areas where I live... One of my good friend's son had his car stolen last week from his apartment complex. I am fairly new to my area so I don't know if this behavior is typical but with the schools and jobs being closed, there are a lot of idle hands and minds. Originally Posted by VIPDesire

WHere I live, crime fell to 0 for a full week. I guess everyone is drinking at home.
Where I work, crime fell in half, maybe more. I am not sure how or why, but it did fall flat on it's face. And I'm glad.
Those are two extremes, May 1st vs no new cases. There's TONS of middle ground in there.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Please vote yes or no and respectfully give your opinion.

Things to keep in mind-

*unemployment numbers
*election year
*total death toll and how it impacts healthcare system
*stock market
*missed mortgage and rent payments
*businesses closing
*increase/decrease crime rates
*mental health effects
*food shortages
*baby boom
*school closures
*states rights
*airline travel
*elderly Originally Posted by Sienna91

you should have kept the poll up longer.... like 2 weeks.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Please vote yes or no and respectfully give your opinion.

Things to keep in mind-

*unemployment numbers
*election year
*total death toll and how it impacts healthcare system
*stock market
*missed mortgage and rent payments
*businesses closing
*increase/decrease crime rates
*mental health effects
*food shortages
*baby boom
*school closures
*states rights
*airline travel
*elderly Originally Posted by Sienna91
*no CO2 for beer and soft drinks