Who played sports

Played football from the time I was 9 until I grafuated HS. Played baseball a LOT growing up, but gave it up for football in jr high.
I was a dodgeball target!! Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
LOL. Must be a fellow geek like me.

Track and swim team.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-13-2009, 07:23 AM
but I did spend some time in Cub Scouts . . . at least until I got thrown out for eating Brownies! Originally Posted by Mesquitor
damn I love a man that eats brownies......ummmmmmm
Hardhat644's Avatar
Golf till I gave it up for tennis, and some baseball

Bob Soldios's Avatar
From an early age (8) I was going to schools where my PE time was subverted into computer science stuff for the most part. I did discover I had a good body for wrestling in HS, but couldn't participate because of majority to minority transfer rules (was short and had an abnormally low center of gravity which made me near impossible to throw.)

After I got out of high school I started playing volleyball (5'5" and could clear high enough to spike a ball to the 10 ft line), and hockey (mostly rollerblade hockey, and I goaltended).

Side note : my first girlfriend, when I was 15, was a 6' powder puff football player. She was built like the proverbial Italian brick shit-house at 17 and threw me around like rag doll that had half the stuffing missing.... ah the good 'ol days...
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  • 07-13-2009, 09:09 AM
Played football and baseball when I was young. Continued to play flag football until I was about 45 years old. I still play softball at 57 and am at least 30 years older than all the rest of the guys on my team but I can out hit most of them.

I do wish I would have learned to play hockey!


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Papa Noel's Avatar
Played football up to high school. Played baseball through one year of college(walk on). Then played softball till about age 45.
  • YSD
  • 07-13-2009, 10:28 AM
I played a littel football but was primarily a baseball player. In basebal, we won state my jr. year and were second in state my sr. year.

After graduating college, I coached high school football and wrestling.

Until 2007 when I retired, I was an ASA certified umpire in girls fastpitch softball, finsihing out my career doing the denton regional ASA tournament with a pretty cool assignment of first base for the championship game.
ControlFreak's Avatar
Many years ago, I played:

7 years of youth baseball
4 Years High School Football
2 years of HS Basketball
2 years track

then I lost interst in sports when I went to college

But later when I was in my fifties I took a very renewed interst in baseball

See; Pics of Why!

Damn I really love that game now.
1thatgotaway's Avatar
Yikes! CF all i can say is "splinters?"

I guess I'm the only band geek..
Texas Tourist's Avatar
While 6' 2", I played basketball like I was 5' 9".

Still hold school record for getting cut the most number of times while trying to make the team - Cut 4 times, a high school record that will never be broken....
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  • 07-13-2009, 02:44 PM

I guess I'm the only band geek.. Originally Posted by 1thatgotaway

Wait, if we are going to address geekiness ... Jr & Sr high choir all years. All regional choir three years, all-state finalist senior year. Participated in high-school musicals three years. College choir and touring group two years. Sung at more weddings than I care to remember.

On pitch OFF :-)
I played volleyball, softball, and tennis... All Varsity. My butt was too big to run track..LOL.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Sabrina that may be a future outfit request for some.....You wearing a tennis outfit with the shorty short skirt and some boy shorts. GIT R DONE...That's right!
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My belly was to big for me to run cross country!
Played football in High School...started both sides of ball offensive guard and middle linebacker....attempted to play college, but wasn't big enough back then and ran to long in one spot!

Wrestled in High School...attempted in college, but in upper midwest lotsa of state champions, regional champions....spent to much time on my back looking up at the lights!