Anyone want to defend the new EPA regs on wood burning stoves?

Guest123018-4's Avatar
The concern is over a symptom, Detroit, that has a root cause, Democrats, in the destruction and bankrupting of our nation.
Creosote is not wood.

I wonder what all the environmentalist did the last few days for heat. Did they reduce their carbon footprint or fall back on a renewable resource for heat? Come on guys, tell us what you did? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

It is the buildup in the pipe or chimney that can ignite resulting in a house fire. It is also expelled by burning wood.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Have you read the regs. This about stoves and not the chimney. How do they make these new stoves better? Government doesn't know. They have made a reg and now the stove makers have to come up with an answer. Maybe it will be an electric fan to get better combustion and less particulate matter. By the way, creosote is produced by burning wood and coal. Coal produces far more creosote than wood. Some people burn wood that has been impregnated with creosote like railroad ties and telephone poles. Sounds to me like typical government work. Creosote is bad so lets get creosote...all creosote. This is Alaska where people are more worried about keeping warm than government regs.
I can see you know nothing about burning wood.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me go look up my chimney...............yep, empty.....except for the body of some guy in a red suit. Sorry to tell you that Eva.
Let me guess gas stove.