A great indictment of liberalism

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I read some of the comments at the end of the article and I noticed that some went the third party route. I guess this allows them to think that their hands are clean because they took no stand on anything in reality. I look upon third party candidates like watching a rape in progress. Do you support the rapist or do you support the victim? Unless the third choice is to go grab the cop on the corner, voting for a third party is to do nothing and allow the rapist to proceed. If I see someone in trouble and the only other person helping them is a local reprobate who I dislike, do I console myself that at least I didn't have to work with the asshole as I pass by and come home. I don't predicate my actions (or choices) on whether I like someone or not. I am pragmatic enough to know that the greater good sometimes dictates the lesser of two evils. If you absolutely believe that there is not a shade of difference between the rapist and the victim then I guess you can go on your way with a clean conscience but I can't. Think about that before you condemn or ridicule my choice to go with one or the other major parties.
lustylad's Avatar
Ignorant lying rant...but to stupid to even tealize it. Both sides are raping this mation with it's lies. You so valled conservatives with your nation building and misuse of the military. ..to the author I say " Fuck off!"
. Originally Posted by WTF
Perhaps the OP's link works differently for WTFagboy, but mine opened up to a discussion of what is in the original Bill of Rights v. FDR's so-called Second Bill of Rights.

I saw nothing about nation building, foreign policy or the proper use of the military.

Am I missing something? Or is this another case of fagboy ranting and posting shit without bothering to read first?

Maybe we should change the thread title to "A Great Indictment of WTF's Spelling and Reading Comprehension Skills"?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-14-2016, 04:48 PM
Perhaps the OP's link works differently for WTFagboy, but mine opened up to...."?
. Originally Posted by lustylad
My link will work just fine down your tonsils. ..you and Gay Rey are stuck on stupid as fuck. Couple of one trick ponies that think in black and white. Only stupider poster is JDCornhole...my God. We have to pick between a so called rapist and a two dollar hooker. Just who is fucking whom in that situtation? But In The Navy Cornhole always thinks he is a defenseless woman getting raped...just like when he was in the Navy!

The fucking author went back to FDR! WTF? And no he did not say anything about nation building because then he would have opened himself up to being a hypocritical cocksucker like yourself. But there is no doubt he supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq just like your stupid ass!

Perhaps, us people of the nation are more to blame than any one person or political party. We rant, make posts, share our views and opinions. Yet how many of us actively take a stand, make a stand, for what we believe is right or wrong. Our country is fucked up. And none of us really do anything about it. We vote and leave it at that.

Btw, racism is ethically and (IMO) morally wrong. But its still an opinion. An opinion itself is harmless. Its the actions upon it which can be a problem. Or the weak minded and hearted that are easily offended. I don't write this as a racist, either. I am not racist, I am prejudiced of the person.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Welcome to our gentle little corner of the world, Evie! Excellent article. I'm not sure we are to blame, however. Over the years, the importance of public involvement in the political process has been diminished to the point of elimination. The two major parties are fully owned subsidiaries of Wall Street and major corporations. That's why the differences between the major parties are primarily cosmetic. If you watch closely, the parties are united when it comes to matters involving restricting liberty and expanding the scope of government. Even in the Republican debate tonight, several candidates spoke in favor expanding the scope and authority of the NSA. Jeb Bush is angry that Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, is refusing to assist in searching cell phone records without a warrant. Bush wants to look at whatever he wants, with no warrant. And all but one want to expand the military budget, while only one one mentioned instituting business practices in procurement of supplies.

We know the Democrats want more control over our lives, but so do the Republicans. Ted Cruz talks a good game, but he is married to Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs owns Ted Cruz. Christie wants a police state, so we can be "safe". Rubio is Christie "light", in more ways than one. Ben Carson is out of his element. Trump is, well, Trump. I still think his function is to destroy the Republican Party, a noble cause, but he is doing it to, IMHO, to pave the way for Hillary. However, Hillary's corruption may have reached a level where it can no longer be swept under the rug. In order to maintain the illusion of choice, the Establishment Corporatists may have to select another puppet. They have a few from which to choose.

I think we need to convince the people that the fight is not black against white, gay against straight, rich against poor, employee against employer, and all the other artificial divisions the Establishment promotes to keep us occupied while they steal our rights, freedom, wealth and dignity. The fight is all of us against them. When we realize our common enemy is in Washington DC, and their owners, we can take a united stand and take our country back, restore freedom and personal responsibility.

That's why I tend to vote Libertarian. I can't support Democrats or Republicans. Both parties are owned by the same cartel. Deciding between Democrat and Republican, to me, is like deciding between hemlock or arsenic.

Keep posting, Evie! You class up the joint.

I usually prefer the dirty tumblrs, but this is almost as good! Originally Posted by Evie Doll

Excellent read! Thank You. My favorite quote from it...

I have the utmost respect for a slave who is continuously seeking a path to freedom. What I cannot stomach is a free man who is continuous seeking a path to servitude by willingly trading his freedom for the false sense of security that government will provide.

  • DSK
  • 01-15-2016, 06:32 AM
I actually tried to read this article, but after a while my mind wander into all the other bullshit that is out there.

All I got was;

I'm angry
I rather see money spent on the military than to to provide healthcare.
It's OK to be racist if you state it up front.
Liberal sucks cock's while Libertarian's rock.

Did I miss anything?

My ADHD will not let me delve into pointless rambling more than 3 lines, so I'm sorry if he had a point but I didn't get it. Originally Posted by Rarely Sober
Ritalin is a well known medication for your problem - do you ever take it?
  • DSK
  • 01-15-2016, 06:39 AM
Perhaps, us people of the nation are more to blame than any one person or political party. We rant, make posts, share our views and opinions. Yet how many of us actively take a stand, make a stand, for what we believe is right or wrong. Our country is fucked up. And none of us really do anything about it. We vote and leave it at that.

Btw, racism is ethically and (IMO) morally wrong. But its still an opinion. An opinion itself is harmless. Its the actions upon it which can be a problem. Or the weak minded and hearted that are easily offended. I don't write this as a racist, either. I am not racist, I am prejudiced of the person. Originally Posted by Evie Doll
Ironically, the divisiveness of the nation is a function of one of the great liberal triumphs - multiculturalism, diversity, affirmative action, and quotas. The public interactions between the different races do not emphasize coming together and realizing the strengths of our different cultures, but who is getting the best of the other group. So it dissolves into fighting over who gets what, and who pays for it, and anything but what could bring us together as a nation.

The more we discover and emphasize our differences, some of which are forced upon us by a power hungry government, the more divided we become.
Perhaps, us people of the nation are more to blame than any one person or political party. We rant, make posts, share our views and opinions. Yet how many of us actively take a stand, make a stand, for what we believe is right or wrong. Our country is fucked up. And none of us really do anything about it. We vote and leave it at that.

Btw, racism is ethically and (IMO) morally wrong. But its still an opinion. An opinion itself is harmless. Its the actions upon it which can be a problem. Or the weak minded and hearted that are easily offended. I don't write this as a racist, either. I am not racist, I am prejudiced of the person. Originally Posted by Evie Doll
I think you're right

You've got your head on straight
  • DSK
  • 01-15-2016, 06:41 AM
I think we need to convince the people that the fight is not black against white, gay against straight, rich against poor, employee against employer, and all the other artificial divisions the Establishment promotes to keep us occupied while they steal our rights, freedom, wealth and dignity. The fight is all of us against them. When we realize our common enemy is in Washington DC, and their owners, we can take a united stand and take our country back, restore freedom and personal responsibility.
. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Please explain how your habit of calling people names when they disagree with you promotes the united stand against the oppressive government that controls us....
Ironically, the divisiveness of the nation is a function of one of the great liberal triumphs - multiculturalism, diversity, affirmative action, and quotas. The public interactions between the different races do not emphasize coming together and realizing the strengths of our different cultures, but who is getting the best of the other group. So it dissolves into fighting over who gets what, and who pays for it, and anything but what could bring us together as a nation.

The more we discover and emphasize our differences, some of which are forced upon us by a power hungry government, the more divided we become. Originally Posted by DSK
its very ironic that these self same liberals believe, in the face of scientific evidence otherwise, that gender differences are mere patriarchal constructs. they force young girls to play with trucks and boys to hold tea parties. they fire university presidents for meekly suggesting truth.

but in matters of race, where differences are merely skin deep, they celebrate separateness and diversity and suspicion and stoke hatreds and proclaim differences. they hold safe spaces for one color. their guilt and or loathing drive artifices meant to bring down America and to destroy based on false ideological beliefs
  • DSK
  • 01-15-2016, 09:47 AM
its very ironic that these self same liberals believe, in the face of scientific evidence otherwise, that gender differences are mere patriarchal constructs. they force young girls to play with trucks and boys to hold tea parties. they fire university presidents for meekly suggesting truth.

but in matters of race, where differences are merely skin deep, they celebrate separateness and diversity and suspicion and stoke hatreds and proclaim differences. they hold safe spaces for one color. their guilt and or loathing drive artifices meant to bring down America and to destroy based on false ideological beliefs Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Very well said!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ironically, the divisiveness of the nation is a function of one of the great liberal triumphs - multiculturalism, diversity, affirmative action, and quotas. The public interactions between the different races do not emphasize coming together and realizing the strengths of our different cultures, but who is getting the best of the other group. So it dissolves into fighting over who gets what, and who pays for it, and anything but what could bring us together as a nation.

The more we discover and emphasize our differences, some of which are forced upon us by a power hungry government, the more divided we become. Originally Posted by DSK

its very ironic that these self same liberals believe, in the face of scientific evidence otherwise, that gender differences are mere patriarchal constructs. they force young girls to play with trucks and boys to hold tea parties. they fire university presidents for meekly suggesting truth.

but in matters of race, where differences are merely skin deep, they celebrate separateness and diversity and suspicion and stoke hatreds and proclaim differences. they hold safe spaces for one color. their guilt and or loathing drive artifices meant to bring down America and to destroy based on false ideological beliefs Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

“I derived great benefit from the study of Tocqueville, was the fundamental question of Centralization. The powerful philosophic analysis which he applied to American and to French experience, led him to attach the utmost importance to the performance of as much of the collective business of society, as can safely be so performed, by the people themselves, without any intervention of the executive government, either to supersede their agency, or to dictate the manner of its exercise. He viewed this practical political activity of the individual citizen, not only as one of the most effectual means of training the social feelings and practical intelligence of the people, so important in themselves and so indispensable to good government, but also as the specific counteractive to some of the characteristic infirmities of Democracy, and a necessary protection against its degenerating into the only despotism of which in the modern world there is real danger—the absolute rule of the head of the executive over a congregation of isolated individuals, all equals but all slaves.” (John Stuart Mill: Autobiography, Essay on Liberty, Volume 25. 1873. p. 125)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Please explain how your habit of calling people names when they disagree with you promotes the united stand against the oppressive government that controls us.... Originally Posted by DSK
Like you, they are morons. That's not name calling, it's a simple statement of fact.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The END is near!