Cryptickinker MOD Out Of Control... Calls Board Member Names, Singles Out Members He Doesn't Like,Deleting of Threads & Posts!

Still Looking's Avatar
Review still has NOT been put back up. Why was it removed and why is it NOT being put back up? I gave two examples of similar reviews that are published today.

Toyz (review Of TS SL that does not exist!)

DearHunter #1 Review

Please Advise
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm staring ta think SL sold his account to a x modtard or admintard
carry on SL, who ever you are
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm staring ta think SL sold his account to a x modtard or admintard
carry on SL, who ever you are Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Thanks Gabby
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Get over it.
You intentionally dance on the line.
And, CK can be a lot of fun.
Still Looking's Avatar
Get over it.
You intentionally dance on the line.
And, CK can be a lot of fun. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
pyramider's Avatar
SL is Tito in the above youtube.
Prime Time's Avatar
Came here b/c I saw pyramider made the most recent post and was very disappointed when there was no taint reference.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Came here b/c I saw pyramider made the most recent post and was very disappointed when there was no taint reference. Originally Posted by Prime Time
Although he's just upset about SL's situation, you bring up a valid concern.

Are you ok?
Still Looking's Avatar
Although he's just upset about SL's situation, you bring up a valid concern.

Are you ok? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
You notice that answering the question(s) ends this but that's not happening is it? Why do you think that is?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Triangle's lost in taintland?

Or are you being metaphorical and still waiting for your questions to be answered?
Still Looking's Avatar
Triangle's lost in taintland?

Or are you being metaphorical and still waiting for your questions to be answered? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I want to know why my threAD / post / review was deleted and not put back up? I understand the 5 points. It was humors. To most every one but the mod who took it down.

I posted 5 wanted ADS in areas I frequent and know people. Las Vegas and Austin. I even posted the AD in the AsK Question of Staff area where it was removed and then put back up. I certainly disagree with the 10 points for spam. There is nothing in the guidelines about limits of posts. The ISO most certainly is a great example of that.

It is understood that certain things will be deleted. Pictures, outing posts, referencing children and other items that clearly break the guidelines.

Both the review and want ADS are the case. If guidelines have changed or mods have the ability to just delete what ever they please I simply asked an Admin to confirm this.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
After 6 years, do you really expect the gods of olympus to have one of the demi-gods respond to a mortal's questions?
pyramider's Avatar
If the questions were concerning taint, then yes.
Still Looking's Avatar
Mod answered questions via pm.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-06-2017, 11:12 AM
So, after you made such a public spectacle of your call for justice, are you going to enlighten us on the verdict?