How do you ask a provider to...

  • LynnT
  • 06-22-2011, 07:41 PM
Or just ask whats "off limits". If a lady doesn't want A play, COF, etc she'll tell ya. lol
That seems like pre-date action to me.

Before meeting with a lady, you should always ask what her limits are. With most it's YMMV, but if you express interest in certain activities before you meet, it actually helps the date move forward a little better. She knows how to plan things to tailor the experience for you. Then physical compatibility accounts for a lot of what happens and doesn't happen during an encounter. Also, asking if she's okay with you being in charge or letting her know that you would rather her take control is a good one to get out of the way. I would suggest anything that would have a deciding factor on whether you have a good time or not I would inquire about before your date.
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Or just ask whats "off limits". If a lady doesn't want A play, COF, etc she'll tell ya. lol Originally Posted by LynnT
Very good advice.
It is all about reading body language. If you look closely he is telling you everything he wants and loves for you to do to him. All you have to do is open your eyes, no need for words just a look in the eye or a soft touch and his body will adjust telling you yes or no. A soft blow in a certain spot and he'll either start to open up or close up. Touching is the key, knowing when and where to touch him. Let his body guide your touch and let your touch guide his body. Listen to his breathing, touch him so you can feel his muscles tighten and loosen up. Some men are a little intimidated or aren't really comfortable asking for certain things. Their body language alone will tell you what they want. Then there is no need to talk about anything, just allow yourself to be in the moment and completely into each other. Let yourself go, if you can do that without restraint guys, she should be able to touch you and take you to a place you should have been to along time ago. It does take two though, you have to learn to open yourself up and you have to learn to trust the person your with. One session is usually not enough to really learn someones desires and needs. It can happen, but usually you want to have a few sessions so you can really learn their desires and be able to fully escape into a moment of passion with that person. That is my advice and part of my secret Tonia Touche Touch. If you practice that each following session will almost always be better than the one before.

You have to make sure you know what your reading from his body language though. If you read the wrong thing from his body language you could ruin the session. It takes a clever eye and experience to know what each movement and breathe means.