No Call No Show Reviews

Thank you, Bubba.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 07-08-2011, 10:08 PM
I prefer NCNSs to be reported as a new review, rather than a new thread. That way it shows up on the escort's list of reviews. Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
I concur! I think these should be linked in with the ladies other reviews. To not do so, gives a false picture.


The word REVIEW indicates something took place.
If nothing has happened you CANNOT review it. Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
I greatly disagree. Something did take place... The reviewer showed up, the lady didn't! We all know that things can take place for the lady... but most NCNS postings I have seen, give the lady plenty of time to return his call.

I believe the most common reason for NCNS sessions, is that the lady was having a "shoe emergency"! We all know how important footwear is to the ladies, so of course them seeing something they must have makes standing the guy up perfectly acceptable.

Seriously, making NCNS's unlinked to the ladies reviews, makes the feature of linking reviews worth very little. Since search on ECCIE is so lame (Everyone knows it is, it is slow, and lacks any means to control that all words in the search box are needed.) having linked all her reviews to the profile will result in a clearer picture.

Yes, occassionally an unfair NCNS review would show up, but those are usually fairly obvious to anyone who reads them... and gents here quickly figure out how to read between the lines.
As far as getting into the powder room to read these alerts/threads/etc...

I did that back in May and again in June and have yet to get my access... somewhere in there i personally chatted with a couple mods and was told I would have access within a couple days.... and that was way before June..
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I concur! I think these should be linked in with the ladies other reviews. To not do so, gives a false picture.

I greatly disagree. Something did take place... The reviewer showed up, the lady didn't! We all know that things can take place for the lady... but most NCNS postings I have seen, give the lady plenty of time to return his call... Originally Posted by 69er
Using your criteria, being there would constitute grounds for a review. Would you allow any of the mouth-breathing morons who paid for and stood outside at the Super Bowl to write a first person review of that game? Their only connection to the field action was via outside monitors, just like the one in my media room. The difference being I didn't have to buy a ticket or deal with external conditions. I certainly wouldn't consider myself qualified to write a first person review and neither should they.
The purpose of a review is to relate what happened in a session. If no session took place, that is important to relate to us. But, not as a review. NCNS need to be threads, not reviews. Thats the way the management wants it and most cites have no issue with doing things that way.

I also happen to believe they should be reviews but when I brought up the topic, the other mods and managemnt quickly voted me down.

Doing things the way they are suppose to be done makes everthing work so much smoother. Please, make NCNS threads.
LazurusLong's Avatar

Without knowing how the programmer set it up to collect reviews for the review tab, since the site owners want a NCNS to be a thread, it shouldn't be that much effort to have the review tab also grab the NCNS threads in the Review forum so that would address the issue of being able to see if the provider has multiple instances or not.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 07-09-2011, 11:58 AM
An incident happened with me earlier this year and I posted it in coed.

I think this is a good example to follow as everyone, including the "accused" and other ladies got a chance to respond. As you can see, it turned into quite a spectacle but at least everyone had his/her say.
LL, The mods handle all reviews and attaching them to the correct provider. It is not automatic.

NCNS should be posted as threads. Co-Ed would be my recomendation so the provider can have her say without having to start a new thread.
LazurusLong's Avatar
LL, The mods handle all reviews and attaching them to the correct provider. It is not automatic.

NCNS should be posted as threads. Co-Ed would be my recommendation so the provider can have her say without having to start a new thread. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
And I bet you guys would love the extra work of attaching NCNS threads to the review tab!! (Kidding!)

The idea of a provider not calling or showing up but then coming into a discussion threads "explaining" why seems like a little too little and a little too late.

I've heard only ONE really solid excuse for a NCNS and that was years back when a provider's son was injured at his school and broke his arm and ended up in the ER. Provider got the call, left immediately and stood people up that day. Before she even had her kid home, NCNS threads were on ASPD. (Violating the unspoken rule about waiting at least a day before posting)

Many times guys are afraid to post a NCNS because they figure they will be made to look the bad guy. Her WK brigade will rally forth and post crap like, OH she never does that to ME. <vomit>

IF your appointment request is made through P411, if I am not mistaken, Gina does not like it if the provider has a habit of not making the appointments but she also holds the client to the same standard and the client can lose his account if he has a habit of this.

Maybe if both sides used the tools at hand, such as scheduling the appointments through the P411 appointment request system, the accountability on BOTH sides will rise and less chance of this happening will result?
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 07-10-2011, 12:07 AM
Using your criteria, being there would constitute grounds for a review. Would you allow any of the mouth-breathing morons who paid for and stood outside at the Super Bowl to write a first person review of that game? Their only connection to the field action was via outside monitors, just like the one in my media room. The difference being I didn't have to buy a ticket or deal with external conditions. I certainly wouldn't consider myself qualified to write a first person review and neither should they. Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
But I'm not proposing they write a review of the game...

Your example is poor, so I'm going to alter it slightly, in a way that closely resembles real life.

Your example would be better if say... they couldn't get into the Super Bowl because a greedy owner who wanted to set records sold seats that couldn't be used. By your account they couldn't write that they were denied access to the facility, even though they held a ticket.

A NCNS review, is a comment that they couldn't get into the game, even though they held a ticket. The statement by Bubba3452 that the mods don't usually attach a NCNS thread makes commenting on a NCNS, not worth the hassle of putting up with the WK's around here.

A couple times I have put up threads in the Mens Lounge asking why my experience was so different from the Reviews that I read. I've gotten lots of responses that similarly bad experiences by the gents were common, mixed in with the usual WK responses. Making it difficult for gents to research if the lady has NCNS threads, only hurts the utility of ECCIE. Since the NCNS threads will be so difficult to find, it is yet another reason why so few are done.
Brass Balls's Avatar
Of all the not so nice experiences I've had in this hobby, the NCNS is by far the worse and just burns my ass. It's my pet peave. From my side, there is the setup and planning, the drive (gas$$), probably tolls, the wait, more waiting, finally giving up, and then the long drive back home. My last NCNS with Alyssa Jayna, AKA Jillian, AKA Babydoll. Cost me 3 hours of my day, $10 in gas, and $5 in tolls. I gave her a few days to respond to my numerous voicemails and text messages. I knew she was around because she was posting 2-3 ads a day. As a last resort sent her (another) text but this time demanding a valid explanation or I was going to post a NCNS review. Received a phone call back in about 60 seconds with her yelling and threatening me. Some bullshit story about her sister in a "life and death situation" but must have been a miricle as she was posting new ads the next morning.

To me it's just bad manners to not keep an appointment (both ways) or at least give notification. In the history of mankind there has never been so many ways to communicate. Cell phones, text message, IM, PM, email, carrier pidgeon, the list just goes on and on. Things come up, I have no issue with that. Not taking 10 seconds to communicate, I have an issue with. Even just a "Sorry, I just don't want to see you" would be ok. But to go into ignore mode is just bad manners, rudeness, or just being an asshole, all the same to me.

In this case I wrote a review as I wanted to let others know they could be in for a waste of time with this flake of a lady. Mods, sorry I wrote it as a review, next time it will be a thread. I didn't know. Anyway, I believe there is value in tying both good as well as bad experiences to a provider to add real value to this board. Thus my reasoning for putting it in the review section. I don't do many reviews but I call them as I see them. If they're great, I say so (Fawn or DallasRain) and if they aren't so great I also say so. If they fuck me figuratively instead of literally I also say so. My purpose is to be honest so the next guy can be informed.

I'm not a big fan of TER and haven't been a member for years but one thing I liked is they had a quick link to Rip Off Reviews. Maybe it's just me but my first process is to try and eliminate the flakes and rip offs. Then try and find the prime. With ECCIE it takes a bit more work. I know there's the recommendation but I think most guys check yes just out of kindness. I've been guilty of that also. I for one would like to see a section just for "no-recommend" reviews. I think the ladies can use the alerts section for their bad experiences. I don't know, just a thought.
It is very bad manners to not respond in some way immediately unless I am in the hospital or car accident or something like that. Sometimes we get sick, etc, but I can still pick up the phone and answer or call him or email him. I'm sorry that happened to you, Brass Balls.
gptxman's Avatar
LL, The mods handle all reviews and attaching them to the correct provider. It is not automatic.

NCNS should be posted as threads. Co-Ed would be my recomendation so the provider can have her say without having to start a new thread. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
And I bet you guys would love the extra work of attaching NCNS threads to the review tab!! (Kidding!) Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I am one of those guys that did a NSNC review a while ago. I had seen several NSNC reviews just like the one I did so I did the same as they did. It didn't take long for a mod to inform me that it should have been a thread and not a review. I have been lucky enough that it hasn't happened again since so that was the only one I did that way.

I do agree that a NSNC is as much a part of the business as what happens BCD so it should be put out there for the guys to easily find. This way if you see a girl that has quite a few NSNC threads then you will know right away that it is possible she might do the same to you. This would at least allow a guy to create a back up plan before attempting to see her. Because of this even though Lazurus was "(Kidding!)" above about the NSNC thread being tied to the provider it sounds like a good ideal to me. It could be put on a separate tab or in with her reviews. Is this possible? Is it something the mods and management would be willing to do to make information easier to access like they did with the reviews?
But with that, then we should have something available likewise on here to put public when guys NCNS on us.
Anarquia's Avatar
Using your criteria, being there would constitute grounds for a review. Would you allow any of the mouth-breathing morons who paid for and stood outside at the Super Bowl to write a first person review of that game? Their only connection to the field action was via outside monitors, just like the one in my media room. The difference being I didn't have to buy a ticket or deal with external conditions. I certainly wouldn't consider myself qualified to write a first person review and neither should they. Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
No offense, but we're not exactly buying tickets to or paying someone to review the Super Bowl here......apples/oranges man.

IMO it should be attached as a review so when researching a provider it shows up. This website provides a service for services, and the ladies here are advertising those services. I personally don't view this as a social website.

If the ladies have a valid reason for a NCNS, then contact the mod and it's up to them to remove the review. No disrespect to the mods, but that is their job. Reviews and ads are what makes the site go round. Then again, I don't review, so maybe my opinion shouldn't count.