Slow start after relaunch

Loki Pk's Avatar
I've been over at usasex and will stay there permanently if I don't get my PA credit back. This is ridiculous- it's not members' fault the site went down for several weeks. The powers that be really should have made it a priority to ensure PA credit was properly reinstated to those who've earned it. Multiple emails to eccie tech support still unanswered. I'm done. Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
How many weeks do you think you are owed sir?

And may I say let’s not get our panties in a bunch over losing free access to PA areas over that .
You could just do a review or two of the ladies you’ve seen since the shutdown.
It’s not like you are out big money over here.

Also, you should realize that there has been a HUGE amount of effort to get back to this point. New forums are coming back online and members all over are screaming ... less then 1/2 the mid staff is back and up to speed.
There is a backlog of THOUSANDS of girls working on age verification .

Did you send your info to ?
That’s is the staff area handling that end, so if it went anywhere else... try again.

I have 6 weeks coming to me. If I don’t get it I might throw a tantrum. You’ve been warned.
How many weeks do you think you are owed sir?

And may I say let’s not get our panties in a bunch over losing free access to PA areas over that .
You could just do a review or two of the ladies you’ve seen since the shutdown.
It’s not like you are out big money over here.

Also, you should realize that there has been a HUGE amount of effort to get back to this point. New forums are coming back online and members all over are screaming ... less then 1/2 the mid staff is back and up to speed.
There is a backlog of THOUSANDS of girls working on age verification .

Did you send your info to ?
That’s is the staff area handling that end, so if it went anywhere else... try again.

Pk Originally Posted by Loki Pk
I realize I can write another review and obtain PA credit. That's not the point. That's like telling a customer at Burger King who's order was fucked up that he can simply pay for another burger and all will be well. In any event, I was previously told to email to resolve the issue. Never got a response from them so I'll try the subs address that you mention.
How many weeks do you think you are owed sir?

And may I say let’s not get our panties in a bunch over losing free access to PA areas over that .
You could just do a review or two of the ladies you’ve seen since the shutdown.
It’s not like you are out big money over here.

Also, you should realize that there has been a HUGE amount of effort to get back to this point. New forums are coming back online and members all over are screaming ... less then 1/2 the mid staff is back and up to speed.
There is a backlog of THOUSANDS of girls working on age verification .

Did you send your info to ?
That’s is the staff area handling that end, so if it went anywhere else... try again.

Pk Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Loki-man, most of us understand the "HUGE amount of effort" it takes to get back to this point and believe me, I appreciate the effort. However, your ascertain members should "just do a review or two" is useless to those of us that don't have a Forum in which to post such a review (Connecticut).

Would it be so terrible if all the guys were given a "promotional" Premium Access for a few weeks while things are getting settled?

Or, maybe not everybody butt, perhaps those with...oh, I don't know.... let's say.... Over 10,000 posts or over 60 reviews... maybe you could throw us a complimentary 6 weeks PA??

I can't even access my own reviews that have a wealth of information on them for contacts, screening, references, etc.

Whatta ya' think??
Loki Pk's Avatar
Loki-man, most of us understand the "HUGE amount of effort" it takes to get back to this point and believe me, I appreciate the effort. However, your ascertain members should "just do a review or two" is useless to those of us that don't have a Forum in which to post such a review (Connecticut).

Would it be so terrible if all the guys were given a "promotional" Premium Access for a few weeks while things are getting settled?

Or, maybe not everybody butt, perhaps those with...oh, I don't know.... let's say.... Over 10,000 posts or over 60 reviews... maybe you could throw us a complimentary 6 weeks PA??

I can't even access my own reviews that have a wealth of information on them for contacts, screening, references, etc.

Whatta ya' think??
Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
What I think really doesn't matter, I don't own the site.

It really is not like a burger king customer issue, as there has been no $$$ exchanged....PA for reviews has always been complimentary. Guys that actually paid for PA have gotten their PA restored more promptly, no doubt.

As for the old reviews and other areas....Consider our situation as a brand new site moving forward. The New laws have changed the landscape and thats not our fault, call your congressman...they fucked it all up for all of us.

How do you think I feel? I have more than double the reviews of most members and I don't have access to them either. But we cannot choose the situation we find ourselves we must play the ball where it lays.

I suggest all those who are looking for 'lost PA' do some serious Math and see when that PA ran out. Because to plead the case to the there needs to be qualifying documentation. Some lost only a few days...not months. So check the math and submit a valid case.

What I think really doesn't matter, I don't own the site.

I suggest all those who are looking for 'lost PA' do some serious Math and see when that PA ran out. Because to plead the case to the there needs to be qualifying documentation. Some lost only a few days...not months. So check the math and submit a valid case.

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Thanks! That's all I needed to know!!
Ed- post some CT reviews here! Danbury is practically the Hudson valley. And if you’re in contact with those 2 chicks with giant boobs that did body rubs together please send their info my way.
Ed- post some CT reviews here! Originally Posted by Duckduckgoose1977
Thanks for the thought Duckie butt, Loki, Highway, the Darkster and the other modtarderators might disagree.