Bumps on a Penis.....

Note to self: Do not open lincks provided by the ladies. Originally Posted by pyramider

LOL, and you clicked on it! Silly boy, even after I warned you!
Whatever it is, it looks ogly.
OMG not the hyfrecator!!! deep with in goverment secret research plants they talk about the hyfrecator, only in hushed tones.....

one recently decalassifed report from Russia
.."The ConMed Hyfrecator 2000 lets you perform a wide variety of desiccation, fulguration and coagulation office procedures with a multitude of applications in ...

Did not the DDS use this in the Marathon Man?
Guilty Pleasures.. a good post, information is always good even though everyone acts idiotic about it...
Note to self: Do not open lincks provided by the ladies. Originally Posted by pyramider
Unless you know for sure it's porn.

Either way on the penis bumps, I think there are other things that could mimic that appearance. I've seen a few naturally occuring bumps underneath the rim of the head, but not completely around the crown like that. Use your discretion; better safe than sorry. just saying
Ok, thanks alot Nicole. I opened this as I was eating Chick Fil A and literally almost lost it
woohoo penis bump free for 100 days......
simpleton's Avatar
I thought it was a natural french tickler.
Jase41's Avatar
There is no need for treatment, however some people choose to get them removed for cosmetic reasons. There are now many cosmetic surgeons around the world who can remove the papules either with a CO2 laser or with a hyfrecator.
A similar condition, vestibular papillomatosis of the vulva, occurs in females and similarly can be misinterpreted for HPV infection. Like hirsuties papillaris genitalis, it is a normal variation on human anatomy.[1]

The thought of that being done just sends chills down my back.....
ibechill's Avatar
I know I dont have it. And wouldnt want to see a girl that saw a guy with it.
What if a hobbyist has genital warts, but says he has Hirsuties papillaris genitalis so a provider will still see him? Probably best to play it safe by avoiding all clients with wart like bumps.
  • meryt
  • 08-09-2010, 11:33 PM
When I saw the title of the thread, I thought it was going to be about this:

"The Alfur (Celebes) inserted pebbles under the skin of the glans" (50). Bryk describes this in detail
"I read a reliable account that in present day Malaysia and Indonesia, this is still done in cetain circumcised males these days..but stainless ball bearings are inserted into the cuts in the glans instead. These are then stitched so that the ball bearings remain forever as "lumps" This tradition therefore is also contemporary." (from Peter G editor: African Sexuality) -

@Coefficient...where did you read in my post that I did any oral? You didn't so don't assume oral was even given. As a matter of fact, they were VERY UNDERSTANDING as encountering women previously many women refused to and the gents never required it. You know, you can have an intelligent convo with someone about an issue without being immature about it. I don't put my mouth on anything funny looking and the whole reason I stopped was because I observed the bumps, talked about it, no oral necessary and even if oral was an issue that's what condoms are made for.

For the more mature, it was a topic that needed to be discussed as one person has already PM'd me thanking me for posting this as he has this and finds it embarrassing at times too. Being educated about things prevents ignorance in most people but not all as it seems.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Here are my thoughts on Hirsuties papillaris genitalis: See, I told you that I am as smart as wikipedia.

Hirsuties papillaris genitalis (more commonly referred to as 'pearly penile papules', or PPP) is a skin condition of the male genital organs. It is a harmless anatomical variation with no malignant potential, although it can be mistaken for HPV warts by inexperienced doctors. The papules appear as one or several rows of small, flesh-colored, smooth, dome-topped bumps situated circumferentially around the corona (see image) or sulcus of the glans penis. Pearly penile papules are not a sexually transmitted disease and are in fact quite common. Various[which?] studies have shown that the incidence may be in the between 8% and 48%, varying with region and whether or not the subjects are circumcised. Lesions typically are asymptomatic and persist throughout life; however, they gradually may become less noticeable with increased age. Sensitivity may or may not be a problem.
There is no need for treatment, however some people choose to get them removed for cosmetic reasons. There are now many cosmetic surgeons around the world who can remove the papules either with a CO2 laser or with a hyfrecator.
A similar condition, vestibular papillomatosis of the vulva, occurs in females and similarly can be misinterpreted for HPV infection. Like hirsuties papillaris genitalis, it is a normal variation on human anatomy.[1] Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

I don't know which is a bigger Buzz-Kill; having those fucking barnacles on your dick or trying to explain what the fuck they are to the gal you're tryin' to bone??


dearhunter's Avatar
Ribbed for her pleasure